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  1. In my personal opinion, spriggans shouldn’t be rewritten. I believe that not all magics need their own personal golem race. Open for a debate.

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    2. Killmatronix


      Construct CAs all act in very similar fashions and many people are not interested in them. Keeping something that’s been done a bunch of times before and does not attract a lot of players is silly.

    3. monkeypoacher


      who cares why are we thinking about this in terms of attracting players anyway?


      how many balrogs did they mention in the rings trilogy? even though they’re ostensibly maiar corrupted by service to melkor and they have a bunch of deep lore and they come up in the silmarils, to 99% of people familiar with the mythos, they’re the big fire demon that fought gandalf. and they’re better that way. nobody needs to see like 20 active players on the same CA to be convinced by that creature or to enjoy rping with someone. people enjoy variety and creativity more than they value one ca race having more players, and you have to remember for the majority of the playerbase lotc is their personal adventure, they don’t know or care about how many people play muyakelgs or spriggans, but encountering one gives an opportunity for some interesting rp


       you’re regurgitating seventhcircle’s language about “activity” but all that really does is rig the system in favor of **** like izkuthii, zar’ei and striga, which cast a broad net by having literally no drawbacks to rping, and have basically no identity other than as combat augmented ca races. I get the argument that spriggans act the same way as golems, but when you can convince me that the three aforementioned races act any differently I’ll believe you’re being wholehearted. Until then, what I’m really hearing is someone capitalizing on the mass shelfing to try and push their own unfounded opinions on the canon



      Edited by xxx
    4. Killmatronix


      More differently than a magically constructed race of big rock/wood, all things considered.

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