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Status Updates posted by Medvekoma

  1. .llaf noos lliw noinimoD ehT.

  2. Denied, private message me for reasoning if you wish.

  3. Bad thing about the finances sector is that my metalhead mane had to go ?

  4. Your character is called "Nerd".

  5. Three days after Narvak oz Urguan and an announced intent to partition a Frostbeard kingdom burned to the ground I'll have to deal with them hiding behind CB rules.

  6. Hey man, I kinda like Zhulik. Don't go around calling him out like that.

  7. I was browsing vapourwave songs today and one of them was titled "A E M I C H - B3ST GR4ND4X3"

  8. This changes nothing.

  9. (B)ogrin Grandaxe is a Beta. (A)emich Grandaxe is the true alpha.

  10. Can we warclaim LOTC staff and dissolve it if  we win?

  11. Nation status for Krugmar. The Populus has spoken!

  12. @FlamboyantNewEra "It'll take a month or two" oh boy look who made another promise.

  13. My friend @gandalfo reminded me I haven’t tagged you in a while @FlamboyantTyrant. Where’s the promised magic update m’dude?

  14. can I speak german in roleplay

  15. Peri Peri was a lot faster & cleaner to make than Masala. Can only recommend.

  16. Pay me a 100 minae and I will tell any player asking about “activity” or “RP” to go to the town you hire me for.

  17. Very good preparation. Much warclaim 10/10.

  18. They ? Accused ? The one who was screensharing with a mod ?  With hacking


  20. @Fireheart locking threads in the news section is weak AF.

  21. If RP people can change PvP rules freely, can PvP goons change RP rules? Like, can the PvP community vote to permaban anyone repeatedly caught ERPing?

  22. Telanir enabled "scraping the barrel".

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