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Status Replies posted by MissToni

  1. Why don't we have rules on banditry lmao??

    Are they on some random post somewhere? I remember Soulbinds used to count IRP - no one could take a soulbound item. Do Soulbinds even relate to RP anymore? Is it the same rules as stealing from locked chests, with rounded-down stacks etc?

    1. MissToni


      I could have sworn not being allowed to take soulbinds used to be in the rules before... Or did I just imagine it?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. The player Charlemagne has threatened two players with rape and death-threats, one of which was me, and remains on the server.


    I will be posting this often now until he is banned.

  3. genuine question big pvpers, y is a server with latency issues, no fancy plugins, and minimal pvp support ur go to for pvp? 

    this is not an attack or snide comment I am curious y u choose LoTC over legitimately any other server.

    1. MissToni


      Plus CRP goes on for hours upon hours... PVP default is usually just a couple of minutes, sometimes 30-60 minutes at most.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Between making backdoor dealings with some players in order to manipulate roleplay to silencing victims of literal homophobia, I am genuinely concerned about what is going on with LOTC staff right now. Two years ago, I was able to remove TWO pedophiles who targeted me because I felt that the staff had my back and the evidence against them was substantial. What is going on now, in 2021? 


    Are things like racism, homophobia, and blatant abuse not enough to warrant a perma-ban? This is a community made up of MANY different kinds of players, not just the ones you deem to be worthy of your intervention. Please don't treat one terrible act differently from another. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT.


    (Additional Note: This is not the first time in the last year that players who have abused others or been overtly cruel have been allowed back on the server. Stop it. And no, this isn't me just making a status to seem like I'm some hero. Anyone who knows me, like me or dislike me, knows I've been outspoken about this stuff for a long, long time.)

  5. Oh my **** misstoni the champion of oren

    1. MissToni


      @Harrison sure, I’d love to do a friendly 1vs1. Even though I’ll lose ahaha

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Oh my **** misstoni the champion of oren

    1. MissToni


      Shhh, I don’t want the big target by Renatians

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. 0.2 mina






    1. MissToni


      proud of you <3

  8. i am sorry for killing you in the warclaim

    1. MissToni


      don't worry @Chaotikal I had no idea what I was even doing while fighting :3 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Would you rather.


    Be in an event thats PVE, Quest, Puzzle, PVP, or Trivia ?

  10. "I'm open." -Toni 2k18


    "Can we steal a bed together?" -Toni 2k18


    "Look at that gayness." -Toni (again) 

    1. MissToni


      i make great quotes, but my "yeah"'s are better ;)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. dying of the flu does anyone want to donate a working immune system?

  12. When you try to think of something clever to write on your status update, but nothing comes to mind... So instead you write that you are trying to think of something clever to write on your status update but that nothing comes to mind instead. And I am gonna post this just to annoy you people who read my status updates, cause I show my love by annoying others. So when you are reading this know that I love you, but I also want to tickle you to death while I laugh (not literally, don't worry). 


    Oh btw, I want to eat some chocolate right now, so after class is done I am gonna go and buy some and then I shall post a picture for you all to see. Here is a cute puppy.IOrWaRb.thumb.jpg.dbb889e69463ac940ef5d78047bcbdce.jpg

    1. MissToni


      Oh my gosh! They so adorable!!! Ahhhhhhh

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. When you try to think of something clever to write on your status update, but nothing comes to mind... So instead you write that you are trying to think of something clever to write on your status update but that nothing comes to mind instead. And I am gonna post this just to annoy you people who read my status updates, cause I show my love by annoying others. So when you are reading this know that I love you, but I also want to tickle you to death while I laugh (not literally, don't worry). 


    Oh btw, I want to eat some chocolate right now, so after class is done I am gonna go and buy some and then I shall post a picture for you all to see. Here is a cute puppy.IOrWaRb.thumb.jpg.dbb889e69463ac940ef5d78047bcbdce.jpg

    1. MissToni


      Aww, I love you too @Creamy <3 


      And thank you, I really do need my chocolate...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Okay guys... Serious question here! Should I make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting when I get home from school or not? 

  15. Okay guys... Serious question here! Should I make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting when I get home from school or not? 

    1. MissToni


      Sorry guys, I only made enough for my family

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. Okay guys... Serious question here! Should I make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting when I get home from school or not? 

    1. MissToni


      oh my, you should be a therapist. You give great advice 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. I want to be fat so I can sit on my haters and squash them because why not?

  18. I want to be fat so I can sit on my haters and squash them because why not?

    1. MissToni


      people actually know about me? I feel so special now

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. I'm a turtle because I'm so slow at finishing...............                 MY FOOD! hahahaha, got you there. PFFFFTTT! 



    *whispers* I need help...

  20. I'm a turtle because I'm so slow at finishing...............                 MY FOOD! hahahaha, got you there. PFFFFTTT! 



    *whispers* I need help...

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