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  1. can someone explain russian wagner stuff in lotc terms plz

    1. squakhawk


      backwater pmc "The Ferrymen" have realized that their employer The Duchy of Adria is plotting against them and getting them recklessly killed in Aaun (being funded by the police due to familial relations) so they are calling for adrians to rise up against their corrupt defense minister (3 star biased admin blockadier, itdontmatta) so that they can go to fight Aaun but more organized this time

      defense theorists of the elven nations and haense theorize that this is actually a brilliant plan to declare the illegal offensive against aaun which has been a huge backfire failure and withdraw troops to fight the ferrymen back at home so that they can save face for a failed illegal invasion, and maintain dignity amongst their leadership

    2. Evonpire


      Rebellion CB

    3. itdontmatta


      @squakhawkfunniest **** you've ever posted

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