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About Kebab

  • Birthday 03/21/1997

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    Leufroy Falkenrath
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  1. Socialism for America.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Kebab


      I'm not saying the government should let them in willy-nilly, that would be disastrous. I'm saying that immigrants should be subjected to a case-by-case investigation before being allowed into the country, instead of banning them completely until you can figure something out which is inhumane. Also, it's a fair point that his statements alone don't discredit his ideas, but: http://fortune.com/2015/12/23/donald-trump-plan-tax-policy-center/http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/donald-trumps-tax-plan-great-donald-trump

    3. Monomakhos


      How is it inhumane? They have their own nations, and we have ours. If they wished to better themselves as a people, they would work towards improving the situation in their country of origin. It is not the responsibility of the American nation to accommodate hundreds of thousands of immigrants.

    4. Kebab


      It's the responsibility of humans to help other humans as best as they can, within the limit of reason, if I might add. Banning them from an entire country is not acting within the limit of reason. The immigrants, particularly the refugees hold no political power to make a change in their country and frankly, I doubt the belief in those countries is large enough to amass a revolution large enough to instill change. They, like the predecessors of a lot of Americans, came to America to "better themselves as a people" because they seek the opportunities your country is known for providing. They seek the American Dream (which has died a while ago imo).

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