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    not a fish

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  1. If any player feels that they’ve had false Conflict Blacklists, please PM me on Discord with information – TrendE#6928

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TrendE


      @Archbishopeven if the justification for the punishments was reasonable, which it wasn’t as I watched the entire thing, a player who has played the server for around a month with no previous punishments was given a 2 month long punishment. 

      His punishment is 2x longer than the amount of time that he has played the server, and he was offered no warnings etc prior. There is no way that this decision can be defended. 

    3. Kanadensare


      Mickaelhz and I’s CBs, while unjust and completely irrational, can at least be explained away. Erilobar’s literally can’t. He has played for a month (+/- a week or two) and was given a two month CB, which at the time he was told it was only going to be a week (or 2 weeks, I forget, but still), for typing an emote that the GM didn’t like. He received no warnings, he received no mercy from the mineman moderator. He was struck down without a care in the world and without the GM giving any mind to the situation or the player he was punishing.


      Telanir said that CBs were supposed to be a last resort and an alternative to a ban, but it’s really starting to seem like the GMs see them as band-aids to toss on players who they don’t want to deal with for the next [insert however long their CB is here].

    4. BenevolentManacles


      stop sewing dissent in my mineman rp corporation

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