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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Remember the quadrillion halfling drinking events I did back in Atlas? 

    Well, they’re back now I guess. If you’re one of those people who constantly complains about the halflings being a dead race with 0 players, maybe pop by during one of these events and see a few of us idk.

  2. I've made another halfling burrow build woah. Come check it out on this forum thread I keep on adding replies to as I do more builds.

  3. We got a SPOOKY festival in Brandybrook!


    Halfling pride worldwide!


    New halfling birding event! Hope it'll be as fun as the last one was!

  5. new halfling newspaper leeet's gooooo!

  6. Bywater shall be free! The halflings call all adventurers to resist the evil munchkin threat!

  7. I have peaked as a gamer

  8. thank kabo0m and I for this epic FOREST DUNGEOn event!!!

  9. Demons better watch out for the pillow forts of Brandybrook

  10. I wonder how hard it would be to make fireworks for this Brandybrook wedding...


    We have the gunpowder for it, but in order to make the fireworks cool it’d require some rare materials.


    I guess we’ll have to make do with what we have xD


    I can’t wait to sip the lovely waters of this fountain and be old forever.

  12. Oh boy I can’t wait to see everyone AFKing on their charters again to meet arbitrary activity requirements!

    1. Yaldabaoth


      A new market has been created for afk alters

    2. Hiebe


      If you have an alternative way to track and verify charters please let me know ill send it up the chain the best i can.


      Atm its plugin based, every 15 mins it checks how many players in the region.

  13. Hey Ho to the bottle I go
    To heal my heart and drown my woe
    Rain may fall and wind may blow but there'll still be
    Many miles to go

    Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
    And the stream that falls from hill to plain.
    Better than rain or rippling brook,
    Is a mug of beer inside this Took!

  14. halflings at it again

  15. enough talking about freebuild let's start reviewing it by looking at old museum stuff lol

    1. Laeonathan


      You forgot about the 500 landscars Gemini and I removed

    2. Adelemphii


      simply build better 4head

  16. Halfling event in Knoxville let's gooo! This time with giant flowers!

  17. Halfling IQ goes into the negative numbers sometimes. It’s a racial quirk.

  18. why play on main server when u can build in creative

  19. drinking nights back now wtf? halflings pogging?




    1. drfate786


      For you own safety please refrain from raiding Renatus with another pumpkin raid, lmfao.

  21. let's revive the ol' halfling log balancing sport lads!

    1. Mannamannaa


      Kor'garr should join in, this seems hilarious.



    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      u might be on to somethin cultural appropriator...

  23. Spent almost 4 hours on this.


    I should stop being so dedicated to these darned builds. The next one I make will be a lot simpler and probably way smaller as well.

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