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Status Updates posted by Archipelego

  1. horde of orcs, flitter of wood elves, march of dark elves, pack of humans, flock of halflings, skimper of snow elves, rock of dwarves, squad of kha, fam of hou-zi!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Gaggle of ghouls

  2. I can't say I've missed these...

  3. i have a hoard of lore ideas on a google doc im saving for a rainy day

  4. I just ate some pizza rolls. You're Welcome

  5. i wonder how long it is until /I/ get br'd. babies first ban report

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I didn't even recognize you with your new profile picture :c

  6. if i watched GoT I would have spoiled it by now ;)

  7. If somebody was on a truth serum where it was impossible to lie, and they

  8. im almost at 100 rep !!


    1. NotEvilAtAll


      *gives archipelago one more rep

    2. Archipelego
  9. imagine coming home to your son doing drugs. thats what coming home to LOTC updates is like.


  11. lotc staff be like 


  12. LOTC Wc's in a nutshell:


  13. make a wonk 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yaldabaoth
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Tree – wonk subrace when? Do they hibernate if they get too cold? 

    4. SoulReapingWolf


      Where is your green?


  14. merry halloween

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Męrri hall of wêëñ 

  15. Net Neutrality, nibba

  16. oh, babies first warning point. wonderful

  17. please fix our ******* forums

  18. please jesus i wanted to be nice before but what are you doing fam these changes are hurting me physically like yeah i guess we'll get used to them but WHY

    1. Archipelego


      ok i do like this new way of replying to statuses that's pretty cool ill give you that

    2. 501warhead


      7 minutes ago, Archipelego said:

      ok i do like this new way of replying to statuses that's pretty cool ill give you that


  19. pls why all the random changes on the forums? if it aint broke, dont fix it, pls, this isn't a complaint i just dont see why you're directing your efforts like this ok byebye

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elfen_


      i prefer sticking to our 2011 roots(yes, forums have been basically the same for 6yrs).

    3. Archipelego


      i mean, i dunno if that's a bad thing or not. the only bad thing ive ever had on the forums are the annoying video adds, and the occaisonal downtime. i dont see why changing lil things like this makes a difference. just my imput fam

    4. Elfen_


      I mean it as you said, if it aint broke, don't fix it. They got rid of video ads(which are the stupidest form of ads for a website). Tbh either keep it the same one do one massive overhaul that puts the site into the "new age" of web design

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