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About DeusVult

  • Birthday 04/29/2002

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    Not in Europe thank god
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    Roleplay music epussy

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    Endyn Jindle
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  1. "The fact that people are all calling the person who is couping Petra a cuck irp speaks volumes as to how shit this server is now"
    "Unban me, NOW! I haven't played in like 3 months and now im banned??!? Great server #gobacktotiktok"

    Personally, I would vote to unban you, but when you post this kind of stuff, it makes me wonder if it would be good to let you back in. 

    EDIT: I had misunderstood the context of the messages, and after talking to him, he seems like a cool dude!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonymousAlexa


      Crazy, we’re not allowed to critique the server anymore

    3. Liam5232


      @DeusVult That makes more sense. I see that you're getting a bunch of upvotes on your unban app, and I can see why! I am with you on the better communication on any bans. Good luck on joining back! LMK if you need anything!

      @AnonymousAlexa There is a way to properly critique things. A critique is supposed to be constructive, and in my personal opinion, neither of the quotes were worded in a way to where they seemed to be wanting to fix or improve something. Maybe I was being a bit harsh, but I believe criticism is supposed to be a bit more friendly. That is all my opinion though.

    4. DeusVult


      TBH I wasn't even crticizing the server, i was just commenting about the misuse of the word lol

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