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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. ((polearm should be added on the weapons))
  2. Reyna prepares a bandanna
  3. More ideas for players to be because nobody has applied yet: Lightning Evocation Dwarf- Thor Dread Knight- Batman Electric Evocation Dark Elf- The Flash Ent- Groot Ape Orc ShapeShifter- Beastboy Conjurer- Green Lantern Water Evocation and Mind Magic/Telekinesis- Aquaman Archer- Red/ Green Arrow or Hawkeye Orc with mind magic- Martian Manhunter Air Evocation Golem- Red Tornado Deity Mage- Shazam These are just suggestions, we just need more people who want to make a group like this!
  4. Reyna'Dom (Dead) -=Dead=-
  5. I appreciate and will implement the idea to help orient new players and currently I don't have a character to be yet because I am good with being almost anybody and I want to wait to see how many people are interested. :D
  6. Guild of Heroes Based off of Real Life Comic Book Heroes I am looking to create a guild / society made of fun and quality roleplayers. The main appeal to this society is that each person who lives there should be modeled off of a pre-existing real life superheroes. Super heroes are rather powerful and we look for people who are also powerful on the server, an example would be having powerful weapons and great pvp skills, or being a T5 lightning evocationist, ect. Example Character (The Hulk) Brooz Banyur, a troll who stands at 14 ft. tall and have serious anger management problems. They are decently intelligent until you piss them off but one you do they lose all sense of reason. (Character descriptions need to be longer depending on how complex the character would be to fit into the lore, for example Wonder Woman would be decently difficult to explain but I want detail that fit with the lore.) Heroes- As of now we currently have no people who live in this society sadly. But on the plus side you can choose which hero you want to be! Conflicts Say perhaps one person is already roleplaying a character based off of the Hulk and somebody else wants to be the Hulk. We would have a competition of sorts to see who is the most fit to be the character People would be judged upon: - Quality of Roleplay - How valuable they would be to the society - How powerful they are - Knowlegde of the character they want to play - How often they are able to be on the server - and other merits that somebody may have What Would the Society Do? Potentially the society would have events within itself and help others to have quality roleplay or find friends or roleplay partners. I believe that the community would stay mostly peaceful for the most part if totally possible. I want a tax free society that people should want to give to and watch it evolve but nothing would necessarily be demanded. Rules Don't be rude OOC and follow IG rules. How Do I Join? Please fill out the application below Society of Heroes Application MC Name: IC Name: Who you want to roleplay as (example: Hulk): Traits of your character: Skype? (You can pm me this, but it is necessary!): How much do you know about this character?: Will this be your main character?: Do you have reliable internet access?: Why do you want to be a part of this group?: Can you get along with others?: Extra merits?: Do you vote often?: Are you a donator? (Do not get special access!): Are you a Staff Member?: How long have you had this character?: How will you help this society, what can you bring?: How long have you played on LOTC?: Screen Shot of skin?:
  7. MC Name: jandyb1998 Character Name: Charles (Armahnk) Cresta I want my character to be turned into a (Y/N): Yes I want to become apart of your group because: Being evil is so much more fun than being pure and listening to social guidelines and stuff, I understand that I still need to adhere to server rules and I will. I have always thought of dread knights as a very serious group in character but I imagine them being really fun behind the screen and I really want to be a part of that. What can I bring to this group? I am confident that I can bring quality role play from a very well developed character and hopeful have some fun while striking fear into others in character. Can you play nice, and be willing to sit down with someone and explain something politely and cooperatively if something goes wrong, or someone is confused? I pride my self in being able to help others to a long extent. Time zone: CST Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): andy.barrett18
  8. The Form: I wish to learn Aeromancy Your Name: Charlie Cresta Your Age: 15ish Your Race: Human -OOC- MC Name: Jandyb1998 Skype: andy.barrett18 When did you join the server?: about 3 months ago I think
  9. ::OOC:: MC Name: Jandyb1998 Did you ever have a character with magic?: Nope Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yup Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish) andy.barrett18 ::IC:: Name: Etheran Moonmagus Age:25 Gender:male Race: Dark Elf What would you like to learn?: Aeromany or Electromancy Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Mage Classes
  10. ::OOC:: MC Name: Jandyb1998 Did you ever have a character with magic?: Nope Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yup Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish) andy.barrett18 ::IC:: Name: Etheran Moonmagus Age:25 Gender:male Race: Dark Elf What would you like to learn?: Aeromany or Electromancy Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Mage Classes
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