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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Beetroot News has a new volume! I do hope that the Brandybrook Times can keep up!

  2. Halfling fight club when?

  3. Demons better watch out for the pillow forts of Brandybrook


    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      u might be on to somethin cultural appropriator...

  5. Yet another halfling newspaper!

  6. When I die the phantom that I leave behind will continue to make halfling events.

  7. One of the few long threads I’ve ever made that isn’t roasting someone.

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  8. Oren failed to achieve their strategic objective, yet another triumph for the noose executioners.

  9. Halfling GANG represent

  10. Halfling IQ goes into the negative numbers sometimes. It’s a racial quirk.

  11. I made my first Minecraft video woah

  12. Maybe we should stop having the sole method of conflict resolution involve cramming a few hundred people into one area all at once?

    1. argonian


      no reason to stop


      just put it on the war server on a very old version of mc 

  13. Yo gamers, it’s time for another one of these Gaming Night thing! Totally not just making this post to extort people for forum reputation! hahahah

  14. It’s that time of year folks

  15. Stuff be going down in Brandybrook. Will the wee folks survive to see another year? Find out next issue!

  16. Why do I make these tbh


  17. welp time for the annual world war


    @Hobbits @Brandybrook @Jade_Emen time to get the Pumpkin Raiders back together

  18. I have peaked as a gamer

  19. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193156-brandybrook-gaming-night-the-sequel/


    Halflings aren’t the most oppressed race. It’s gamers who face real oppression here on LOTC.

  20. Halfling KOTH will be a real sport.

  21. I spent too much time making this crud

  22. thank you for the bitcoins, I have now released your profile picture from captivity.

    1. Telanir


      Pleasure doing business.

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