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Posts posted by Blake0205



    Issued by the Royal Treasury

    on this 6th day of Vzmey and Hyff of 506 E.S.



    In the looming shadows of war against Veletz and its allies, our Dual Kingdom stands at the forge of destiny. To fortify our leal soldiers and pave their path to Victory, the Royal Treasury unfurls the banner for The Royal Leather Drive.


    In the righteous name of GOD, we face a menace that threatens the very fabric of our lands, Veletz, that seeks to cast a pall over our realm. Thus, let every Noble House heed the call and embark on the sacred Royal Leather Drive. For three years, as the war drums beat, let the thud of leather echo through our halls. Donate to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, for their armor shall be our bulwark against the enemy. In unity, we find strength; in generosity, we secure Victory.


    By the decree of The Royal Treasury, a purse of 1,500 mina coins shall be granted to the House that donated the most leather. A second sum of 500 minas, donated by Lord Mikhail Colborn, shall be given to the second most giving House. A testament to our shared cause in the face of threat.



    • The competition commence s upon this missive’s proclamation and spans three years. 


    • Noble Houses by default participate in the Leather Drive.


    • Common Houses that seek to help the Kingdom and join the competition may seek entry by birding either Deputy-Treasurer Mikhail Colborn @Kaladin Stormblessed , Ser Fredrich Ludovar @RaijenStars, or Treasurer Isaak Ludovar @Blake0205




    • First place shall receive one thousand and five hundred minas and a custom tailored outfit designed by Her Majesty, Amaya of Venzia @sarahbarah


    •  Second place shall receive five hundred minas






    His Excellency, Isaak Ludovar, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Ludovar Mining Company


    His Lordship, Mikhail Colborn Deputy-Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska and owner of The Scyfling World

    His Lordship, Ser Fredrich Ludovar, Meyster Knight, Kastellan of Labour, Kastellan of inspection

  2. The Grigorian Reforms


    "Va Meynage ve Kongzem's Tryzery"

    Issued by the


    on this 10th day of Tov ag Yer of 503 E.S.





    In homage to Ser Grigori Vyronov, the 9th Lord Treasurer during King Karl III's reign, these reforms seek to restore order to the Treasury department. The Lord Treasurer re-establishes these roles and reaffirms their authority.



    DEPUTY TREASURER, held by Mikhail Colborn (@Kaladin Stormblessed)

    Appointed by prerogative of the Lord Treasurer with approval of the Crown, the Deputy Treasurer is the second to the Lord Treasurer. An average day for the Deputy-Treasurer will include:


    • The organizational work of the Treasurer’s office
    • Undertaking the usual responsibilities of the Treasurer when they are not present
    •  Aiding in keeping all pertaining ledgers up to date, or improving them
    • Communication between the various Kastellans and the Treasurer to ensure that the performance of each branch is optimized to the fullest extent



    KASTELLAN OF STEWARDRY, held by Cassian Colborn (@Nilyeet)

    For lack of proper flexibility, the Office of the Seneschal is being placed within the Office of the Treasury. It is now that the Seneschal continue their duties of “overseeing the administration of the Kingdom’s land, land record-keeping and infrastructure,” under the Treasury Office, so that the two closely aligned Offices can work effectively together. Instead, they are retitled the Kastellan of Stewardry.


    The Kastellan of Stewardry is to be responsible for managing:

    • The management of properties within the Kingdom
    • The sale of properties within the city
    • Evicting properties for which tax has not been paid in a timely manner
    • The employment of stewards to aid in managing properties
    • The Upkeep of ledgers pertaining to the branch
    • Administrating the interior land of Valdev



    KASTELLAN OF TRADE, held by Henrik Otto Ludovar (@HogoBojo)

    The Kastellan of Trade is an appointed position underneath the Treasurer’s office to uphold quality for shops domestic and foreign.


    The Kastellan of Trade is to be responsible for managing:

    • The upkeep of all international Haeseni shops and stalls and ensuring that:
      • They remain stocked with merchandise
      • Tax is paid on applicable properties
      • Shops or stalls can be appropriately established, through work with the Office of the Envoy
      • Financial agreements are considered and met, through work with the Office of the Envoy
    • The upkeep of all domestic Haeseni shops and stalls ensuring that:
      • The upkeep of all internal shops and stalls by cooperating with property owners
      • Ensuring that each are kept up to date with new merchandise, or stock
      • Optimizing the internal market, for example finding solutions to not having the same stock sold at three different stalls
      • Owning and retaining a Government owned shop
      • Keeping the stock, and merchandise up to date



    KASTELLAN OF LABOUR, held by Fredrich Ludovar (@RaijenStars)

    Often referred to as the backbone of the office, the Labour department is not only the largest office under the treasurer it is vital.


    The Kastellan of Labour is to be responsible for managing:

    • The allocation of resources to the several other Kastellans
    • The facilitation of labour to gather resources to supply the various ventures of the Haeseni crown
    • Incentives and compensation for labourers under their employ
    • Offering employment for Haeseni citizens.
    • The upkeep of the Royal vaults






    His Excellency, Isaak Ludovar, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Ludovar Mining Company




    Huge inspiration from:

    @HogoBojo's post: (link

    @LouisGY's post: (link)


    Thanks to @HogoBojo & @Dogged for formatting assistance.

  3. my opinion on this is, if you want new player to maybe keep playing this server maybe its a good idea to turn back to 1.8 pvp. By a perspective people from other servers are gonna ask what kind of pvp is it going to be and we are going to have to say 1.9 pvp. Every new player doesn't know how to 1.9 pvp if you think new players know how to pvp like that you need to check again.  1.8 pvp is most popular in the minecraft community right now, and most people know how to pvp 1.8 wise. That is my opinion if you want new player to be consistent with playing on this server 1.9 pvp is not the right way to go


  4. Honestly I'm not gonna go 100% in full detail about this post but with LotsOfMuffins being admin I haven't had a problem with it at least on my end. But if there is this many people that have this much of a problem that's just not acceptable. Minecraft servers are all about people playing on it and having a fun time, but if it is staff getting in the way of having fun then that's just wrong. Cause with the people getting kicked off the staff for reasons that they didn't like they will spread it and everyone will have second thoughts about applying for staff. 

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