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  1. NLs should be under a PK clause if they die due to RP. I think that, similar to Heists, there should be a system for assassination where the would-be assassins also are under a PK clause for the duration of their mission. Thoughts?

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    2. christman



       but in reality people will make disposable characters to murder NLs. I'm not sure how that could be fixed

      Could be similar to being eligible for a WC roster. Needs a certain amount of hours on a character, but also evidence / maybe an application to moderations on why their character wants to kill the NL

    3. PrimnyaQuorum


      This sounds like a lot of work to force a PK clause on a player just because they hold a job. Would the same apply to that NL's Council? Consort? What about vassal leads? The Heir that's going to take over? 


      It doesn't make any sense to punish people for being NLs with arbitrary PK clauses. The system would be exploited because - why not? it's a free ticket to get rid of the other guy on the other side, RP be damned - and the fact it relies solely upon mods to uphold its integrity. 


      Also, as recently shown - what is "Due to RP" referring to? Captives can be held up to two hours - three if they're a "important government figure" - if they're RP'd at, though I've never heard of a good example of captive RP that isn't a minimal emote every so often to push the timer out, followed by a execution at the end of the timer. 

    4. Onnensr


      based. imagine spending days or weeks planning an assassination, just for them to not pk 😭

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