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Posts posted by Sebbysc

  1. "Ah, finally. I had been waiting for this good news."


    John Valentinus waited for this invitation with anticipation. The grueling trials the Haensers put his brother through would surely conclude with something fruitful, and it seems to be so. The idea of having to visit a realm on the other side of the continent wasn't his favorite. Actually, he hated the distance. The rugged terrain and the scars left by The War brought memories of old that he wished would just disappear. However, it'd be unlike him if he didn't go, nor if he didn't bring a present.


    And so he left the letter off to the side, likely for Alicia to read later, and he would begin to ponder what a proper gift would be.


  2. John Valentinus believed that the day would be one of joy, for his friends were to be wed. It was during the joyful procession in Warsovia that the news would reach him. Along with many others, he'd rush his way down to the chapel to find his Father's lifeless corpse laying before the altar. All that he could hear at the time was the weeping that surrounded his Father. The regrets, the things he wanted to say to his Father, would likely come to him within the following months. For now, he had to remain strong as he sought the strength of his GOD. It was one of the few things that his Father instilled into his mind.


    But would he be prepared for the coming tribulations? Would GOD forsake their House?

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             John Valentinus Alstion


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gregorius Roa


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. Ser Stefano looked across the notice in his office, and as he reached the bottom a shout of excitement escaped him. "Now that's right! Finally, my cuginos are recognized for their work for Aaun." A smile former on his lips as he looked to the familiar name.. "Ves. What a wonderful choice."

  5. [!] Flyers would be nailed into the noticeboards across Aevos


    Seeking: An Experienced Tutor in Alchemy & The Void


    My studies into the life of Saint Avenel of Belvitz, blessed be his name, have brought me great knowledge. However, I wish to understand his work to a greater degree than that of a layman or that I may accomplish with books & tomes. I am seeking a teacher who is an expert in the craft of alchemy. In addition, if anyone be willing, I’d like to speak with an expert on a wide variety of Voidal Magics. I’d prefer to speak to those with a background in the true faith of Canonism.


    Write back to me if you believe you fit the criteria. If you must, you may drop off any information at Fort Alba in Enswerp (across the river from Lemon Hill).



    John Valentinus Alstion



    My IGN is Sebbysc, and I'd prefer someone write a letter to me before coming-up with a time to meet in-game. Thanks!

  6. On 4/25/2024 at 8:47 PM, Petsch2k said:

    FULL NAME: Petsch II of The Heartlands

    AGE: 20

    RACE: Heartlander


    METHOD OF CONTACT: petsch2k





    LORD MARSHAL  @YaBoyJay_ (Discord: YaBoyJay_)

    CAPTAIN TIBER @seannie (Discord: seannnnie)

    CAPTAIN JOHANNES @Vylkmir (Discord: Balthy)

    CAPTAIN STEFANO @Sebbysc (Discord: sebbysc)


    To Petsch the Second,


    It warms my heart to see you in the Legion of Saint Godwin. You have thus far proven yourself a mighty warrior through power and intelligence. I believe you'll do well, and that you'll serve the Heartlands with the fervor of Ex. Owyn.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/25/2024 at 12:05 PM, Apricette said:

    "Et... là!" a musing, lilting exclamation, foreshortened unto sun-touched lips, as the application wrest moments later laced unto a messenger kestrel's talons.


    FULL NAME: Amélie Auclair

    AGE: 24

    RACE: Heartlander (Auvergnian)

    Familial Martial History & Upbringing, Écuyer of the Petrine Laurel (Chivalric & Martial Training, Martial Sorties against The Ferrymen, Beasts, Minotaurs, etc..), Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade & Holy Knight of the Faith (Martial Sorties against Darkspawn & Greater Inferi, and Artillery Experience)

    METHOD OF CONTACT: Commonwealth Blvd. IV, Vallagne, Province Pétrine

    [amelie.auclair - discord]


    To Amélie Auclair,


    Unfortunately, I have been unable to meet with you in person, but I plan on fixing this within the next few Saint's Days. I have heard goods things about you from others within our community, so we expect such great things from you! If you need any assistance, do not be afraid to write to us or seek our conference.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/24/2024 at 11:56 AM, CanadaMatt said:

    FULL NAME: Adrian John Novellen Huntshill 


    AGE: 100


    RACE: human 


    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Son's of Petra footman, pre petran civil war


    METHOD OF CONTACT: 10matthewc9 


    To Adrian,


    As a fellow Heartlander, I believe you'll do great things in service of our confederation. I hope to see great things out of you, given your experience and service. We need more men with a strong, martial background.



    Ser Stefano



    On 4/24/2024 at 9:36 AM, Myochii said:

    FULL NAME: Josephine Florentia Alstion

    AGE: 18

    RACE: human

    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: (nearly) shot arrow in foot

    METHOD OF CONTACT: (Discord name) Myochii 


    To Her Royal Highness Josephine,


    To see an Alstion seek to join the ranks of the Legion shall surely inspire the people of the Heartlands! I believe you understand that nepotism is NOT a key character of this Legion, but based on your history, I doubt we'll run into any issues regarding such. We'll have to begin your training soon.



    Ser Stefano



    On 4/24/2024 at 8:46 AM, mothsthetic said:

    Upon seeing the missive, the young Petran heir gasps excitedly, grabbing the nearest crayon she can and filling out an application- Regardless of the (low) likelihood of acceptance.



    Full Name: Adalia Morgana Temesch of the Petra

    Age: 8

    Race: Heartlander

    Prior Experience: Duking it out with older siblings 

    Method of Contact: mothsthetic on discord


    To Her Royal Highness Adalia,


    Do not feel reluctance due to your age, for I served in the military from a young age myself. I do not know if you have been sworn in, but within a moment's notice, I'd be glad to have this resolved. I believe it is the youth, such as yourself, that'll bring a brighter future for the Heartlands and the rest of Humanity.


    God Bless You,

    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/24/2024 at 8:43 AM, MakeshiftFoxxo said:

    FULL NAME: Konrad Fabian Stafyr

    AGE: 37

    RACE: Human

    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Covenant War, BSK - Lieutenant

    METHOD OF CONTACT: fabledfoxxo on Discord


    To Konrad,


    I have been pleased by your performance in the Legion thus far, and I'll bring word to the Lord Marshal regarding a potential promotion. If you keep up the good work, I believe you'll see yourself as an Office in no time. It takes guts to make a change in this world, and I believe you have them.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/24/2024 at 5:02 AM, siglms_ said:

    FULL NAME: Lembic Urbran!

    AGE: I dunno!

    RACE: Oblazeki Gnome! (Technically a halfling!)


    METHOD OF CONTACT: siglms (Discord)


    To Doctor Lembic,


    Just the other day we required a Doctor, and you were the first name to pop into my mind! I'm going to speak to the Lord Marshal about our medical program.


    With Love,

    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/24/2024 at 12:30 AM, Hom said:


    FULL NAME: Weylin von Theonus 

    AGE: 28 (or thereabouts)

    RACE: Human

    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Child soldiery, houseguard, minotaur slaying, darkspawn slashing, etcetera 



    To Weylin,


    I do not believe I've had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, but given that you are a von Theonus I cannot doubt your abilities as a Legionnaire. Have you been sworn in yet? If not, then respond to myself in a letter, and we'll see to resolving that. I hope to see you on some of our patrols soon.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/23/2024 at 11:24 PM, tilly said:

    FULL NAME: Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus

    AGE: 30ish

    RACE: Heartlander


    METHOD OF CONTACT: tillydactyl on disc


    To Sorrel,


    As a fellow veteran, and someone who has lost family during the Covenant War, I wish to personally thank you for coming into the service of the Legion of Saint Godwin. It is through our commitments that we may prevent such wars from taking the lives of Heartlanders ever again. At the very least, we'll be prepared to fight off the forces that threaten GOD's work.


    Thank you,

    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/23/2024 at 11:06 PM, alien_mc said:

    FULL NAME: Catherine de Lewes

    AGE: 15

    RACE: Human


    METHOD OF CONTACT: (disc: alienn2)


    To Catherine,


    You better come to more of your required trainings, or I'll be very disappointed.


    See you soon,

    Ser Stefano Montelliano


  7. On 5/1/2024 at 9:17 PM, TwistedFries said:

    FULL NAME: Leufroy Otto von Reuss

    AGE: 20

    RACE: Human

    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: (OOCly: I've been a part of a few different groups/nation guards here and there since Atlas/2018) (IRP: My character is a Squire to Ser Siegmund & has training in related fields.)

    METHOD OF CONTACT: (Discord) .twistedfries


    To the Squire von Reuss,


    I wish to thank you for joining the Legion! You served well when we were rescuing the Dowager-Queen, and I hope to see further service out of you. I'll speak with your Knight regarding your training, for I believe you'll be a rising star within the Legion.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 5/1/2024 at 8:31 PM, CasualNuker said:

    FULL NAME: Edith Hope II

    AGE: Twenty-Five

    RACE: Heartlander

    PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: ((OOCly: ISA Commandt/Senior Corporal))

    METHOD OF CONTACT: (Discord name): CasualNuker


    To Edith Hope the Second,


    I wish to welcome you to the ranks of the Legion. I am currently unaware if you have been sworn under oath. If you have, then I expect to see you in service soon! If not, then we will arrange for a time when you'll be sworn into the ranks of the Legion of Saint Godwin. Do write back to me if you require any further assistance.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano



    On 4/28/2024 at 8:33 PM, Tremerus said:

    FULL NAME: Aurel von Theonus

    AGE: 35

    RACE: Human


    METHOD OF CONTACT: trevor19


    To Aurel von Theonus,


    As a fellow veteran of the Covenant War, I wish to thank you for your interest in the Legion of Saint Godwin. I believe that through this Legion we will be able to rebuild the Heartlands into a strong fortification against the vile interests of warmongers. I am currently unaware of your status regarding being sworn in. If you need any assistance in such, then do not be afraid to write back to me or any of the Captains.



    Ser Stefano Montelliano


  8. dY_Prw8bF5BHhgKerQ9cB5eaI5vnu-k7eBQ_f9uVPKQL4R9oRbjOWRRyKmPOGKQ2jNhnhZMGpmUGqxengey8ZQkoO0noQo65GfXrvHMdoW53ON5ijRhS7rYpKs4qdcw3hQbqC0SZcHiTIvoIvizykw







    A local artist’s recapture of the Great Harvest of Enswerp, Circa 1971





    The backbone of a feudal society is made up of its profoundly competent serfs. Without them no one would be fed, or clothed, or even alive due to their necessary work. That is why the people of Enswerp wish to celebrate their paramount work, and they wish to celebrate it with all! The Farmer’s Market will allow those within Enswerp, and out, to sell their wares and share within this natural wealth. The only requirement to be eligible for a stall is that you’re in good standing with the hamlet. To apply for a stall or stand, one can simply write to the Bailiff and one will be provided. This is all of course if there is room, and once there is no more space available the public will be informed!


    A new tradition for the hamlet is the inclusion of the People’s Choice Award. Every participant, be they customer or seller, will be allowed to vote for their favorite stall. By the end of the market, all votes will be tallied-up and a winner of this year’s Farmer’s Market will be declared! The winner will win a permanent, tax-free stall in Enswerp along with a 100 Mina prize.





    The Farmer’s Market [April 13th, 2:00 PM EST]

    • Stalls will be established throughout the Hamlet of Enswerp. The main festivities will occur next to the Town Hall. 

    The People’s Choice Award [April 13th, 3:00-ish PM EST]

    • A brief announcement will be made regarding who has been awarded the most votes during the Farmer’s Market. The winner will receive a prize of 100 Mina and a chance to showcase their wares. The event will officially conclude afterward, but festival-goers may remain for drinks and entertainment!





    All are invited to this celebration in the Hamlet of Enswerp! Specific invitations are extended to those below:





    The House von Alstreim of Merryweather

    The House Jazlowiecki of Warsovia & Triglav

    The House de Rosius of Haute-Epine

    The House von Reuss of Velen

    The House Haverlock of Talentine

    The House Varoche of Napoliza

    The House de Lewes of Virdain




    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Charles Alstion, The Lord of Alba



    Bailiff of Enswerp, Knight of the Circle of St. Godwin



    Captain of the Brigade, Patriarch of Nowak,

    Handsome Mustache Man




    OOC Date, Time, Location:

    Saturday, April 13th, at 3:00 PM EST, [2240, 16, -195]

  9. John the Younger peeled back the envelope of his invitation with glee! However, his smile began to fade as he noticed when it'd be occurring.


    "I'll just have to get them something proper! Surely Charlie can hand-deliver it, or would it be better for me to?"


    He'd begin to plot!


  10. 23 minutes ago, Nooblius said:

    Christ is King. I will share my favorite non-scripture text for this time of year taken from the Liturgy of the Hours. Bit of a read, but I genuinely highly recommend it. Nearly moves me to tears every time I read it.


      Reveal hidden contents

    The Lord's descent into hell

    "What is happening? Today there is a great silence over the earth, a great silence, and stillness, a great silence because the King sleeps; the earth was in terror and was still, because God slept in the flesh and raised up those who were sleeping from the ages. God has died in the flesh, and the underworld has trembled.

    Truly he goes to seek out our first parent like a lost sheep; he wishes to visit those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. He goes to free the prisoner Adam and his fellow-prisoner Eve from their pains, he who is God, and Adam's son.

    The Lord goes in to them holding his victorious weapon, his cross. When Adam, the first created man, sees him, he strikes his breast in terror and calls out to all: 'My Lord be with you all.' And Christ in reply says to Adam: ‘And with your spirit.Â’ And grasping his hand he raises him up, saying: ‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.

    ‘I am your God, who for your sake became your son, who for you and your descendants now speak and command with authority those in prison: Come forth, and those in darkness: Have light, and those who sleep: Rise.

    ‘I command you: Awake, sleeper, I have not made you to be held a prisoner in the underworld. Arise from the dead; I am the life of the dead. Arise, O man, work of my hands, arise, you who were fashioned in my image. Rise, let us go hence; for you in me and I in you, together we are one undivided person.

    ‘For you, I your God became your son; for you, I the Master took on your form; that of slave; for you, I who am above the heavens came on earth and under the earth; for you, man, I became as a man without help, free among the dead; for you, who left a garden, I was handed over to Jews from a garden and crucified in a garden.

    ‘Look at the spittle on my face, which I received because of you, in order to restore you to that first divine inbreathing at creation. See the blows on my cheeks, which I accepted in order to refashion your distorted form to my own image.

    'See the scourging of my back, which I accepted in order to disperse the load of your sins which was laid upon your back. See my hands nailed to the tree for a good purpose, for you, who stretched out your hand to the tree for an evil one.

    `I slept on the cross and a sword pierced my side, for you, who slept in paradise and brought forth Eve from your side. My side healed the pain of your side; my sleep will release you from your sleep in Hades; my sword has checked the sword which was turned against you.

    ‘But arise, let us go hence. The enemy brought you out of the land of paradise; I will reinstate you, no longer in paradise, but on the throne of heaven. I denied you the tree of life, which was a figure, but now I myself am united to you, I who am life. I posted the cherubim to guard you as they would slaves; now I make the cherubim worship you as they would God.

    "The cherubim throne has been prepared, the bearers are ready and waiting, the bridal chamber is in order, the food is provided, the everlasting houses and rooms are in readiness; the treasures of good things have been opened; the kingdom of heaven has been prepared before the ages."

    A reading from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday


    I'll also share some thoughts. I don't mean to pontificate, but it's kinda impossible to share those thoughts without it sounding extremely arrogant. I'm sorry, maybe I am extremely arrogant. Don't read if you're just having a good day.


      Reveal hidden contents

    Neither of these are all encompassing. Emphasis upon a few in both paragraphs. I think most people are just trying to enjoy their day.


    There's a weird drama going on. I just want to remind a few of my brothers in Christ not to use our faith as a tool of mockery, and certainly not in the holiest time of the year. Christ has conquered Death, and He reigns as King. To see someone confused and bitter because they don't appreciate or understand that (or other things) is a great betrayal to the hope for redemption, and is likely only to harden their heart and provoke more hostility to Christ. Please don't take it lightly, this may be a Minecraft server but real people play it, and genuinely wishing the best for them doesn't include calling them a T-word in petty revenge.


    And those few who knowingly mock Easter, you should contemplate seriously what your words mean too. Even if you don't understand the sacrifice upon the Cross we mourn on Good Friday, or the triumphant miracle we celebrate Easter Sunday, it is insane to troll the memory of a tortured victim of crucifixion who instituted a religion which humbled tyrants and put social justice and love into the vocabulary of wider human civilization. I'm sorry someone who used His imagery and namesake was mean to you but don't cheaply insult Christ, because that absolutely is worthy of Criticism.


    Lastly, I will invite anyone who would like to talk in depth about any of the things I shared (preferably the homily!) to do so in my DMs. I love you all; may God bless you.


    A great summary for both sides! Reminds me of Matthew 7:3-5. :^) Also, Ephesians 6:12.



  11. To his Holiness, Vicar of the Creator and High Pontiff of the Mother Church,


    I would like to petition your Holiness for my electorship to be returned to me! My family, that of the Montelliano has a long and storied tradition, dating back to the City of Ves upon Arcas and even before that for a time within the boom town of Belvitzia in service to the Duke of Adria. My family was the first to receive the honor of patricianship and served humbly as both mayors cultivating Ves into what it was centuries ago and within the old Adrian duma. For most of the dumapaloozas we have attended as electors, until the great rebellion of Heinrik the Betray and his neo-Renatian goons.


    My brethren in culture, the Bracchi, have been given a vote and as fellow Illatians and Adrians of Atlas and Arcas I humbly request such a right to be given to me, Ser Stefano Montelliano, as head of the Esteemed house of Montelliano and to continue the tradition so that this dumapalooza is as legitimate as the one's of old!


    In the case that you do consider and accept such a request, I cast my vote for house Barbanov-Bihar, even if they did burn Ves all those centuries ago...




    Ser Stefano Montelliano





    ELECTOR NAME: Stefano Montelliano
    ELECTOR HOUSE: The Patrician House of Montelliano

    VOTE CAST: Ivan VIII Barbanov-Bihar, King of Hanseti-Ruska


  12. Ludolf looked at the missive's contents within his chamber. "Now is the time.." He'd begin to polish his armor and set time aside to focus on his martial abilities.


    Battle would surely bring honor to both his nation and to his departed Father!

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin exist as a subrace or class of the Ratiki as Musin are designated as the 'runts' of this ratlike species. These runts existed as workers, slaves, and servants of their stronger brethern. This was the standard for a significant period of time, but it eventually changed when a runt by the name of 'Musin' attempted an escape after scaling through the ranks of the Ratiki. This was the first time that any slave escaped, and it was the first time they reached the surface. It was unfortunate, but Musin sacrificed himself along with the other warriors so that the rest of the mousemen could make their escape during the resulting conflict.


    The surviving mousemen were able to make their way into the forests of the Island of Ratiki. They were able to construct a boat from a blueprint of the past, and over the course of its construction they formed the Clan of Musin. One of the major tenants of their society is peace and the protection of the meek. They'd eventually cross the ocean and find themselves on the continent of Almaris. From there, they'd meet the 'Giant' and learn of the fantastical history of humanity. The Musin were able to learn much from him despite their differences regarding borrowed goods. Upon his death, the Musin were forced to seek out their own path.


    Musin are the weakest of all the races. This means that they must be careful with their actions and choices. They'll often avoid fighting as a result, but if they do find themselves in a conflict, they can use their heightened dexterity to land pinpoint hits. Musin are light and short as they stand at around 1'8" to 2'6" with a weight of 20 to 30 pounds. Their fur colors range through a general range of natural colors seen by their real-life counterparts. They also live at an age range of 70 years at most. The mentality of a Musin pushes them towards peace, but their propensity to 'borrow' things can often bring them into conflict with the descendants. At the very end, it is their intentions and general good-will that drive their decisions for good.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    In this case, Mascarpone resembles other Musin in a majority of his features. His fur is a mixture of reds, browns, blacks and creamy whites. With a pair of beady, black eyes he's able to see within a short distance. Both of his ears are as large as saucers, and he stands at a height of 2'3". As for his attire, he's been able to scrounge up torn cloaks and discarded clothing to resemble an outfit worn by a Human adventurer. The large, green cloak he wears keeps him clean and comfortable during troublesome nights. He's able to clip his dagger along his belt like a sword and wears it proudly.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  14. Within the FORT ALBA of the Hamlet of Enswerp, Ser Stefano was able to ponder the issue for several months. The thoughts of his nephew-cousin lingered day and night. At times he was hot, but at other he was cold. Perhaps Emilio the Young wasn't such a bad fellow. Instead, it was those that he associated with. He also thought, at times, that it was Emilio Jr. that brought this reckoning upon himself. There was one thing that came to mind each and every time. . .


    That the hate between a Father and Son would likely boil over into the loss of life just as it had done many times before. This surely must not happen, for the sake of his family!

  15. px9kVkG5DyLLwqUP09zQ-_s-lTuQ_SE8YMi9gazzNCNaUy-xvSgiSujn0cVO1FfA51cVmTBQmYu7vWA6ssPKqS5RYJxMzIIHnqr5vaE74cJYx8baut5-NxAjMFY9nCK2U8EGuyaRn2HUCSsp07gkGg



    An artist’s representation of the Aaunic countryside on the eastern side of St. Daniel’s Crossing, Circa 1964




    With a newfound peace within the land it is proper to hold a festival in honor of our Apostolic King and the Covenant Victory over our enemies! The people of Enswerp wish to also show reverence to our King for his decision to allow us to live within our own hamlet and to seek GOD within our own community. All citizens of Aaun are invited along with nations that are of good standing with the Apostolic Kingdom. Two competitions will be held along with smaller events sprinkled throughout the Saint’s Day. At the end of the festival ALL CANONISTS will be invited to honor our most holy GOD and his disciples. 



    The Festival [March 2nd, 3:00 PM EST]
    The Festivities will occur throughout the entire Saint’s Day, but a particular list of events are as follows:


    Contest of St. Robert of Metz
    In respect to St. Robert, contestants will compete with one another to see who can stomach the most beer! The beer is locally supplied by Enswerp’s wheat farms & brewery. The champion of this competition will be paid 100 Mina and will be known as ‘The Fat-One of Enswerp.’


    Bop the Stassie
    With the Marchlands just across the river the Stassionite presence was impactful within the region of Enswerp. That is why we will be celebrating the Covenant’s victory over the rebels! Contestants will attempt to hit one another off of a small platform. A bracket system will be created for this contest, and the winner of each round will face another winner until a champion is made. This champion will win 100 Mina and will be known as the ‘Bopper of Enswerp.’


    Feast for the King
    As both competitions are held a series of speeches, poems, and so forth will be read aloud during a feast held within the main square of Enswerp. This feast will be in honor of our Apostolic King and his victory over our enemies. As well, this feast will be in recognition of his decision in allowing Enswerp to settle along St. Daniel’s Crossing.


    The Offerings of the Four Exalted
    After all the celebrations are through the participants will burn offerings to GOD, the Four Exalted, and the Saints as a form of honoring them. This allows proper Canonists the chance to ask for intercession and have their prayers answered.







    The House von Alstreim of Merryweather

    The House Jazlowiecki of Warsovia & Triglav

    The House de Rosius of Haute-Epine

    The House von Reuss of Velen

    The House Haverlock of Talentine

    The House Varoche of Napoliza

    The House de Lewes of Virdain



    His Royal Majesty, King Aleksandr II, and the people of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    Her Royal Majesty, Queen Catherine, and the people of the Commonwealth of Petra

    Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sybille, and the people of the Kingdom of Balian

    Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, and the people of the Kingdom of Numendil

    His Grandness, Sigrun Stonehammer, and the people of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    His Princely Grace, Alfred, and the people of Reinmar

    His Serene Highness, Leon II, and the people of Minitz

    His Highness, Caesar II, and the people of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia



    Ser Stefano Montelliano, the Bailiff of Enswerp

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Charles Reman Alstion, the Lord of Alba




    OOC Date, Time, Location:
    Saturday, March 2nd, at 3:00 PM EST, [2240, 16, -195]


  16. Ser Leopold welcomed his Eldest into the Seven Skies with extended arms. "You were dealt a bad hand, and I am sorry for what was left to you! However, now we may celebrate for the rest of our lives.. In GOD's presence." A gentle smile formed on the Father's face.


    Whilst. . .


    Ser Stefano was deeply troubled by the news. He sat along the Eastern side of the St. Daniel's Crossing as he pondered the missive's contents. "My King put him down, but for what..?" The question almost slipped from him breathlessly as one of his many nephews marched their way up to him. The only thought that was left was that he'd have to leave another candle by the alter.


    Ser Stefano Montelliano & Johanna Stroheim




    An artist’s rendition of Napoliza along the banks of the Floodplains Region of Aaun, Circa 1963




    In the year 1963, Ser Stefano Montelliano and Johanna Stroheim were bound to one another through the sacrament of marriage. The wedding was officiated by Frantzisko of St. Godwin at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paradisus. With the ceremony complete it is time to celebrate their life-long commitment. The couple chose to host a feast in honor of their marriage at the Barony of Napoliza, hosted by House Varoche & Montelliano. Gifts for the lucky couple will be provided to them throughout the feast, and opportunities will be made for each guest to give their best wishes to them.



    A feast will be held in the couple’s honor. Food, drink, and entertainment will be provided throughout the entire banquet. Gifts will be brought up to the couple by each guest rather than being left at a ‘gift table.’ Along with this, guests are invited to explore the public gardens & zones of Napoliza. Guests may arrive and depart throughout the entire event whenever they wish.

    [5 PM EST, February 19th]















    Peter Stroheim, King-Consort to Arthalionath and Knight-Kastellan of Minitz and his extended family

    Giano Montelliano, Father of Stefano and his extended family

    Boon and Bane, Owners of the Boon & Bane Franchise, etc.

    Captain Tiber of the Whitespire City Watch

    Mithius Dalma, Director-General of Records and Archives

    Wolfram von Rademacher and his extended family

    Frantzisko of St. Godwin, Cardinal of St. Godwin

    Markus Sarkozic and his extended family & Adrian citizenry

    Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood, Duke of Brabant and his extended family

    Pereus Redfist, Owner of the Redfist trading company and his extended family

    Jose Fuentes, Margrave of Coracoa and his extended family



    Those of the CANONIST faith are invited to Napoliza for this wonderful feast. Come with a gift, or else.



  18. Ser Stefano would mail in his form! The hard part was to now find a worthy talent..


    Age: 3X
    Gender: Male
    Place of residency within Aaun: Napoliza
    Are you in good standing with the Aaunic government?: Si. 

  19. William Benjamin of Corentina found the marriage, and this proposal, to be an offence against his honor! Charlotte was to be his bride, and he assured himself that he would cause a scene. . . For the sake of his honor! Hopefully his brother wouldn't step in his way. Maybe George Alexander would even help?


    "May GOD forgive me for what I must do. He understands the intentions of my heart."



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