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Status Updates posted by candlite

  1. A smile is universal, so wherever you go, and you flash a smile, everyone knows your happy :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TavernLich


      I thought it was since 1567...

    3. Endovelicus


      It was since 666 BC actually-

    4. Lark


      Zhonyas pizza disapproves

  2. Good Evening Ladies, Gentlemen, Elves, Orcs, Kha, Humans, Halflings, Half-Elves, Frost Witches, Necromancers, Magicians, All other Respectives creatures of many kinds, and Children of all ages! \ (•◡•) / (That's a mouth-full)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShameJax


      I identify as an attack helicopter thank you very much.

      Check your privilege. 

    3. candlite


      Well excuseeeeeee me Mr. Attack Helicopter, I did mean all respective creatures and creations of all sorts.

    4. Skippy


      i see dwarves dont matter

  3. I tried to enter the server during the war, but the server is preventing me from joining in on it :c

  4. If the mind is like a candle, then the heart is like the...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Space


      THE SUN!!1!1?11?111111!?1/11!?1/1/1/!/!1

    3. candlite


      Yes! Space got it!

    4. Man of Respect
  5. Quick! Say names that have Apple in it!

  6. That moment when you can't login to your minecraft account...

  7. The /dev is real ._.

  8. Theres all types of magic, but what about Void magic itself? Anyone though of that?

    1. Nug
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Void translocation, Voidal Shifting & Arcanism all revolve around that idea. Though you could definitely submit a new type! :D

  9. Welp, someone must've pressed the wrong button back in Mojang...

  10. Welp, war's over.

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