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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kvasir

  1. I'm starting to feel good again 

  2. I love 2+ min delay

  3. wonder what happened to this guy


  5. hope you are all having a nice day :)

  6. Hey, Dragons, I was banned while you made my skin, But I am back and can probably pay you, friend. 

  7. hello, perplexed_aris, continue rp after rollback

  8. Please have this up soon...

  9. how long more? :(

  10. marry me on date craft, but i'm in jail.

  11. failed meme


  12. and yes i wrote a poem just for the meme

  13. This is how i imagine you

  14.  i love you

  15. that was exciting, please record that and send that to me, it will be my ring tone. Your rap was almost as beautiful as my character

  16. Hello, I am back.

  17. server's slowing down at the end of the school year closes down

  18. ur a female

  19. where did you go

  20. servers back!

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