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    Sloth Overlord.

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  1. LT

    >Claim there’s a lorebloat

    >”well guys, we can either get rid of these active creatures who are being played and will never show up in an event or, we could get rid of these inactive event creatures who no one ever plays. Or hell, even some of the OP end game ****.”

    >Chooses to get rid of the active playable creatures instead of the inactive ET only races such as Axolotyn, Ratiki, and OP endgame ****. 

    >Wonders why players are unhappy. 

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    2. Elennanore


      Event Creatures are vastly superior in almost every way to creatures that can be played by a normal player. There is a large difference between the two. You should be completely capable of understanding why some creatures are restricted from standard use and are ET only, also, Event Creature are supposed to be much rarer than player creatures.

    3. Slothtastic


      Ok what about the Axolotyn or Ratiki? Axolotyn I wouldn’t think have transferred over, and even if they did, we should see some underwater settlements or coastal settlements right? And as for Ratiki, they’re antagonistic are they not? So where the hell are they? And y’all say there’s a lorebloat, yet you take away creatures that players use. Why not take away an inactive creature that the ET have no more use for. I don’t see you guys doing jack **** to ET only creatures, all you’re doing is taking away the creatures people play as. You said that Satyrs could’ve just been a wood elf culture, yeah so could have wood elves themselves. As I said in the post to argue, by your logic ******* any race could have been a human culture. ANY RACE. So you going to get rid of all the other races, and instead have them become cultures? No because that’d make everyone angry. So instead you’ll just take out some of the smaller groups, deny decent lore rewrites (Bryophites, Cervitaurs, Sprites) even though they are unique in their own way. Tell me an instance where a descendant could attach plants to their body in order to have some self defense mechanisms? Or where a descendant can fly/glide and be as small as 6 inches. I would love to know what you think just what limits there are to being a descendant. 

    4. Slothtastic


      Oh yeah just a quick addon, you erased Bryophites. Where’s the lore behind that? What roleplay led up to it? Just all the sudden they aren’t bryophites anymore? That’s quite the character arc for one night ain’t it?

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