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Everything posted by adzb13

  1. Adzy being a fan of Banjos music looked at the missive and couldn't help but let out a slight smile as he saw his name mentioned, it was of course short lived as he read on, realising what has happened.
  2. Adzy stands by The Skippers side also in complete shock "Well then."
  3. Adzy continues to roam the thriving city of Veletz "Will he show or will he cower"
  4. Adzy walked back from the battlefield alongside Grisha, his arms full of looted equipment. "Hey help me carry this." he called to someone nearby. Alas their hands were also full.
  5. Sits upon his horse outside the tavern, cleaning the blood from his sword as he watches everyone run by "What a fight..."
  6. Adzy sat as he was wiping the blood from his blade "I expected a bit more of a fight if I must be honest..."
  7. Adzy turns his focus to Diomé, still with his bloody sword in hand "Four, but I tripped a couple up..."
  8. I'm now out and about in the world.

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