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The King Of The Moon

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  1. Whatever happened to player events from the ET? There's no bounty boards, you're not allowed to request events anymore and you're not allowed to be informed on upcoming ones. The only events i've seen recently have been either admin ran or staff only. And that, Lord of the Craft, is what grinds my gears.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Abysmall


      Oh I haven't, I prefer to create my own RP nowadays. But if players are the ones doing all the work, what is the ET even needed for then?

    3. Birdnerdy


      As I see it, it'd be more applicable as just a build team. 

    4. Bvie


      The above is why Sutica does its own events for citizens. Asked to work with ETs to utilize our theater, arena, and more to provide events for the community, never get a response. However, we have this currently going on:




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