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Status Updates posted by BartOhYeah

  1. I felt dejavu while watching the battle for winterfell. Only, there were no grass... ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

  2. i just desked a bowl of myself all over soy sauce and my spill

  3. I miss cave mining.

  4. I think the server is now in its teenage rebellious years.

    1. BartOhYeah


      That's why it's always kill

  5. I was addicted to soap once...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nolan_


      So was I, cleaned myself up also. But one day in the shower it slipped back into my life.

    3. Nolan_


      dark (but squeaky clean) days.

    4. Travista


      I was addicted to swamps once. For instance, right now.

  6. I'm just laughing at the status updates of my friends in facebook. Dimwats, we're Filipinos... we got nothing to do with 4th of July!

  7. I'm pretty sure that the people who are online right now are pretty bored. 2 random people just thanked me for voting. Wut.

  8. I'm so tempted to change my MC name to BlurryFace right now. twenty one pilots is just so goooooood

  9. I'm the greatest Plebian ever according to Lark

    1. Lark


      Aha you found it

    2. BartOhYeah


      Might I get a title for it? A medal at least? :D

  10. I'mma firin' muh lazors...

  11. Is it only through becoming Gold VIP that you get to have a 3rd persona?

  12. Make sure you never roll a tire down the hill if there's a cow standing behind you wearing red rubber boots.

    1. Rethai
    2. BartOhYeah


      If it's blue rubber boots, you're good.

  13. My friend said he only cries when he smell onions. I threw a coconut at him.

  14. Server still no?


  16. Skreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  17. Take 2: What shirt does an astronaut wear?

    1. BartOhYeah


      Apollo shirt

    2. Ford


      Usually a wifebeater

    3. drfate786


      No fordo, they wear pink dresses.

  18. tfw when the votifier is asking for a wild animal but the supposed right answer shows a picture of an animal in captivity... seriously?

  19. Time is the music planets make

  20. TurkeyBaconBiscuitBalls

  21. Un-kill server please... I want to continue my premiume roleplay experience D:

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