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Posts posted by GoodGuyMatt





    Held on the 7th day of The First Seed, 1782





    Artist’s Interpretation of the Town Hall held by Royal Alderman Brandt Barclay





    •  Royal Alderman Brandt Barclay began the meeting by explaining what a Town Hall and its purpose is. It, being a way for the Alderman to gather the Citizenry of the Haense or other people to publicly discuss on what the people want to see changed or added to the Kingdom through bills presented to the Royal Duma. After the explanation, the Brandt left room for the people to bring up concerns and talk to them.


    Four main topics came up, with an additional one:


    I.  ON THE ALDERMAN’S ROLE, A topic posed by Darien Frostfire @Diaolos_, inquiring on the role of the Alderman and his work. 

    •  It was explained by the Alderman that his role and job is to represent the Haeseni Citizenry in the Royal Duma, propose and give his opinions and votes on bills with the people’s best interest in mind.


    II.  ON THE EDUCATION OF THE CHILDREN, Another topic raised by Darien Frostfire, inquiring on the children’s education, as well as the economical expense.

    • The Alderman mentioned the recent talk of the Academy’s opening, however, this was made to graduate students rather than educate the children.
    • Though the Alderman was not fully informed on the topic, he took note to inquire more and see if anything could be done.



    III.  ON THE HAESENI MARKET AND ECONOMY, A topic raised by the Alderman himself, concerning the path of where the Haeseni businesses and economy was going.


    •  It was explained by Lady Angelika Bykov @AnonymousAlexa and Mister George Galbraith  @MrChenn1 that the Livery Companies now worked merely as a union of different businesses of the same nature, aiming to bring them together. Previously, the companies also regulated the monopoly of Helena, however, this was changed so the economy would flow more freely, as would the businesses.
    •  Either way, Alderman Brandt asked for a show of hands for those who supported a more regulated market to be implemented in Haense. Out of the eight attending at the moment, three hands were raised, two were lowered, while the other three remained impartial.
    • The idea of the “non-existent” Haeseni market and economy was brought up, and so discussions began to try and understand what the true reasons for the Haeseni Market not prospering were. These were:

                - The lack of encouragement for new businesses to be founded.
                - The many unspecialized and general stores in New Reza, most of which sold the same things. 
                - The lack of diversity and craftsmen on the market.
                - The inactivity and lack of stock in some markets.


    •  After addressing some of the visible issues on the matter, discussions began to come up with solutions that could fix the problem. Some of these were:

                – Offering loans, opportunities, and other forms of economical or social encouragement to make people want to initiate businesses.
                – Rewarding, encouraging further, and showing the benefits of initiating specialized and unique businesses in Haense.
                – Empowering bills, such as the one that put requirements on business’ stock, in order to discourage and even punish the inactive businesses, which hold the line for better ones that could emerge.


    •  These discussions brought to light the nature of the Haeseni Market as of this day, and highlighted some of its flaws, while also proposing and discussing ideas on how to fix them. Alderman Brandt Barclay took notes on the matters, and mentioned that concentrating his work on attempting to fix the Haeseni economy would be beneficial to the people.

    IV.  ON THE ALDERMAN’S WORK WITH THE IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT, a topic raised by Lady Angelika Bykov, inquiring on whether or not Alderman Barclay was planning on working and cooperating with the Imperial Government.

    • The Alderman pointed out that his job related to working specifically within Haense; thus, he had no such specific plans. However, if he saw it beneficial or found an opportunity, he wouldn’t be opposed. As long as his priority remained Haense and her people.


    V.  ADDITIONAL: ON A MISSING CHILD, brought by Garret Plmer Junior, regarding his missing child.

    •  Just before the Town Hall was over and the people dismissed, Garret Palmer Junior @camocat9 came to the podium by the Alderman, with his consent, and used the moment to let the seated know of his missing daughter, Astrid Mesina Palmer





    *Walk-out music began playing when Brandt came out*






    Brandt: “Dear people of Haense. Or non-Haense. Danke to everyone fur coming to the town hall today. As you might have heard the term Town Hall and Alderman thrown around during the last saint's day, ich would like to take a slight moment to explain what truly is actually happening, in case you were poached out of the street to attend. The town hall is simply a gathering of the people of Haense and the Alderman, in this case me. Though I'm guessing that you all know what an Alderman is so I won't bother you with it. Ich would like to hear everyone's concerns, or ideas to improve our great Kingdom… things that can be presented in the Duma as Acts or Law. So far I have been able to pass one bill through the duma as Alderman, and I'm looking to do so again, but this time I want to include your opinions when I do so.”



    Darien Frostfire (@Diaolos_): “I asked this 4 years ago but I will ask again because I still don’t know the answer. What does an Alderman do?”

    Alderman Brandt: “The Alderman is simply a representative of the Haeseni Citizenry in the Royal Duma. They’re elected by the people, and work in the Duma to propose, amend, and give their opinion on bills.”



    Darien Frostfire: “Will our kids get an education? If yes, will it be expensive or free?”

    Alderman Brandt: “As most of us have seen passed around, there has been an initiative started by the Crown to reopen the Academy again. However, I do believe the academy was built to make graduates. I am not fully aware of the matter. But thank you for bringing the idea to my concern. Education for the little ones is something that could be looked further upon. Though, knowing the crown, even if they do put a tuition for the little ones to be educated, it will be nothing too expensive… I will inquire more and think on ways to improve on the suggestion.”



    Alderman Brandt: “I would like to bring up a topic. From what I know, the economy and businesses in Helena are regulated at the moment, with the livery companies and all. How many of you are aware of it?”


    Angelika Bykov: “As Undersecretary of the Interior, I regulate them, so to say. In short, the livery companies of Helena are a system in place that act as trade and economic organizations. Each company is led by someone who represents said company in the Livery Board.”


    Alderman Brandt: “And from what I understand, the companies are merged to regulate trade und all, ja?”


    Angelika Bykov: “Indeed.”


    Alderman Brandt: “What I wanted to discuss, is about if we want to go in the same direction as Helena and regulate our market, or if we should be more open and let each business on its own.”


    George Galbraith: “Ah, just to clarify, the livery companies in Helena aren't as regulated as you may think- relative to how they were before. Now, with their monopolic charters taken away, the market is relatively open itself, rather just each businesses unify under a guild, perhaps.”


    Angelika Bykov: “Indeed. In previous years, they created monopolies, which I am very much apposed to. However, the reformed livery companies are quite effective, in my opinion.”


    Alderman Brandt: ”Ah. It’s changed? Ja, ich remember their responsibilities included regulation of the monopoly. Seems they've changed and now work as a union. Still, the question remains… Haense is in no way as economically prosperous as Helena, few places in Arcas are… though it would be possible that such a system could either be drawn up or opposed. Are there any views on the matter?”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “Now, I ain't a citizen 'ere 'n Haense, but my opinion on this whole situation is 'at the economy should not be as regulated as 'tis 'n Helena. 'Ya 'ot to 'ave a liscence, or some guild 'llegience if 'ya want to do anythin' o'er 'are. If Haense is goin' to be switichin' to a similar sysyem, I'd suggest givin' those who are actually sellin' the goods more freedom… it'd 'elp open up the 'conomy s'more.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Ja… personally, that was the view ich was mostly trying to lean to. It'd be benificial to Haense if laws were made to let each company handle itself without interference. Thank you for your opinion gut sir. Do we have any objections to that idea?”


    Cedric Raynerus: ”Is it possible to give people loans so they can start their own business.”


    Alderman Brandt: “From what I know, the crown itself doesn't. Unless I'm uninformed on the matter. Though it is a gut point. Helping new businesses prosper.”


    Angelika Bykov: (To Garret) “I fear you are unaware of how the modern livery companies are run, good sir. The modern livery companies are simply workers guilds. They do not require you to have a license in order to start up a business or something similar.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “Well, 'en, may'aps 'at's changed 'n my years way from the Empire. Last I knew, 'ya 'ad to get a license for everythin'… I 'eard 'ya even 'ad to 'ave one to practice 'ny bit 'o herbalism 'o medicine 'n Oren, nae matter the size 'o 'yer operation.”


    Angelika Bykov: (To Brandt) “Indeed, reforms have been made in regards the livery companies. But that is all I have to say. Do continue.”


    Alderman Brandt: “This meeting is all about me hearing what you have to say really. Please, don't feel bad to talk. Now, what would be helpful to me to know… By show of hands, how many of you think Haense's economy needs to see reforms to be more regulated?”


    *2 (two) raised hands, 3 (three) unraised, and 3 (three) impartial*


    Angelika Bykov: “I don't think it's a matter of regulation, but more the fact that the Haeseni economy is non-existent.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “Aye, they're askin' 'bout regulatin' what 'lil 'conomy 'are is, which I think is abolutely pointless.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Opinions appear slightly mixed, though noted nevertheless. (To Angelika) Just what I was about to mention. As I said before, Haense's market is not nearly as crowded as that of Helena, and even if we were to make guilds, it'd most likely be one company per each, or one company would go in many, as there are quite some general stores. In that case, we could work on a way to diversify Haeseni businesses.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “The thing is, 'ya 'ot to lure more economy activity to this city 'n general for any sort'a guild, or regulation to be viable… (To Angelika) Regulatin' the economy'll just make less folks want to start businesses 'round 'ere. May'aps some regulations with 'ow shops are stocked should be put'n place, but aside from 'at, nothin' more should be done.”


    Alderman Brandt: “That ist a gut point, ja. Though it is also to say that some businesses do not fully depend on stock alone. II, for example, make most of my business through commissions. r for example restaurants where the product is made on the spot… much like the one my missus is planning to initiate.”


    Angelika Bykov:: “Not necessarily. Regulations, such as the modern livery companies are quite effective and do not discourage business. And I believe there was a bill enacted in the Haeseni Duma in regards to stock regulations.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Mhm. Ich remember that too… I believe it included a percentage of how much stock should've been present… with check-ups und all.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: (To Brandt) “I can see where 'at might cause problems… All I know is 'at there needs to be some way to make sure 'at businesses within the city are still providin' 'n not just takin' up space. (To Angelika) 'n what type 'o regulations do 'ya propose 'at would work well 'n a city with a 'conomy 'at's this inactive?”


    Angelika Bykov: “Indeed. And the stock regulation bill has made great strides in improving the economy. And frankly, bills such as that need to be enforced by the government.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Bills to regulate the activeness of companies. Ich will work and think more on this… perhaps making law to encourage people to open business would be beneficial. Mein first bill related to allowing for business owners to be drafted to the army as logistics fur the war effort, und getting tax cuts for it. Perhaps such side benefits und opportunities fur business owners and workers could work nicely alongside making sure that companies are actually active.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “Business owners certainly need to 'njoy more benefits. If 'ya give people reason to open business 'n Haense, may'aps they'll do it… as 'at guard was sayin' earlier, may'aps some form 'o loans could be offered by the Haense Crown to get business owners started….”


    Josef Audemar: “So, subsidies. To offset operating costs for a period of time so businesses can get on their feet.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: (To Josef) “Aye, may'aps new business owners could get some form 'o tax cuts for the first 'lil bit 'o operation, just to give 'em time to get 'stablished.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Ja. Benifits would surely be a great encouragement. Though from my own experience, business diversity is also a thing to keep in mind. As soon as I opened the first functioning smithy shop, there was a huge influx in business.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “May'aps if somebody wants to open a unique business… nae just a general store like many 'o the shops 'round 'ere are right now, 'at could gain 'em more benefits such as cuts to the price 'o property 'n priority locations, just to show the diversity 'o Haense business.”


    Darien Frostfire: “Bakery?”


    Josef Audemar:  “Well that's just business. The economy will reward those with innovative ideas, I don't think the government needs involvement there.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “But 'are seems to be a lack 'o folks who want to open unique businesses, considerin' the sheer quantity 'o general stores 'round 'ere.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Ja. Then perhaps encouraging more craftsmen and the like to open up their not only businesses but workshops as well would encourage the economy.”


    Josef Audemar: “Competition is the driving force of a good economy. Putting businesses selling a specific product that no one else sells on a pedestal only further encourages monopolies.”


    Alderman Brandt: (To Josef) “That is true… but creating a monopoly right now is quite easy due to unique businesses not being explored. But if you were to show people that there are other forms of businesses to be opened through beneficial encouragement, it could help set a wheel in motion.”


    Angelika Bykov: “Indeed, but there is nie competition with nie businesses. Regulations are needed in order to set the economy in motion.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: (To Brandt) “At's more what I'm referrin' to. General stores can compete 'smuch as they'd like, but if we're tryin' to get more unique business 'n 'ere, we need to offer space for craftsman 'n other merchants to sell their goods without bein' overshadowed by the general store-- somethin' 'ya see five 'o 'n every city 'ya visit.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Exactly. Right now, what you see in most shops is unprocessed iron, gold, at times gems, perhaps wood.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “We need more processed goods… tailors, jewelers, smiths, 'ya name it… the raw goods we see now can be purchased 'n any city… so why come to Haense to shop?”


    (Ghost) Father Harald Vuiller (@Harald) “As this young man said, there is neit a reason for people to come to Haense to do their shopping when they can get just the same in any city on GODs terra, have people learn, and help them start up, if neit you are guaranteed to fail.”

    Alderman Brandt: (To Harald) “The ghostly market must be booming, ja? Though that ist indeed a gut point.”


    (Ghost) Father Harald Vuiller: “My point is that through all my time either in Haense or watching it from the skies above nothing has changed, families has come and gone and so with kings and regent but for the people it and the market it's all the same.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Either case.I believe I've both found the conversations today very helpful to give me ideas fur my next act as Alderman… as well as having taken quite some of your precious times. My first bill was already related to activating businesses… though now I believe it would be good to focus on creating these businesses.”



    Alderman Brandt: “Before we formally dismiss this hall, are there any questions or concerns we can cover in a brief moment?”


    Angelika Bykov: “Sorry for another question, I hope this will be short, but do you plan to cooperate and work with the Imperial government?”


    Alderman Brandt: “Personally, my ideas right now have mostly been focusing on Haense. Though if the circumstances see it beneficial, I have no objection to working with the Imperial government. As long as my work helps and prioritizes the citizenry of Haense and our Kingdom.”


    Angelika Bykov: “Of course, naturally. That is all. Thank you for your time.”


    Alderman Brandt: “Thank you for yours. IIch needed to hear the concerns and opinions so ich knew what would be good for me to focus on as Alderman.”




    Garret Palmer Junior: ‘Ya mind if I talk really quickly 'bout this?” (Gesturing to the missing child poster)


    Alderman Brandt: “Ah yes. Please, come right here.”


    Garret Palmer Junior: “My child, Astrid Mesina Palmer recently went missin' from the Korvassan camp 'o Al-Hadirah. She's 'ot dark brown 'air, blue eyes, 'n is 'bout twelve. She was last seen 'bout a Saint's Day 'r so 'go 'round the city 'o Sutica. If anyone sees anythin', please, send me a bird. I'm offerin' minas for information 'at leads to 'er return. 'N 'at's all I 'ad to say.”


    *The gathered wished the man the best of luck and Godan’s help*


    Alderman Brandt: Thank you to everyone fur coming today.

  2. Royal Alderman Brandt Barclay smiled at the official notice of the town hall he’d been planning to have for a bit. The Barclay then went over to prepare the papers to take notes during the talks.



    Brandt Barclay hearing the people’s needs and fighting for the change they want





  3. Brandt Barclay, being in Farrador during the happenings of most of these events and seeing a good deal of what happened first hand, made his way out with quite a surprised expression. The man then left the peculiar place he stumbled upon and went back to Haense with an interesting story to tell and remember.


    After some playing around with the pack, I realized that there was a problem with the custom shields. If you had a shield that was custom named and you tried holding it up, it’d just show a black and purple block texture.


    To fix that, all you have to do is download the folder I’ll link bellow, then go to the folder in your game 

    Conquest Trimmed by GoodGuyMatt_\assets\minecraft


    then open the downloaded .rar file, and just dump the “models” folder in the location mentioned above, reload the pack, and it will be fixed. 


    Scuza for the inconvenience!





  5. Brandt Barclay smiles as he sees a tailor shop set in Haense, offering a thumbs up... the man is then said to have gone towards his secret room, where he may or may not have begun on planning a way to suck this nice business into the Barclay Monopoly. If the rumers were true, it would be anyone’s guess

  6. Barclay Waffen

    Because a Barclay Always Provides

    13th of Sun’s Smile, 1781

    New Reza




    Upon entrance in the city of New Reza, a new, yet fitting shop would seem to have taken its rezidence, leaning on the right side of the Greyspine Road. Which would likely need renaming to Barclay Road soon enough, two Barclay-ran shops having already occupied two of the stores, which faced each other.

    One of these featured a forge smithy by its side, adorning it both in apparel and practicality. Banners bearing the Barclay Coat of Arms seemed to be hanged just outside the shop, which appeared to deal on forged and woodworked goods, including and specifically specializing in the crafting of Arms.

    ”Owned by Brandt Barclay” the sign outside would read... the same apprentice of the Royal Smith of the Kingdom, who had practiced the craft for well over ten years now.




    Customer’s Information and Commissions:

    Entering inwards the shop, one would notice a nice and growing variety of forged arms displayed and ready for grabs. Aside from the standard-issued products displayed, the smither also seemed to be taking commissions of many kinds!

    By the supporting beam connected to the counter, a bunch of papers were hanged, all seemingly up for grabs for whoever wanted to commission and become a customer of this honourable business:
    [!] Informative papers seemed to be up for grabs!



    If you want to commission something, please click the link above which will send you to the very chad Barclay Monopoly discord, where you can put your commissions, see what’s in stock, and keep updated




    Work Preview:

    Coming together with the informative letters, there appeared to be some sketch previews and paintings of Brandt’s many works, being listed:




    Spiral Handle Knife

    The first ever commission, been doing it since 1774




    The first set



    Sigismund II

    Long live the King!



    Haeseni Knightly Sword

    “To prove one’s self through discipline, loyalty, and respect” – the sixth Code of Chivalry




    Looks nothing like a star, but it will knock the starlight out whoever it’s smashed on



    Lady’s Tune

    A melancholic tune will make the warrior cry faster than the sword will



    Short Crow-Beak Polehammer

    The wee version of the polehammer





    A blade made for adventures, specifically for the likes of the honourable C. E. Herbert @AndrewTech of the Northern Geographical Society!




    Flanged mace forged for the purpose of smashing Inferi heads off. Made for Diomedes of Luxem @Spoon




    (OOC) Resource Pack:

    If you’re interested in using Conquest tools and and custom weapons which I tend to refer to and use quite a lot when renaming, refer to the forum post below to get a lite version of Conquest including only the tools

    + added instruments!



  7. 14 minutes ago, Sybbyl0127 said:

    Oooh, I made something similar to this in the past for myself. But not because of my computer, I have bad eyesight and conquest makes it very hard for me to see the difference between blocks. So back in 1.12 I made an edit that removed all the main building block textures, but kept all the decorative blocks [flower pots, or connected texture things like turning blocks into barrels and **** with optifine etc, glass panes and the sort]

    as well as things like the sky and stuff, so you get that conquest feel but I can still see.


    So I appreciate the work you put into this, because *man* did that take forever to do for me, good job 👍


    Hahahaha yea Conquest does kind of have that effect... as well as being a little dark at times.

    I hope you find it useful my man o7

  8. Conquest Trimmed

    Disclaimer: This is no way, shape or form my own work! Everything in this pack is taken from Monsterfish_’s Conquest Reforged Resource Pack... all I’ve done is edited it!

    You can find the download links at the bottom after all the thread.





    Now... to start with, if you don’t know what Conquest is, it’s a pretty epic, and heavy medieval resourcepack for Minecraft. It’s very complex, and includes a wide variety of textures, including changing an item’s appearance based on their name. This has led to it being used quite a bit in LOTC, since it helps us give actual textures to our custom weapons, be they polearms, jousting lances, or even blacksmith tongs. Overall, it’s a beautiful and rather popular tool that can be of good use in roleplaying situation.


    However, the thing with, as I said, is that it’s a thicc pack. Normally, people and their relationship with Conquest fall in three categories:

    - Your laptop or computer is a PC masterrace, and it can reat Conquest for breakfast.

    - Your laptop or computer is an absolute potato, and you get around 3-10fps with it if you’re lucky... not to mention going to dense places like nation cities and such

    - Or you’re like me, and your laptop or computer is powerful enough to run the Witcher 3 in max settings, but it freaks out when it sees Conquest, or Minecrafti n general.


    If you fall in either of the two last categories and you’ve tried using Conquest before, you probably won’t find it very easy or convenient... however, of course, you also want your chad mineman item pixels to look epic as hell, but you can’t do it without Conquest, since it’s so cramped with other things that it just doesn’t make it worth it.


    For a preview, here is the list of the custom tools you could make in Conquest :


    How it works is that you just put the specified name for each tool on the appropriate item, and it changes the texture to what you see


    If that’s your case, then I’m here to save you and yo broke ass PC... I present to you, Conquest Trimmed

    It’s literally Conquest Reforged, but I removed almost everything that cramped it up and made it very heavy... including almost every building block, skies, etc. The only things that are really left right now are some items and tools, as well as some instrument blocks I added, but I’ll talk about those later.



    Most of what the pack changes:






    Why would you want to use this pack? Well let me tell you:


    - It includes the very epic and nice Custom Conquest textures for different types of weapons, including Greatswords, Bastardswords, Polearms, etc.

    - It is very lightweight, due to having removed almost everything else, and thus it should result in minimal performance drop.

    - It uses a pretty chad and RP friendly Font (though I’ve heard of the Conquest Font messing up when writing books in Minecraft, so keep that in mind)

    - Nothing else is changed except the textures I’ll mention below, so you can use it with other resource packs such as Faithful, or whatever you wish really

    - I have also added custom textures for Instruments, which are quite compatible with LOTC (see the “Extra” section for more info)

    - Due to original Conquest being a pretty thicc pack, at times it conflicted with other mods, the specific experience I had was with 1.15 MPM... I tried it with this pack, and so far it doesn’t seem to have the same problem






    Unchanged Textures

    (The following all include the custom variations seen in https://ravand.org//refsheet_tools.html)

    As of now, the things I’ve left from the original Conquest Pack are:



    - Swords

    -Armor + Horse Armor

    - Shields + Banners

    - Axes

    -Bows + Crossbows

    - Arrows

    - Tridents



    - Shovels

    - Pickaxes

    - Fishing Rods + Carrot on a stick

    - Shears

    - Flint and Steel



    - Paintings

    - The Conquest Font


    (Unless I missed mentioning anything, then everything except the ones listed above will remain in the vanilla textures)


    Extra – Instruments!

    Now, aside from just trimming I also decided to do some extra work, specifically concerning instrumental textures in the pack. In the orginal Conquest Pack, the Discs were retextured to look like instruments.

    So I used some of those exact textures to make actual Custom Instruments that can be used in LOTC.


    So far I’ve only added 4 of them: Lute, Violin, Flute, Pan Flute, and Bagpipe


    To get these, all you have to do is rename the respective items so that the names mentioned above are at least included, and the texture will change. Here are the specifics:



    Original items and the Renamed ones




    Any type of shovel + rename including the word “Lute”



    Any type of shovel + rename including the word “Violin”



    Stick + rename including the word “Flute”


    Bamboo + rename including the word “Flute”


    Pan Flute:

    Gold Ingot + rename including the word “Pan Flute” (include the space)



    Green Dye + rename including the word “Bagpipe”


    Nether Quartz + rename including the word “Bagpipe”


    Download Link

    If for some reason you’re seeing this post like 8 years later, I prolly won’t be able to reshare it with you... either because I won’t be on LOTC anymore, I’d have lost it, It’ll be very outdated, or we would all have died from the IRL Inferi invasion





    (The short link above was provided to be by Monsterfish_)



    Two things before I finish off:


    One, I haven’t spent a whole bunch on reworking this and I’m no expert either, I literally just removed images, so if there are any complex technical problems with the pack, I probably won’t be the best to help... but HMU anyway


    Secondly, I want to mention again that This is not my work, I haven’t added anything of my own in it, and the credit all goes to the cool people in https://conquest.ravand.org/



    Not Finding the Resource Fix + Removing Fonts

    This is an edit where I’d like to point out to things in case you were wondering or you needed help with them.


    If you just drag the ZIP file into your resource pack folder and open minecraft up, you’ll notice it’s not there. To fix this, simply open the ZIP file, then move the foldier inside it into your resource pack foldier. Sorry for the small inconvenience!


    And if you’re looking to remove fonts, instead of just posting another link, I’ll show you how to do it:

    Open the Resource Pack Foldier, go to “assets”, then go to “mincraft”, then “optifine”, and lastly delete the foldier named “fonts”

    That’s it!


    If you need more help HMU!

  9. Brandt Barclay signs the lorraine after reading the parchment. The man then looks back towards the many notes he had taken on the Inferi, huffing to himself soon after "Let's hope ein call to arms like this will wake people up"

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