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Status Updates posted by VampsWillDie

  1. how do i check how much money i've donated?

    1. AGiantPie


      You've donated $125.

      Trust me you have, idk how you check how much you've donated though.

    2. VampsWillDie


      h...how do you know that

  2. if you hit someone twice after emoting to them with just your fists when they ignore your emote to get their attention can they turn around and kill you?

    1. TavernLich


      Not sure on your question, but killing someone with little to no RP is bannable.

  3. If you vote but aren't on the server, do you still get minas?

    1. monkeypoacher


      I don't believe so, sadly

  4. booklight where you go :c

    1. James


      *Watcher of booklight #2014

  5. Can someone draw character art for my character? :3

    1. excited


      I'm willing to give it a shot, warning, I'm not the best, but I'm not bad. Been working on my art skills.

  6. I'm making a budding electrical evocation character. almost tier 2. Is there anyone who can OOCly mentor me (all i have is the guide and common sense) or ICly further teaching?

    1. tnoy23


      I can help you out OOCly. Pop me a PM whenever and I'll answer any questions you have.

  7. I beg of thee, raise the server up from the dead!!!

    1. TavernLich


      I ain't not Necromancer!

  8. god damn it my armor and sword are gone !

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      oi vey, God's name in vain

  9. Will Petrus let half orcs live with them? :3

  10. Why weas a roleplay thread removed...

    1. Sporadic


      because a moderator pressed the remove button

  11. To be completely honest, I love and hate Kalenz. On a moral level I wanna kill him. (not Supremacy, the character!!) And on an Ic level, I wanna kill him. xD But I love how crazy he is. Or at least how crazy he looks. I wouldn't wanna meet him, rather, observe from a distance.

    1. SpiltMemes


      Crikey! Love ova' thea'! Issa' Kalenz!

  12. Yo long time no see holy **** turns out I have not 2, but 3 Minecraft accounts. ******* jesus. ANyway, does anyone know if they still do that grandfathering thing for if you practiced magic during the Fringe where magic was free for all? I’m pretty sure the character Gwendolyn had an application but it’s gone now. She had practiced electrical evocation and (not that it’s relevant anymore) soul puppetry. Any luck with that? 

    1. AlphaMoist


      The app needs to be found otherwise you’ve missed the grandfather deadline by a long while

  13. So bored.... don't know...how to cope...the waiting...is stronk

  14. apparently even non donators can get more soul stone slots by playing or something. how much play time is required to get an extra one? i don't like the fact that i have to choose where my character lives or the cloud temple as my ss...

  15. To the new character cards, I've updated the Index for you.

  16. this is...beautiful. ERB of History : Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock
  17. Why is the server being completely useless?

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