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Everything posted by Olox_

  1. I ******* hate PiS...
  2. Aleksander Wilhelm, was baking bread in the kitchen as the invitation reached him "Bela and István are getting married? Just about time!" The Lord said as a snort left his nostrils "It seems like my little sister is not so little anymore" He added before shaking the flour off his hands and going upstairs to think about the gift
  3. Heinrich II von Alstreim clapped for his cousin as he and Aleksandra awaited the birth of their own child
  4. Aleksander Jazloviecki, once robbed by the Canons Regular sighed "It seems like the easiest target are always those who wish for peace." The Lord of Wolavia commented before going to pray for the health of the couple and their child
  5. Aleksander Wilhelm patted Leutwin on the back "No more nightmares Leut Leut. Peace is dawning..." He said with hope to his Barclay friend @alien_mc
  6. Prince of Merryweather, Heinrich II Lothar, sat in his office when sorrow overtook him "You are with grandfather now, dearest grandmother. Ruhe in Frieden..." He muttered, whilst sincere tears ran down his cheeks
  7. We all leave at some point. The time of the giants is passing so that the new ones can rise. Permanent or temporary, rest my friend - your work has not been for nothing.
  8. This will sound weird but I do not have one person. I learn from different people when it comes to different things. If I had to mention it, then I certainly would: LithiumSedai, you (as weird as it sounds), Reece, Lion etc. First of all - good question. Me and Wulfery met back in 2018. I was a pinktag back then and knew little about the server. We did not become friends until 2020 I think, but our friendship had ups and downs. Me and my group left Vistulia because he did not want to agree on certain things we have agreed upon previously. Also some matters regarding Savoy remained unresolved at the time, and I was quite salty - I admit. In the end we explained everything but I think this left a sour taste in both mouths. Now he is banned, so I do not really think of him and what could have gone better or worse.
  9. What makes you stay on LOTC, and to adhere, what is the No.1 reason of your stay: My friends. I made many new and good friends over the last two/three years and I am glad I can spend time with them on the server really. That is what keeps me going to be frank.
  10. That is such a hard question. I did not meet many Raevs on my way... 1. Jan Ivanovich 2. Istvan Matyas Ivanovich (must be here, since we will be in-laws) 3. Ser Sveneld 4. - 5. - 1. Marlene von Alstreim 2. Aleksandra vas Ruthern 3. Ottilie Franziska Castile 4. Calliope Renata von Alstreim 5. Princess Renata di Savoie
  11. Heinrich von Alstreim has the best face and default outfit of them all...
  12. I am not a Swiftie. Naturally, Makoto Iekami.
  13. Favourite memory of Grodno: Times when my family was alive. All of us (Stan, Maciej, Otton, August, Jindrich etc.)
  14. Favorite Dutchman on LoTC: Ramun#1916 How is studying Dutch: Quite good actually. One more year. Is het patat of friet: Tuurlijk patat...
  15. Will you ever play an orc: I have played an orc in 2018, once, and let us not come back to this topic Will you ever play a dwarf: I have played a Doomforge in 2021, once, let us not come back to this topic What do you plan to do in the future in LoTC: My plans are made on the go. First and foremost I must finish Heinrich's stuff, then I will probably focus on Jazlovieckis once more and develop Lechian culture, bring RP and so on. Time will tell!
  16. 1. Top five COA's on LoTC: House Jazloviecki Alstreim Achievement COA Barony of Acre (yes.) Principality of Savoy March of Lvinsk 2. Ten reasons why elves are worse than humans: No need to list ten, they are simply worse. I never liked elves and will never like them. Simple as. 3. Top ten High Pontiffs: (I do not know ten but can give my personal top 5) 1. Tylos II 2. Pontian IV 3. Everard VI 4. Tylos I 5. Sixtus V (I appreciate what Nolan is doing right now) 4. How's life in Poland:
  17. Numendil and, with no shame, Adria. I seriously like their build...
  18. Except of destroying your Tank with @Optimus420 I'd say the Harvest Revolution and all the time we spent at Grodno Sorry but it must be BOON, killer and mastermind of the B&B's, a shadow leader and emperor of mankind I love Bane too though, don't get me wrong...
  19. Because I am myself (a Pole), never tried to be anyone else really It's very nice you said that though, best German.
  20. Fav character: Borys Jazloviecki - He was a real Lechian chad, good Canonist and friend of Ulrich von Alstreim. Fought agaist Orenians at Savoy and got Jazlovieckis their nobility. Very good character though could have played him a bit longer. Most memorable RP moments: Robert (@Traveller) shouting at an Orenian party - "What is even this wig cult?" Red Waldenian Knight moment The day we stopped Valecu and Sug from leaving the Savoyard court The Wall RP Founding the Blue Bonnet Tavern to honour the Lecho-Daelish friendship Sneaking into Grodno while von Dracos were standing in front of the gate Getting captured by Adrians and sitting in their prison for two hours because nobody had the keys to get inside and execute me Fav LoTC military uniform: It has to be the Argent Legion and the Eagle's Watch (both good in different ways) Your ideal LoTC alt-history scenario: This one made me think a little but in my honest opinion the best possible alt-history scenario would be: 1. Savoy not getting nuked, making Miko and Mordu the ruling couple until Milen's son was old enough to get crowned as our new Prince, killing all the traitors (nuking Daeland and Redclyf) 2. Grodno not getting destroyed during the Harvest Revolution but rather siding with Acre before King Frederick was killed (I have always had a weakness for "peasant republic" type governments), later backing Alstion during all that Gambit did in Balian, if it would happen of course. What nation would you want to be an NL of and why: Well the two nations I have truly been dedicated to are Savoy and Aaun. Both communities brought together people I call friends, and it is good contact with the community (in my opinion) that ensures a good rule for NLs. Looking at it now I'd say Aaun of course... Ranking my favourite Alstreims: 1. Ulrich Lothar von Alstreim (most interactions with, good memories and memes) 2. Heinrich II Lothar (because I play him...) 3. Calliope Renata (based nun and a good friend of Matthias Jazloviecki, also many good memories) 4. Corwin Alstreim (because he killed a mother and a son...) Uhhh well 1. Borys Jazloviecki (venerable, father of Jazlo noble status, argent knight) 2. Maciej Jazloviecki (margrave of grodno, a funny vampire guy) 3. Otton Jazloviecki (brother of margrave Maciej, good guy but a Dracula LARPer) 4. Holy Sir August (strong Lechian dude with chad jawline, always dedicated to GOD) 5. Pontiff Tylos II (Fiodor was a good man with funny hats)
  21. I still exist because I am a human being with no existential crisis (though this server may lead to one), even though I see black/white/grey each day I think I am quite a positive and happy individual.
  22. Hello from greyscale Poland. I am here for exactly five years now but it is the first time I am doing AMA. Feel free to ask about anything really... This is all, have a good saturday.
  23. A frown appeared at the face of the Prince of Merryweather as he realised it did in fact begin roughly an hour after his wedding...
  24. Heinrich II Lothar smiled at the festival schedule
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