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    AU - AWST | GMT+8

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See all updates by Amayonnaise

  1. CT - Stepping Down

    Hey guys! Just wanted to announce that I am stepping down from CT. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving the community and working alongside my fellow team members, but my recent move across the country has placed me back in the arms of loved ones and long-time friends, and I'm much more focused on my IRL adventures (I haven't logged onto the server in a few weeks now >->).

    I am lingering for a small while in the background just to ensure the team has all of my resources + help finish some current projects, but I wish them lots of love and luck! I may return in the future!

    Please know that you're still more than welcome to approach me with any concerns or issues, and I'm still more than willing to help you be heard in any way that I can (even without my position + pex qwq).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. squakhawk
    3. Samler


      Take flight, enjoy the freedom, the grass and the people around you. +1

    4. Adelemphii
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