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Status Updates posted by mystic

  1. [Denied] Please update the Wiki!!!!! Due to the Ever changing lore, and me trying to master it by spending a little longer than a month reading it before Applying It Changed!!! Are you kidding me? Oh... And Grammer Nazi's yes "A few grammatical Errors" mainly due to when you copy and paste the Template it Comes WITH THE BROWN BACKROUND SO YOU CAN'T SEE THE RED LINE!!! All heil the Grammer Nazi Rieche for Furhur Grammer!!!

    1. bickando


      Have better grammar to begin with, copy paste the template somewhere else first then onto the forums, take English, Ischpeckenzie Deusch, look around on the forums to look at new lore. Have fun

  2. Account #1 Denied Everything is great but your character's story is too drastic (i.e. orc's killed mother took me in slavery) which is funny because I seen a Approved one that seemingly took mine... Lol Denied #2: Storys too bland, A peasant Family Farmer boy who is 24 wants to start his life by moving into a city Sorry too bland And unoriginal, like... No disrespect but I feel these moderators are the 20+ year old Neckbeards who read fan fictions and provide there unnecessary "...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ventusyr


      It's understandable to be annoyed that you didn't get in. Just understand they aren't doing this to be jerks; they really are offering constructive criticism for you to make a more in-depth character.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Why do the A-Team members enforce players to create stupid, snowflake characters?

    4. Ventusyr


      To add diversity to the server, not another warrior whose parents were killed by orcs and the farm they lived on razed and now they need to seek vengeance. They don't want any more Eragons and Aragorns because those are boring and repetitive. They want people who can provide interesting rp, like a doctor, or somebody whose passions is cooking, or an author. Can't have roleplay if nobody plays a role and everybody is a "Hero".

  3. Anybody have a list of Clientside mods I could see? ones that are accepted by the server of course

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lima


      Its a hacked client..

    3. mystic


      I am aware... I just wanted Proper Help...

    4. Drelik
  4. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, I just want on duh serva!

  5. Grr... Trying to Set a .git Under 2 mb a my Profile Pic!

  6. How the Hell can the servers User Authentication be down? wtf

  7. How the Hell can the servers User Authentication be down? wtf

  8. I can't seem to use my gravatar or upload... I look like a Pleb

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mystic


      Oh my gerd... thank you guys so much, Ive been here for 2 hours trying everything but that xD thank-you so much

    3. Grouchy


      took me like 3 months to realize how to change it

    4. mystic
  9. I, of the Decturum, was Killed By a Imperial Ensign as I was Talking to the ******* Lord who sits atop Mt. August... The Guy who Sent me as Far as I believe, Imperial Army.. Doesn't RDM a member of the Decturum (Another Branch of the Army) WTF is this Bullshit Ass Human PvP? Why? Did little Bloodthirsty Warmongering Child Kill me?

  10. I, of the Decturum, was Killed By a Imperial Ensign as I was Talking to the ******* Lord who sits atop Mt. August... The Guy who Sent me as Far as I believe, Imperial Army.. Doesn't RDM a member of the Decturum (Another Branch of the Army) WTF is this Bullshit Ass Human PvP? Why? Did little Bloodthirsty Warmongering Child Kill me?

  11. I, of the Decturum, was Killed By a Imperial Ensign as I was Talking to the ******* Lord who sits atop Mt. August... The Guy who Sent me as Far as I believe, Imperial Army.. Doesn't RDM a member of the Decturum (Another Branch of the Army) WTF is this Bullshit Ass Human PvP? Why? Did little Bloodthirsty Warmongering Child Kill me?

  12. I, of the Decturum, was Killed By a Imperial Ensign as I was Talking to the ******* Lord who sits atop Mt. August... The Guy who Sent me as Far as I believe, Imperial Army.. Doesn't RDM a member of the Decturum (Another Branch of the Army) WTF is this Bullshit Ass Human PvP? Why? Did little Bloodthirsty Warmongering Child Kill me?

  13. I, of the Decturum, was Killed By a Imperial Ensign as I was Talking to the ******* Lord who sits atop Mt. August... The Guy who Sent me as Far as I believe, Imperial Army.. Doesn't RDM a member of the Decturum (Another Branch of the Army) WTF is this Bullshit Ass Human PvP? Why? Did little Bloodthirsty Warmongering Child Kill me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Temp


      One, stop raging. Two, stop raging. Three, if you have no name listed, I'm doubting it was an Imperial Ensign.

    3. CommunistSpy


      bcause ur dectrum skum

      o wait



      minecraft fantasy roleplay experience online hate machine

  14. Seeing that we can't openly build in the wild makes me sad, that people Whitelisted to make it in a server and do things like break RP and Arent waiting 30 minutes to return to a battle makes me sad, You guys put so much effort into your characters... Why would you do such a thing to get banned/trouble? Because you yourselves represent this server with your actions and (Not everyone) have shunned the community with your Actions in the Human - Dwarf Tensions But there is Repentance, its no...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nationalist


      might want to make a post rather than a status for that one champ

    3. SirSnowMan
    4. monkeypoacher


      because quite simply this temp map sucks ****.

  15. We NEED to port to 1.7.10 Theres literally No Forge for 1.7.9 and No shaders what so ever... Seriously its either be On 1.7.2 Have Clientside mods and Great Shaders or go to 1.7.9 to see skins

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supah


      What I mean, update your client to 1.7.10, and install all the mods and stuff. It'll work.

    3. Llir


      You can log onto 1.7.9 servers on 1.7.10

    4. mystic


      I'm sorry It worked... uhh.. I coulda swore it said 1.7.9 Spigot before

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