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Status Updates posted by Rickson

  1. if anyone needs someone to play a golem, hmu

  2. Looking at old world downloads makes me realise how far we've come in terms of build and world quality

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rickson


      Yeah, it's impressive in its own way really.

    3. Dreek


      The long days of carving out kal'ithrun with a bunch of dwarf noobs and building that by hand. It was a good bonding type experience, and had people online more, but there's no way of have the time for that kind of stuff nowadays.

    4. Hobbs_Burrows


      I would encourage everyone to build and gather purely in survival mode. It brings people together, gets people active, and makes you proud and connected to the world

  3. Profile pages are broken, RIP

  4. Welp, it’s been over two weeks since I was supposed to get a response on my lore submission and still nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bumblefina


      lol expect to wait more like 2-4 months

    3. Banned


      Man, I just want to play a wonk already..

    4. Ragnio


      Lore Reviews are halted all together until the start of the Lore Games. As such most of the lore will not be checked over until the games start and edits were done to the lore as soon as the new formats, etc. got released.


  5. What ever happened to having a “frequently” updated map?

    Hasn’t been updated at all since it was put back in place.


    1. argonian


      no map this server has ever had has ever been updated. it’s been the exact same for almost 8 years now. the dynmap or whatever gets brought back, regular updates are promised, updates never happen once. we had a dynmap that was actually, you know, dynamic once and it updated itself but that was for literally a month or so 

    2. Yaldabaoth


      Yeah id have to agree, it should be updated at least once a month imo

  6. Where have you been?

    1. Tayelikel


      moving and getting ajusted in new home :) back now

  7. Why has the server been dying so consistently recently?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vaynth


      Usually the server slows down when people are waiting for a map transition.

    3. Rickson


      all the more reason to get the map transition going 

      wink wink nudge nudge

    4. Abyssus


      **** you the necromancers are a very active non toxic community we promise

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