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Captain Rex

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  1. So Oren=Ferguson. Not to mention I AM A ******* GUARD RIP 2016-2016

  2. Apparently I'm the most cancerous person on LOTC, atleast I've achieved something!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Taketheshot


      the master has summed it up pretty well

    3. Skylez


      Such wise words from the Meme king of LotC himself!!11

    4. Captain Rex

      Captain Rex

      Holy..****....are you some kind of Jedi Master, or Homer himself?!

      But yeah I get whatcha feelin

  3. Want me to block climb and scream***** oren again?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Rex

      Captain Rex

      I don't have one, it hurt my pc for some reason

    3. ormz


      Bro.  Download it on ya phone

    4. ormz


      U cant Lotc and not have skype

  4. 3rd day snowed in. Cabin Fever is at its peak

    1. Violino


      I'm done.. hahaha

    2. Ford


      time for more shitposting innit?

  5. So close to more rep, must not be tree puncher, I am not a criminal.

    1. Ford







  6. I like status updates :P

    1. Nekkore
    2. Captain Rex

      Captain Rex

      Phew, thought you were gonna smite me with magic.

      Are you gonna smite me with magic?

  7. #FreeWud2016 #2legit2quit


  8. Am I the only one who thinks some parts of the Star Wars prequels were OK?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Rex

      Captain Rex

      I don't mind the Old Republic, but jar jar can suck a.....I'll censor myself.


    3. Neverstar


      meesa don't likin yousa sayin bombad things about jar jar binks

    4. Captain Rex

      Captain Rex

      I'll execute order 66 your ass mate. I have the whole republic arsenal and I've been trained as an elite ARC trooper. Come at me bro, I'll wreck your butthole to the stone age.

      I sexually identify as a 501st clone trooper. Ever sense I was a kid I always wanted to shoot laser at those clankers. I will have surgery to look identical to Jango Fett. You must now refer to me as either Captain or Sir.



  9. Name: Aire Sarrel Race:High Elf Gender:Male Age:35 Backstory: Aire Sarrel was born in the city of Johannesburg on a snowy day in winter. His mother, Aeris called him her little 'thief' as he was constantly grabbing snacks or stealing his father's boots and hiding them around the city. One day, he stole a sword from a legionnaire. He offered to let them all go if they never came back to the city, at least for a long, long time. They traveled and traveled for several years, moving from town to town, him getting better and better at stealing. He looked at all his thief connections, and was distraught about the number of people they killed. He vowed to himself that he would only kill if someone got close to killing him. He will only rob people on the roads at night, as it is safer that way. He will never steal weapons as he has plenty already, nor will he steal food, often. He will move from town to town, seeing many areas of the empire. I can't wait for everyone's reactions to him before and after his reign on the server. I will start playing him sometime tomorrow, as I am going to delete one of my other characters.
  10. There's nothing I don't hate more than the edgy characters of Lord of The Craft. It ruins role-play, but it also makes me laugh. Here are some rules not to be edgy 1.Don't be an assassin... 2.Don't base your character on anime you fricking weeb 3.Don't ever make a generic, namebrand character, unique is key. 4.Never ever make a stupid backstory, or give yourself a cringe filled backstory. 5.Never be that run of the mill hero, it's much more fun to be a normal peasant going through normal life, it provides challenges and occasional battles and struggles. Finally, the examples Example 1: Name:Kirito(NEVER EVER DO THIS) Race:Wood Elf(Really, it doesn't even match the right race, but wood elves are usually fun. Age:16(The hell you wanna be under 18 for mate, other than playing a child) Example 2: Name:Dark Ranger Adam(This is a stupid title, as those without titles are most likely better than you.) Race:Dark Elf(Really, the name doesn't even match the race) Age:13(The...nevermind) An acceptable character: Name: William Gawn Race:Heartlander Age:29(Not too old, not too young) Backstory:(I am not doing this...) Good tools to use: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/ : Really helps you come up with some really original names, really good tool! http://www.planetminecraft.com/ :Some really good skins if you look hard enough https://www.clorox.com/ :For all you weaboos to use. Don't have a signature like mine either
  11. lemme guess, I gotta kill a noble...
  12. I'm joking man, but I gurantee you won't.
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