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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Trinn

  1. 47 minutes ago, BrandNewKitten said:

    You could draw a comic of Iatrilemar finally meeting his daughter;



    “D-dad? Is that you pa-pa?”



    *slips out of hug*

    *walks away*

    *more tears*


    Ilaeriana Elervathar cries herself 2 sleep everyday 

  2. hi 


    I have a school project due in like 2 weeks and i chose to make a comic,, so now I have to draw a few pages of it and show the """planning"" I have for it--which includes character sheets and designs


    but like idc what the comic is and will draw any character i find interesting for it. so basically ill draw a shitty full body of your character for free if u give me permission to use it for my school project """characters planning""" and story setting. Might look like this, might look shittier. Mainly depends on how much effort I'll put into this school project/how much time I'll have. 





    tl;dr I'll draw characters that i find interesting/do-able for free if u let me use it for my school project. wont guarantee it to look great/complete but its free so lol




    ok like but write the details of your character down there pls 

    also 0 guarantee of who i pick idk what my story even is 

  3. Talked about this a bit with you before, but yeah, I'd rather see the summoning of the Mani have more risks added to it in order for it to become a last resort effort. Not in a sense that the mani are dangerous, but rather adding to it that the process of summoning them become a danger as well


    I'd say the greater the mani, the greater the danger. I don't know if it'd be as dire as a PK Clause, but something to make it a definite last ditch effort. Im eating rn and have no ideas will hit u up if I think of smth

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