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Everything posted by Greehn

  1. watch out, you're gonna get dmed by 10 people asking to be recruited

    1. ryabh



  2. the malding gets boring after a while
  3. Wolfgang de Vilain gives a grand ol' two thumbs up with the agreement, welcoming his new dwarven allies to Acre!
  4. Wolfgang de Vilain sheathes his blade, on to his next adventures.
  5. Felix Salheran was proud to be a part of this fight.
  6. COOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME TO GET OFF BETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Greehn


    Yuro was a Japanese born baby who was eventually left in the streets of Belvitz. He was found and taken into a small and poor family. He was physically abused by his father who was a full-time alcoholic. He eventually developed germophobia from living in the poor old dirty house. He hates to touch people in fear of contacting any sicknesses or germs. He makes sure to stay as clean as possible, always carrying a handkerchief with him. He eventually ran away from home when he was 16 and decided to live in the streets of Belvits. Ever since then, he has been wandering around from place to place exploring around. He eventually stumbled on a few people while crossing Carolustadt. Those people became to be his best friends and his saviors. They took him in, gave him a place to live, and some food to eat. They explore many places together.
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