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    Shi' larra

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  1. Hello everyone! How are you all!?


    1. Jonificus


      breddy gud :-DD

    2. AGiantPie


      rly good thx haha !

  2. Hello guys, first off, I'm sorry I can't play very often. As you know there is school and I am very busy with school work, sorry! I also want to say Merry Christmas! 

     Their is one more thing that makes me feel embarrassed to ask, But I feel very nervous playing and role playing in Lord of the craft. maybe it's me, but thanks!


    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Merry Christmas and no need to apologize. Remember, IRL > LotC.

    2. Bloodnight
  3. Hello, everyone! It's good to see you all, I'm back, But wont be on all the time for I have school.

    I need help, for I do not know how to get my persona ready, organized, and ready, if you could help me that'll be great and yes I can't wait to play with you all, I hope that you can help and send me tips, Thank you if you can help me!


    1. VampyrGrl


      I said ready twice, my bad, ha-ha, sorry about that! 

  4. I also want to tell you guys i'm going on a trip or a week, I don;t know if there is a time limit of how long if your not on the server.

    1. AGiantPie


      Nope, once you're accepted you can come and go as you please.

    2. Kim


      you could come back in a 1,000 years and you'd find

      that we're all dead...

    3. VampyrGrl


      That's silly, I would be dead and not be able to play with you all, since we all would be dead! 


  5. I also want to tell you guys i'm going on a trip or a week, I don;t know if there is a time limit of how long if your not on the server.

  6. Hello everyone I have became a membore of lord of the craft, thank you for all your help! I'll see you very soon!

    1. GodEmperorFlam



    2. excited


      Hope to see you around. :)

    3. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      Welcome new membore! xD

  7. Thank you for your help, I have figured out how to set my application, thank you once again for you help, hope I see you again!

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Good luck! Always nice to see new players.

    2. VampyrGrl
  8. Hi, I'm new here, I am glad to have found such amazing server, I am still figuring out how to becoming a member! I'm only one tep away! Thank you for making an amazing server!

    1. AGiantPie


      I'll drop a few links to guides and other threads that will help you apply.

      How to Apply:

      New Player Guide:

      Application Format:

    2. AGiantPie


      If you need any further help with getting started, look for an Application Team member. They help new folks.

    3. VampyrGrl


      Thank you for the help!

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