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Posts posted by Sebbysc

  1. Ludolf Barclay sat within the western tower that overlooked the bridge of St. Daniel. His studies were doing well for him, but despite his success thus far there was only one thing upon his mind. It was his family, and the boy missed them dearly so. Perhaps he'd get to visit them within the coming weeks and tell them all about monastic life. "I wonder how Papa is doing," he'd ask himself. 


    "I ought to write him a letter!" Surely he was not prepared for the coming response. 

  2. "Edmund," was a name often spoken of within the Hand of Horen. Oftentimes it was with mournful whispers, or tales of remembrance. To such a young boy this name held so much weight to it like those of the Exalted. It was so familiar but remained almost esoteric in nature to him. John Jr. would never get to meet this Edmund, nor would he ever get the full story of his existence. However, this grandiose name wouldn't live as a simple footnote in Alstion history nor would it live idly in the mind of the third-born child. It would take hold and likely shape the outcome of his life for better or for worse. 


    John Jr. would find himself sitting along the windowsill of his chamber as he watched the smoke billow up from the West. As all of these thoughts came and went he'd end up thinking of ways to welcome his Father once he made his return. 

  3. "Perhaps this'll be my chance to prove myself to her," Leofric remarked as he rode through the Haenser snow. For a time, he had been distracted from his duties as both squire & student. "I am coming, Me'Lord." This would be a turning point for both him and the world as he knew it. It was this moment that would bring him back to Caladras.


    After he left Valdev, a letter took his place to warn a special interest of his departure. @alien_mc

  4. Stefano gave the parchment a read as he sauntered about the room below the King's Chamber. "Now this! This is-a good work, your Majesty!" The Illatian man gave the missive a massive, sloppy kiss. "MWAH! Now let us bring in a new era for GOD's people."

  5. One of my personas has MANY slots in his family that need to be filled. The one requirement is that they're a Dencynn! Otherwise, the choices don't quite matter. Sister, brother, mother or father. I'd be glad to work on a deep history with you. You can find me on discord @ sebbysc

    I can either make or help you find a skin if you partake. 

    Currently my persona is located in Caladras, Numendil. However, your character can roam about and participate anywhere they wish. We're travelers, afterall.

    Here is the culture page: 


  6. Ser Leopold was welcomed into the Seven Skies by those he called his friend. With Heinrich being one of the first faces to welcome him he knew he was in a better place. There would be much to discuss between them all. However, the one thing Leopold wondered about was that if there was something to drink in GOD's domain. King Edmund & Prince Heinrich required a toast, afterall!

  7. I'll start by saying that I have friends on both sides of this, and that I do not hold disdain for anyone involved. MineMan RP is MineMan RP. That's why I took the time to think about this over the course of the last few days.


    I'd like to first mention that Mari has been extremely cooperative (personally) throughout a majority, if not all, roleplay situations and everything else in-between. I've enjoyed her roleplay and find that she is often pleasant to communicate with. With that said, I believe that it was a series of unfortunate, ooc oversights that brought this roleplay to this point. I personally do not believe that she held any ooc ill-intent for anyone and that they didn't drive her actions.


    On our side:


    We lacked clear communication with Mari & Co. over the course of this month(s) long narrative. Instead of confronting anyone about issues first hand we let them slide in an act of grace. When this narrative originally started we should've been more upfront with what we wanted / expected / understood regarding it and it's driving factors.


    I will say that it is reasonable for Coma to speak out against perceived ooc targeting and the unfortunate mechanics behind out SS pillar system. We should just get rid of pillars for the sake of RP, but that's too radical for the community.




    I believe the oversights held no ooc malice, but instead they were simple things that could easily slip-up. These are things anyone could do. I am slightly uncomfortable with the assumptions made by your character. I however don't see why they can't remain at this point. I wish we had rp'd a bit more and built up to it. I understand you didn't like playing the persona at times between this Summer and now, so with that being said I understand why we didn't reach out to one another about developing the narrative we had going on.


    The biggest issues would be the "bad faith" oversight and the SS pillar situation. It is clear that having two personas working towards the same goal / eventline is questionable. This shouldn't personally lead to any punishment given the lack of severity and the lack of enforcement by the community as a whole. As you have seen, ooc motives drive a lot of rp on LoTC now, which is an unfortunate direction things have been taken in. I'm sure the SS pillar rp can be rectified or figured out without much issue. It is but one instance afterall.


    These are things I can say regarding Mari, but I cannot willingly speak for others involved on her side.




    Any perceived uncooperative behavior is surely based on the tension associated with the narrative, uncorrected hurts, and the unspoken nature of the conversation up unto this point. I ultimately believe that a compromise can be made and that a just decision can come out of this. I invite character development and consequences, for that is how you build a narrative. I do not condone ooc witchhunts on EITHER party, for our sake or hers.




    @marikandaperc @comatoseprincess


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ser Elerrion of Caladras


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. Nights of constant unrest held onto Ser Leopold still. There was more work to be done in securing Whitespire for the upcoming Troubles & Tribulations that sought out its people. One of the Watchman handed over a half-torn missive, and for a long time his eyes dragged across each word. He didn't show it publicly, but a jumble of thoughts came to his mind. Some of them were of pride whilst others were of fear of what was to come...

  10. It was difficult to sleep the night that the meeting occurred. Being in the room where it happens was a challenge for Ser Leopold. There were moments he enjoyed being involved in the intricate happenings of Whitespire, but sometimes they'd take their toll on him. Rest was the furthest thing he could find, and so he sat-up late through the night as he pondered the fate of these von Augustens. Their children do not deserve to be torn from their Father. That is for certain. The issue that resurfaced over, and over was how he could have them protected from their vile relatives and Mother.


    There were two, lit candles on his window sill meant for two of his dearly departed friend. Those flames reminded him of his purpose and why he must make these hard choices. "Gawyn and Richard.. Help me now."

  11. The Barony of Napoliza provided solace for Ser Leopold during this stretch of time. There was much work to be done and not enough hours in the day to accomplish it all. There were threats left and right that the newly appointed Commander had to squish before they got out of hand. For a time, he had a friend he could rely on during these tribulations. It wasn't until one of the Varoche servants brought him lunch that he found out the gruesome fate of his first friend.


    The two spent months together in a prison cell as they witnessed the horrific treatment provided by lowly bandits. Was this truly the end? The realization that he likely died alone hit Leopold the most. It was almost too painful to consider what his Officer could've been thinking in those last moments.


    There was still too much to do, and the shift in Leopold's countenance surely revealed such. At least he could help his friend's family if he couldn't be there for Richard in his final moments.

  12. CTeOg5EdphzkGpaoOhfq_zcubOzRc_38m5OX8VigrgZIKRa_VfvqN7wPOktPn5pMk5XIqfFxmtABwNf6h-w5kcKi6E8orEPFZ-NvIjGfml69AJkIXc_vUPsR_-AkP-jAXt-HM6jpUid-v0xpQEx_cQ



    Issued and Confirmed by Ser Leopold Alexander Haverlock, Commander of The Whitespire City Watch


    For the People, By the People


    The City Watch, for His Majesty’s City of Whitespire, is looking for new recruits to join its ranks. From peasants to the noblest of lords, all are welcome. The great city of Whitespire has newly established The Watch to combat the threats facing the denizens of The Ivory City and the peoples of the greater Crownlands, with a time of peace coming upon the kingdom it shall be the duty of The Watch to uphold law and order within the capital. It is the duty of all those willing and able to step up and join The Watch and bolster its numbers.


    With all that said, The Commander of The Watch, Ser Leopold Havelock, and his officers will be hosting a showcase of The Watch. This is an excellent opportunity for prospective watchmen to enquire about The Watch, meet its officers and witness the fighting prowess and military excellence of Aaun and her vassals.



    It is the responsibility of the Watch to maintain peace, stability, and justice within Whitespire and the Crownlands. Some of these responsibilities are:


    • Patrolling the city streets and near-by road networks.

    • Arresting & interrogating suspects.

    • Testing Darkspawn.

    • Assisting in development projects throughout the city.


    Joining the Watch is not without benefit:


    • Salary based on rank & position.

    • Pension & Retirement Funds

    • Free Armor & Weapons

    • Commendations such as medals, mina, and land.




    As a part of the recruitment drive The Watch is hoping to host raffle tourneys for all Aaunites wishing to test their metal in head to head combat. The Watch wishes to recruit those brave enough to defend His Majesty’s city without restraint. Let the bravest and strongest of the kingdom show themselves worthy to join The Watch!




    Both tournaments will require a 10 Mina fee to participate in. Ser Leopold will collect it before the start of each tournament and will provide the proper calculations of distribution. Half of the collected coin will be given to the Champion. A quarter of the fund is given to the crowd favorite. The last quarter will be used for maintenance of the tournament.


    Brawling, hand to hand combat.

    CRP RAFFLE TOURNEY, OOC INFO: Saturday, October 7th, 5 PM EST


    A duel unto submission.

    PVP RAFFLE TOURNEY, OOC INFO: Saturday, October 7th, ~ 6 PM EST


    Signed, Ser Leopold Haverlock, Commander of The Whitespire City Watch





    Writ of Establishment of



    Issued and Confirmed by Ser Leopold Alexander Haverlock, Commander of The Whitespire City Watch


    For the People, By the People



    It  is  the  will  of  the  Crown  and  its  Whitespearian  Government  of  Wards  that  given  the  ever-changing landscape of threats to the City of Whitespire that a reformation must  occur within its defense. 


    The Legion of Aaun’s Service has represented both prestige and excellence, but its focus is far wider than what is necessary for the needs of Whitespire. It is by the Crown’s decree, and conjoined approval by the Government of Wards, that a novel method be provided in the protection of the Crownlands, one that remains established in Aaun’s traditions and Great Charter. Therefore, let it be known, that the Whitespire City Watch has been established for the people, and by the people.






    The Watchmen were established in response to the rising threats surrounding the city of Whitespire and the Crownlands. Instead of raising a standing retinue, the Crown dictated that a Watch sourced by the people & membership of Whitespire would suffice in its defence. In addition to its martial aspects, additional disciplines have been introduced so that the Watch may function as a broader society. This would allow physicians, hunters, scribes and more to assist in the development of Whitespire and the Crownlands. With Royal Patronage the charter will provide a greater service than that of a layman's guild.



    The Whitespire Watch is established for and by the City of Whitespire, and as a result follows similar dogma as its local Government & denizens. The Watch naturally ebbs and flows with the city’s population and its ideology. If the Watch is unable to synchronize with its people then it’ll surely fail to protect them.


    All members within the Watch are subject to the doctrine listed below.


    Legislation of the Government of Wards & Crown

    GREAT CHARTER OF AAUN | Est. in 1900

    LEX AAUNICA | Est. in 1913



    THE TAX CONCESSIONS LAW | Est. in 1933







    Only denizens of Aaun that reside in Whitespire may join the City Watch. Exceptions may be made jointly by the Crown, Lord Mayor, and Commander. The order shall be structured in a hierarchical manner, with the following ranks from highest to lowest:


    The King of Aaun

    • As the Commander-In-Chief of the Watch, the King of Aaun exercises absolute authority over the entire charter and all of its members. The King has the sole authority to appoint a Commander or other de-facto leading figure for the charter, and as well holds to release anyone from their sworn oath to the charter.


    Clementine Court

    • The relationship between the royal court and the charter is unlike the arrangement between that of it and the King. The Watchmen remain as a form of protection for the Court and its participants within Whitespire. 


    The Royal Order of the Knightly Circle of Saint Godwin of Aaun

    • Within the hierarchy, the Royal Order holds an esteemed position in comparison to the City Watch. These Knights are bestowed authority and power by his Majesty that goes beyond that of Whitespire. As a result the Commander may accept judgment and guidance from the Order without taking directives from it. In a field-setting, the Watchmen oftentimes take orders from members of the Royal Order given the difference in martial experience & ability. This is even the case for officers within the Watch.


    Lord Mayor & Government of Wards

    • As the acting government of Whitespire, the Government of Wards works in conjunction with the Watch to provide adequate protection for Whitespire. The Watch is bestowed its authority by the Crown, but its direction & purpose are bolstered by the city's government. The Lord Mayor nor the Commander answer to one another directly outside of agenda setting.




    Lord Captain | Ser Wulfram von Rademacher @SimplySeo

    • The Commander is the overarching leader of the Watch. He decides on what is focused on, develops strategic plans for Whitespire, and oversees the corps of officers beneath him. He works closely with the Lord Mayor, Clementine Court, and King of Aaun in order to successfully provide for the Crownlands. 


    Adjutant | Leutwin Barclay @alien_mc

    • The adjutant is the second-in-command of the Watch and provides for it in the absence of the Commander. He assists in overseeing and managing the Watch through the development of strategic plans, delegating responsibilities to the officer corps beneath him, and interacting with the governmental bodies on a day-to-day basis.



    • As the most senior position beneath that of the Adjutant and Commander, an Ensign is responsible for daily duties regarding training, logistics, and recruitment. An Ensign is also expected to provide leadership during field work and emergency situations. Oftentimes an Ensign is responsible for one particular aspect of the Watch.


    Petty Officer

    • A Petty Officer represents a wide range of roles available to a veteran Watchman and the gentry. Usually these members have served within the Watch for several years and have shown dedication beyond that of the average Watchman. There are several focuses within this rank that a Petty Officer can pursue. This is typically the highest rank that commoners reach unless they show superior worthiness for those in their station. 



    • A Watchman is the most basic unit of the charter and makes up the majority of non-noble participants. Once a cadet is seen as capable they are promoted to this rank with the hopes of protecting and developing Whitespire & the Crownlands. This rank also constitutes the auxiliary membership of the charter.



    • Before one can become a Watchman, an applicant must go through the basic trials & training to form their skills. This will also allow for the member to contribute to the charter and build rapport with the other Watchmen.


    Wards, Pages & Apprentices

    • The youngest of the Watch, children and teenagers are placed within this rank no-matter their actual skills. They’ll often be paired up with a member of the Officer Corps so that they may be taught within a wide variety of disciplines.






    In guidance by the Government of Wards, the Great Charter of Aaun, and the Lex Aaunica the Watchmen follow procedures that best follow these guiding voices. Primarily, the Watch will serve the City of Whitespire foremost before the rest of the United Kingdom of Aaun. This makes it so that the Watch is the last line of defense for the Royal City and its residents. In a more daily fashion the Watch acts as a judicial measure against crime, injustice, and so forth that may arise within the city. Outside of these circumstances the Watch is also delegated to assist in the development of Whitespire. 


    Common Duties are as follows:

    • Patrolling the City & near-by Crownlands

    • Investigating instances of crime

    • Performing darkspawn tests periodically

    • Collecting resources for the Crown, City, and the Watch

    • Restoring Whitespire during emergencies & disasters

    This is not an exhaustive list. 



    Membership within the City Watch provides several benefits upfront, but with years of service these benefits greatly improve. The current benefits of serving under the Watch are:

    • A standard kit of equipment for proper service. 

    • Mina Salary based on one’s accomplishments, rank, and time serving as a Watchman.

    • A pension for those that find themselves of retirement age.

    • Free medical care for those injured during duty.

    • Prestige and Glory for one’s service



    To become a proper Watchman, a Cadet must accomplish a series of trials that represent the character of the Watch. The trials are not set in stone, but they generally follow along with specific values & concepts. The first trial conducted is meant to test their martial abilities. If one is unable to even wield a blade then how are they able to defend Whitespire? The second trial is meant to test their knowledge. It is through wisdom that men can confound the foolish that go against the will of GOD and his King. The final trial has no specific qualifications except that it is developed for that particular cadet. No cadet will share the same concluding trial.



    The Star of Service; Once retired and after having spent the minimum of 25 years in the charter, a person is entitled to the Star of Service, which will guarantee them a pension of 25 minae yearly for the rest of their lives, as long as they continue to reside within Whitespire.*

    *For families of those who have fallen in combat, they may receive a pension for the number of years their Watchman served. This pension may only last as long as the family were to reside in Aaun and can only be redeemed for as long as the immediate relatives live.


    Star of Saint Lothar; for those who performed a miraculous action in battle to save the unit from dire circumstances, the highest of military awards. 100 minas.


    Embroidered Cross of Saint Felder; a golden cross embroidered with various gems for those who performed extreme acts of heroism in accomplishment of a military goal or objective. 50  minas.


    Sword of Prince Henry Charles; an aurum blade with an extravagant sheathe for those who have rescued a member of the officer corps from impending doom. 30 mina.


    Ruby Bracer; an engraved ruby medallion awarded to Watchs for drawing first blood in an engagement. 25 minas.


    Pin of Justice; a polished iron pin with a depiction of a sun and its gleaming rays forming the top of it, awarded for those who have successfully detained a criminal and seen that justice is delivered to them. 15 minas.


    Tears of Saint Daniel; a silver bracelet engraved with a depiction of enemy fortifications, awarded to the first soldier to charge. 15 minas.


    The Hand of Iron; a steel medal depicting a hand awarded for gathering the weekly materiel quotas. 10 minas.


    Saint Andrik’s Sword; a metal brooch in the shape of a blade awarded for each individual kill acquired by a soldier during battle. 5 minas.


    St. Godwin’s Service; for those who have fallen in the line of duty, they may receive a crown sponsored funeral with the extravagance of the funeral depending on the years served.






    The Officer Corps is composed almost entirely of the gentry of Aaun with few exceptions. As a result, they are required to hold themselves to a higher standard than the average Watch. An Officer is able to perform several tasks without being overseen by the Commander & Adjutant because of the allowance of autonomy within the charter. They are often in charge of maintaining one of the multiple aspects found within the charter and can provide a more social piece to its structure along with their normal duties.


    The Officer Corps is also able to judicate on matters specific to the charter. If a Watch is found to be in desertion, or if they are witnessed performing acts of corruption they can be tried within the charter. The trials are required to follow the LEX AAUNICA, but a measure of independence can be found within the gray areas of the law.



    High Bailiff

    • As a custodial position within the charter, the High Bailiff acts as a steward and assists the Officer Corps in matters of law. Multiple Bailiffs can be chosen and directed by this Officer, but the recruitment of these Watchmen must be approved by a majority of the Officer Corps due to the responsibilities found within the role.

    Constable of Health

    • The health & safety of the Watch is a prominent issue within the charter. That is why a specific member within the Officer Corps will be entirely focused on this aspect. They will be in charge of training Watchmen in basic medicine whilst developing the talents of the select few so that they may become proper physicians. Those found under the command of this officer are less likely to be focused on their martial abilities but rather their knowledge of medicine & alchemy. 


    • A general role for the Petty Officer classification, a Sergeant doesn’t perform a specific task within this rank. They’re generally in charge of patrols, Watch inquiries, and basic training. A Watchman within this rank might be expected to lead a small squad, or execute a task given by a higher ranked officer. 


    • The role of the Quartermaster is far more important than it seems on the surface. Within this role, a Watch is in charge of maintaining the logistical side of the charter. They’re also involved in making sure new members are well-stocked & equipped.


    • As the Drillmaster, a Watch is expected to help maintain the combat ability of those within the charter. The work with the other members in developing plans & strategies that will provide adequate experience for the other Watchmen.

    Standard Bearer

    • The Standard Bearer is a role adopted from the Watch’s militaristic ancestry. A member that takes up this role is often inspiring through the thick & thin. Though, this role is not chosen out of nepotism, but rather it is chosen through the experiences of the receiver. 








    Reason for Enlisting:
    Past Experience (if any): 



    MC Name:
    Discord Tag:








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