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About Branden

  • Birthday 09/22/2004

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    Mr goddamn it#1688
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    Arktane jason
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  1. By any chance, did you take my flame sword? It costed me like 5000 mina. To compare, iron is 0.6 mina about

    1. monkeypoacher


      goddamn dude he didn’t deserve it give him his sword back

    2. Nectorist


      I don’t recall taking your flame sword, and I would have no reason to, however I’ll go looking to see what happened to it. Send me a PM on the forums with info about your sword if you can

    3. Branden


      No actually, someone was using xray earlier. I saw because there was weird patterns. Someone is robbing places, and they are stealing stuff around people. I think this is why diamond costs 0.9 mina each. Please check the person who sells diamonds that much because thats unusual

  2. Im going to take this to the admins, please don’t review the random ban you made.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Branden


      I just need proof that i was hacking. He didn’t send any picture of x-ray, and im being banned for speculation. I can’t be guilty until proven innocent because it doesn’t work anywhere. Please show me proof.

    3. Zacho


      Well on LOTC a GMs word is generally absolute. innocent until guilty doesn’t apply here because we are on a fantasy minecraft world.

    4. Branden


      Yeah, i can accuse you of hacking the server, do you get banned after that? I think you should because you are hacking. I dont have proof, but since i don’t have proof, i can get you banned for hacking.

      Do i need proof that you are hacking? Because if i don’t, then you probably get banned right?

  3. Branden


    Aquaquean, i made the skin myself, so my bad if its bad. I just wanted a skin that fits the lore Other skin was from yesterday but it got turned down
  4. Branden


    The definition of powergaming is basically having powers that you shouldn’t have like slicing someone’s head off or blowing up someone with a flick of a fingler. For example, the only time powergaming isn’t really power gaming is if you’re like as strong as goku and if goku is going against yamcha. (if you watch dragon ball z or super) Imma change the lore actually, i believe its bad too XD
  5. Branden


    Wow, i got an invite from a faction XD
  6. “Arktane walked across the hallway with an emotionless stare. When he reached to the door that is across the room, he stared at the door and slowly opened it.”
  7. Branden


    Arktane Jason was a kid that only stayed in an empire called Holy Orienan Empire. Arktane got severely beaten up by his parents, soon abused. At the age of 12, he learnt how to become true to himself despite dangers across his life. The man learnt how to hunt outside of his city. A dark end moved in, his will became stronger while he aged. Arktane ran into a library, Orien had pretty good books, and ideals. Their city was beautiful. Arktane read the books about ancient history. As Arktane learnt about the religions and ancient history, he decided that all religions weren’t telling the truths. He learnt one thing, the only thing is that god existed and god helped create the entire universe itself. His parents were canonist, they believed that all religions were false and theirs was real. When his parents found out he was reading about other religions. His parents kicked him out at the age of 18. As he got kicked out, he decided to run away from the city and survive in the wild. He trained to become a strong soldier, a soldier that surpasses all, but fails. He couldn’t even fight a boar, let alone a soldier. Arktane found another unlucky dark end, a darkness that inspired his journey. Arktane traveled to agnarum to find power. As he was gathering food and supplies for himself, a bunch of thief attacked him on the ground and assaulted him while trying to build a house. He ran away and tried to blend in the darkness. As he hid around the trees and climbing onto them, his entire body was covered in blood. He saw his house burn down. The house was burnt into charcoals and it took years to build. His will was so strong, that he ambushed the robbers one by one choking and slicing their throat. He killed two of the robbers and looted their bodies, but another robber from the shadows attacked him by sacking him with a sharp object that scratched his back. The robber tore his leg’s skin when Arktane tried to struggle out. The robber broke his left arm while trying to kill him. Arktane crawled towards one of the robbers to take a knife. The robber then jumped on him when Arktane got the knife, but Arktane pulled the robber into him with a knife in front which penetrated the robber’s mouth. Arktane tried to find bandages to fix his arms and explored into the wilderness soon finding the cloud temple, “God, I’ll follow your path, I will never settle!”
  8. Branden


    Arktane Jason was a kid that only stayed in a village. Arktane got severely beaten up by his parents, soon abused. At the age of 12, he learnt how to become true to himself despite dangers across his life. The man learnt how to hunt around his village. A dark end moved in, his will became stronger while he aged. His parents kicked him out at the age of 18. As he got kicked out, he decided to run away from the village and survive in the wild. He trained to become a strong soldier, a soldier that surpasses all, but fails. He couldn’t even fight a boar, let alone a soldier. Arktane found another unlucky dark end, a darkness that inspired his journey. As he was gathering food and supplies for himself, a bunch of thief attacked him on the ground and assaulted him while trying to build a house. He ran away and tried to blend in the darkness. As he hid around the trees and climbing onto them, his entire body was covered in blood. He saw his house burn down. The house was burnt into charcoals and it took years to build. His will was so strong, that he ambushed the robbers one by one choking and slicing their throat. He killed all 5 of the robbers and looted their bodies and explored into the wilderness, “God, I’ll follow your path, I will never settle!”
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