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Everything posted by tgrt

  1. [ ! ] Pinned in various boards, taverns and stages, any wandering bard would find this captivating missive with quite the recognizable symbol over it: Four interweaving diamonds of varying hues. It’d read: . • ▽ VAILU VALMIRAN ▽ • . SAINT’S FESTIVAL -• - • - •- We of the Four Arts College have been invited to close off Balian’s year-long celebration of St. Rudolph, the patron Saint of music, this next First Seed. Our gathering will host an exclusive euphonious display, and we also invite all musicians, minstrels and troubadours to bring forth their melody in honor of not only Balian’s Culture and people, but all Sound arts as well. - • - IMPROVISATIONAL TOURNEY To celebrate the inspirational art that is song-weaving, artists are invited to compete in our Improvisational Tourney, where all performances shall be made up on the spot. Audience members shall offer themes, prompts and words, and musicians are to make the best melody they can with what they were given. The best singer of the night will win 100 mina, and bragging rights. Winner will be decided by the crowd. For more information kindly contact our Headmistress. (OOC) When: Friday, the 10th, at 6:30pm EST Where: The Balian Amphitheater Why?: Bards.
  2. Incredible concept in an elegant, pretty, and well-designed package! The support mechanics are solid and RP-focused, the whole lore screams flavor, and it all shows so much cultural potential. This could help push for a much needed voidal magic renaissance.
  3. A busy Headmistress recieves a copy of the missive, alongside the news her College got collateraly thrased when authorities tried to apprehend the shoe-stealer. Baffled, the Velulite blinks to her shoe collection stashed away in her very secret bedroom. "...These people are insane."
  4. A lore-weaving furry Now asking for funnies And buying his rep in our face. Sure thing but before that I'm stealing your formats To post of my kitsune race. uwu
  5. Happy Halloween you guys! This spooky magic was a LOT of fun to write and draw for, and I hope it brings a nice breath of fresh air to our witch enthusiasist out there!
  6. If there's one thing I know from lotc is that we always spend way too much time thinking of what could be, when actually going out and doing it goes a lot differently from what we had in our heads. So hey, maybe just starting with small explorations, subtle puzzles and funky stuff on a smaller scale can ease you into feeling things out? Dunno though, it sounds like I'm just telling you to be the change you want to see in the world at this point. Also I do know and I really hope what comes next develops nicely :D Firstly, I'll have what you're having. Even if what it looks like you're having is a stroke. Secondly thank you for the cat content. That cottonball is BEAUTIFUL. And third I think I have some time to answer your question before whatever memetic agent you inserted into that text reaches my subconsciousness and I awake as a @JARVISPOSTINGsleeper agent or something- I always just want a good story for my characters. Literally doesn't matter what comes. In fact Inny could die tomorrow and if the roleplay tells a nice tale and if ending things feels right then things just end. I played my last character for like 600 days and they always believed in endings and sought to see what'd kill them. He burned his tavern, never wrote down the songs he created and tempted death countless times, but never once actually died. It really clicked when out of all things to PK them, simply old age in a snowstorm would fit so well. The narrative power of Jarvis, comment on this dude's AMA post. Talk about pumpkin pies. Wait 24 hours. Post again with incoherrent keyboard mashing which weirdly looks to half make sense. Wait for the rep farm to begin.
  7. Don't worry with the pace you're changing timezones and sleep schedule you'll eventually have an epiphany and realize we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Once you're pro-vibe, though, riddle me this: What's an RP niche you'd wish more people were into? You're my go-to for those meaningful, artsy and expressive moments and I really feel like there's such creative freedom when RPing with you! Feels a lot more like colaborative storytelling than just emoting at each other. The caravan is heading straight into a volcano if you don't SHUSH and I'LL DO THE AMPHI SOMETIME NEXT WEEK OKAY. Also all about that whole thing is as wonderful as it is unbeliavable. You REALLY need to get someone to write your character's biography IRP. I certainly know of an interested Bard College...
  8. I like my dad bods like I like my wine. Sweet, not too old, and affordable 😎 Dude invented pugsy'ing on day 1 and became the world's youngest diplomat on day two, jeez. I actually had a similar experience in my early RP days when I accidentaly got ushered into a druid moot. I remember staying there, wide-eyed as all these important figures (with shiny names and particle effects) debated about how to stop the end of the world. It was great. Really gave me perspective on how deep storylines can get and how small moments like those could decide things on a much broader scale. That's also when I started admiring Luciloo from afar. Man, what a player. What a writer. I always strive to have the same RP presence as Nivndil had every time she walked into a room. Those flavorful, lenghty emotes that you could FEEL and HEAR as you read? MM. 1 - Jesus christ you've committed to Aenor more than doctors legally need to commit to medicine to get a PHD. Not that there's anything wrong with that but can you please tell me how in the world you didn't get burned out yet? Or even. Better questions: How much did the character change in those 10 years? Did they ever mecanically die, but you didn't PK? If so, how'd those ''deaths'' happen? This whole character deserves their own AMA dude, damn. 2 - RP politics are what burn people out the most from what I've seen. The DEMAND from group leaders alone, from both the server and their own community is nuts. Imagine being responsible for a space where you NEED to have dozens of people come visit daily, constantly and if there's trouble or strife you gotta answer the call within the hour or insanity breaks loose. No pay, either. Sounds like owning an airbnb from hell. 3 - [DATA EXPUNGED] Alas. Some questions we could not handle the answers for, after all.
  9. 1 - I remember you telling me you never actually tried bardsy stuff and insulting people with Malus in that bard-off was your first shot at it. You then proceeded to verbally incinerate Inny. Who knew you had it in you, sheesh. 2 - I personally view RP rivalry as more about OOC trust than animosity. It's like the ultimate trust fall when you have a buddy hold a blade to your character's throat and you're just HOPING things work out. Characters develop a lot more when they find direct opposition to their views- I almost exclusively antagonize those I love RPing with the most! 3 - ಥ_ಥ Hey nice! I'm real glad the nutty spaghettifest that is Lore doesn't dissuade you from writing more. Good freaking luck with making a few pieces mostly on your own though- Careful not to burn yourself out too quick. Most people love plants. They tend to grown on you. Thank youuu! 🥳
  10. You bring some incredible RP despite how new you are to things! Watching Veluc develop into this mature explorer who hopes for the best in people, and really just wants to make a better word has been lovely. It really looks like he knows and has seen some of the bad, but still, despite all that, believes in the good. Veluc doesn't feel like an anime protagonist with the old ''frienship will win the day'' cliche- That type of natural young hopefulness and positivity has really been portrayed in a nice, grounded way. I'm eager to see how the he develops and I love watching you create! I have a lot of questions. Number one: How dare you? Also, why join ST? Do you manage to do what you hoped you would when you first joined in, or did expectations lower since then? From blue moon to blue moon curses cry past gone monsoon: Corruption, rot, sought to combine too many good thoughts. Sacred are they apart, the pinapple's sweet citrus and the pizza's cheesy art. To mix them, though? SIN. SIN IS WHAT YOU BROUGHT. LIKE BACON AND CHOCOLATE. WHAT IS NOT, IS NOT.
  11. What *kind* of orange? You a saturation enthusiast? Or a cool hues enjoyer? Well hey there's always halloween. You can regret having too many pumpkin pies! Adfectio is such a neat, niche material. The 'Emotion Power' deal it brings up has a lot of potential, and the non-ST requirement is lovely for these types of aesthetic materials. Y'know. Player agency is a tricky thing, but when you get it right it can be something incredible. It's a balance between giving the good-intent peeps creative freedom while keeping the chaos goblins from ruining other's experiences. I wish we could have a no-redline world where everyone can design their own thing without wanting to powerstomp every single toe they find, but some people just like to wring out any precisous droplet of ''power'' they can from things to ''win''.
  12. Hey it's ya boy tg! Four years. Man, time sure flies. I always love getting to know more about the wonderful people in this community, so. IT'S REVERSE AMA TIME. I ain't getting questions- YOU'RE GIVING ME ANSWERS. ANY ANSWERS. EVEN IF I DIDN'T ASK YOU ANYTHING. Your favorite character? Your biggest roleplay regret? Your unresolved childhood trauma??? Anything that comes to mind you come TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT. I WANNA HEAR IT you BEAUTIFUL PERSON. Take this as a chance to answer questions nobody ever asked you, but you sure wish someone did! Or don't. I'm not the boss of you! (Also you can ask me stuff too if you want)
  13. [ ! ] Pinned amidst various notice boards and the odd tavern’s stage, any curious enough bard would stumble upon an incredibly ornate missive that'd read: - - - . ▽ VAILU VALMIRAN ▽ . - PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - Attention Bards, Artists and Craftsmen of all types. We at the Vailu Valmiran Bard’s College, are to host a small get-together in Nor'Asath in the next Grand Harvest, wherein those artistically inclined may peacefully gather to meet, converse and inspire. Life without art is without purpose, and it is every artist's duty to portray it. Let this be a call for all keen creatives to gather, for what makes a bright mind brighter is being open enough as to allow others to shine alongside them. Students of our College are particularly encouraged to come meet with their peers. For further inquiries send us a letter. - - - ((OOC Details:)) When: Saturday, the 24th, starting at 4:00pm EST. Where: The Bard’s College in Nor'Asath Why?: Bards.
  14. The RP was inside us the whole time.
  15. I always loved your rp! Xin felt like a genuine and established character in the world and the sheer vibe contrast you bring with Relict just shows how flexible of a storyteller you can be! Props for making the world feel living and breathing with your characters! My question(s): What do you think makes a good character? And what are some big character inspirations for you, if any? Also! 4 year gang babyyyyyy 🥳🥳🥳 make sure to stay awesome :D (Oh man I also complete 4 years in a month should I steal your AMA idea? This is also totally another question btw)
  16. tgrt


    – Hey you! Do you do the roleplays? Do you like playing an artsy character? Would you like to keep doing exactly that, but alongside a wacky community, all the while competing to get yourself some COOL REWARDS? I’m really hoping you said yes here CHECK OUT BARD QUESTS! – Bard quests are biweekly Quest Cards (like the classic MMOs) where you can complete tasks, show our artsy community bits and pieces of your roleplay misadventures, and compete to get yourself some cool character art while you’re at it! HOW DOES IT WORK? – Join our Discord, and look for our most recent Quest card. Go out there and roleplay to do quests, then come back to submit screenshots of your completed quest on our discord! Quests give more or less ✨ Renown ✨ based on their difficulty. If the quest completion is deemed neat by other people, they can react to your post to add more Renown to that submission. Renown resets biweekly! Afterwards, Renown is tallied up, and at the end of the 2 weeks we will host a raffle to pick a Renowned Bard. Renown adds weight to your name, so the more Renown the more likely you are to win. But it's luck based! Everyone has a shot even if they only do a small quest! Also means voting for good submissions makes them more likely to win. If you win, the next Quest Card will be themed around your character! You’ll get a nice lil' character portrait on the card to go along with it, and a Discord/IRP 'Renowned Bard' Badge for bragging rights. EXAMPLE QUEST CARD: – Here is our first Card! Remember this is just an example. See our Discord for the most recent Card! HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? – [Join our Bard College Discord by clicking here] This is all a player-ran event that will be updated biweekly, and it’d be a nightmare trying to do this within the forums. Ya gotta go to the discord there where it’s all neat and organized. In our Bard Quests channel, you can submit screenshots of your rp and give context in your submission. There’s a handy-dandy submission form in our discord!
  17. [ ! ] Pinned in the odd notice board, taverns floor, and stage, any wandering bard would find this curious missive with quite the eye-catching symbol over it: Four interweaving diamonds of varying hues. It’d read: . • ▽ VAILU VALMIRAN ▽ • . The Vailu Valmiran Bard’s College is opening in Nor’Asath. Within the bustle of the newly founded Mali’ker town of Nor’Asath rises a curiously colorful space where those who yearn for artistry could find each other: The Vailu Valmiran College (In Elven: College of Four Arts) is an academy for all things artistic or cultural in nature. Founded by a group of Velulites, a modern collection of Mali’ker, this institute aims to not only spread teachings regarding creativity, expression, general artistry and craftsmanship with groundbreaking techniques, but it also serves as a guiding beacon, connecting all types of bards to one another. About the College [!] A map to Nor’Asath is drawn here. (( From CT, head West and take the path to Amathea/Elvenesse then follow the signs to Nor’asath! )) To find the College, simply head left past Nor’Asath’s main gates. The venue may be freely used by all those artistically inclined. Tools and equipment may be borrowed for local use should one ask one of our teachers. These privileges are granted to all so long as guests are respectful to both the space and one another. Also see our “Give a Bard a Lute” program to commission your own bardic instrument! The college holds an underground site with our head office and a private teaching space that may be used for exclusive lessons. These areas are only for college members. Those interested in access to both our syllabus and our private facilities should contact our Headmistress. Teaching and Learning The College regularly holds lessons and seminars hosted by various resident and guest speakers. We beckon teachings over our four Artistic Pillars: Aesthetic Arts, Sound Arts, Movement Arts, and Word Arts. From basic musical instrument lessons to etiquette lectures, any and all are welcome to listen in and participate. - These gatherings have no set schedule and may be hosted/announced at any time! - To host a lesson or seminar, kindly contact our Headmistress. Bardic Manipulation Magic, or Bardmancy Our grounds offer an exclusive syllabus for those wishing to push past ordinary limits of self-expression: An unprecedented magical methodology that utilizes an artist’s own innate potential, commonly known as Bardmancy. These lessons are exclusive to enrolled students and those interested in applying should contact our Headmistress, or apply with a form found below this missive. Gatherings and Our Community Besides teaching, the Vailu Valmiran College also utilizes its space to host various get-togethers, competitions and events. To know more about when these gatherings will be taking place, check your local notice boards, or join our mailing list. [Join our College Discord!] Apply To join our college you need simply send us a filled out application form, and a response will be sent back through letter. [ ! ] Set to the side, close by this missive, you'd find various forms for applications! [Apply to be a Student!] ((Make sure to join our Discord if applying!)) [Apply to be a Teacher!] ((Make sure to join our Discord if applying!)) For further inquiries send a letter to our Headmistress Inny Yuln’aher. (( IGN:tgrt / Discord:tgrt#5309 ))
  18. The AH thesis Alright look. We’re discussing Auction Houses. An absolute STAPLE of the server’s current economy. So I’m holding nothing back- Maximum effort. Here’s a full freaking THESIS on Auction Houses, the Economy, Roleplay Possibilities and the Nature of Human Attachment so we get to the deep rooted problems: Preface: Why discussions like these mark the beginnings of a server renaissance. Tossing the ever-present drama aside, Staff decisions have been on FIRE lately. Roleplay is way more encouraged and has much more personal meaning when it is actively in the player’s hands. With aviaries, writing and holding an actual letter changes the game. AHs are another big thing that could improve server health. So you’re focusing in the right places. Screw war rules, this is the real tea. Management being willing to put effort into changing AHs shows just how much care is being given to try and better our roleplay experience. The recent implementation of aviaries alone has been an absolute massive change in how long-distance interactions work and has created so many new faucets for roleplay. Actually anonymous notes, coded puzzle messages- I’ve never had someone eat my character’s physical letter out of spite before. Could it be that an Auction House change creates new possibilities, and places the agency in the player’s hands just like aviaries did? Roleplay vs Convenience (Quests x Chores) There’s a fine balance between being immersed and actively wasting your time. Trying to find merchants to sell you basic goods like wool or leather all around the map sure *can* be interesting, us being in a medieval setting an all, but at some point it just turns into a chore, you wisen up and question why you’re doing this to yourself. It’s like /walk’ing everywhere. Who does that. AH is a grocery shop. You look, you nag about how the price of everything is going up these days, you buy things anyways. It’s fast and convenient, and you can buy a stack of wood, wool, leather, iron and whatever else. It gives you the raw materials for you to play around with without wasting your time. Now, on the other side of the coin, *challenge* creates roleplay. When things are too convenient you’re actively preventing experiences from developing. Rarity is a good thing, and sending players out in little quests for cool items creates conflict and narrative. The current AH is too tipped over to one side. A WoW-esc space where you can buy legendary artifacts for the low low price of 500 mina, and watch how AidenCoin stocks are really plummeting after that whole Celia’nor scandal. Mina is the problem What drives people to sell wacky stuff in the AH to begin with? Do they just want to spread the joy of high fantasy to all the minemen, and use their ST-approved railguns to help out the little guy in their day-to-day life? Of course not, are you kidding me? They sell things for like a thousand mina. It’s about that MONEY. Let’s look at it objectively: Auction Houses are primarily an AMAZING way to make mina. There’s no RP, you just pop in, buy or sell, mina goes to your bank. Job’s done. Problem is: This isn’t WoW. The economy is in shambles. Mina isn’t needed for anything other than huge pastes (the *immersive* architect-RP experience of going to another server to build), wars (glorified pvp matches), or paying taxes which, let’s be honest, costs about 15 mina *a week* for the average player unless you run a clan house, but even then selling a 300 mina magic item is way too overkill. What are you saving up for, your son’s college fund? You’re a SPOOK your son HATES YOU. Mina is another thing that should be looked at. As it stands, it’s all just a literal number. There are no physical mina, there is all risk, no reward in carrying mina with you when banks are all over the place. All this does is limit rp possibility. Maybe mina could be actual items in your inventory. 1-mina, 10-mina, 25-mina coins that stack. Actual money you need to draw from your town’s bank and carry around, instead of doing the whole dance of walking into a tavern, ordering drinks, realizing you have no coin, running to the local bank and back before anyone notices you’re a filthy rich noble that’s too afraid to run around with 6 MINA for VODKA. Human attachment Believe it or not, you guys, us humans can create bonds with things. Even pixels. Even INVISIBLE pixels. Having personal history behind your items, even a history like ‘I got this talking sword by bargaining with a shady merchant’ creates much more depth than just ‘Bought if off AH’. So, allowing items to have that journey adds a depth we’re missing. There ARE people who want to do wandering trader RP, but how can they compete? Why risk yourself, making deals with shady bloodmages and carrying highly explosive bottles to sell to ferrymen when they can just go to Walmart and skip the middleman? There’s no relationships formed, there’s no rp for those things. I still don’t get why people want to sell items they spent 50 emotes on for some random dude in the AH, just for spare change. Create a STORY, you guys! You have AMAZING items you can make, use that power for NARRATIVE! Closing thoughts Look, nothing will fix everything. Of course things could be better. There is ALWAYS going to be something to complain about, and there are always ways to improve things. Birds lost a little flavor? Can they be improved? Of course! We players are always right and always have the right answers. Why am I writing this? Because I want people to think of our foundations. Changing systems that were implemented since day 1 can be a good thing. Birds were a great change, AH change shows a willingness to make big moves for our community. Anyways thanks for reading. Hope it sparks up actual thoughts instead of AH BAD or AH GOOD. I feel like removing signed items is a great start. Won’t fix everything, but will add a ‘problem’ that certain RP niches will need to fix with actual roleplay. A good problem to have.
  19. [ ! ] Pinned amidst various notice boards and the odd tavern’s stage, you’d find a colorful little missive with quite the eye-catching seal over it: - - - . ▽ VAILU VALMIRAN ▽ . - PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - Atention Bards, Artists and Craftsmen of all types. We at the Vailu Valmiran Bard’s College, in Amaethea, are to host a small get-together in the next Grand Harvest, wherein those artistically inclined may peacefully gather to meet, converse and inspire. Gifted artists are a much needed spark amidst the growing despair of life’s affliction. To live is to struggle against woe, grief, and sorrow, but when one creates, they channel anguish into beauty. So let us meet with one another to bond and burn bright with flame, that when we all return to our homes we once more spread joy through our expression. To accompany the evening’s warmth, food, and ample beverages, the College will host a seminar on Bardic Performance Basics by our Headmistress Inny Yuln’aher, which beginners and experts alike may enjoy. This seminar will be open to any and all. Students are particularly encouraged to come meet with their peers. For further inquiries send us a letter. - - - ((OOC Details:)) When: Saturday, the 16th, at 4:30pm EST. Where: The Bard’s College in Amaethea (Elvenesse). Why?: Bards.
  20. [ ! ] Spread out across various notice boards, taverns, and stages, any curious enough bard would find a colorful little missive with quite the eye-catching symbol over it: Four interweaving diamonds of varying shades. Looking it over, you'd read out: . ▽ VAILU VALMIRAN ▽ . The Vailu Valmiran Bard’s College is now open in Elvenesse. Hidden away at the edge of Amaethea, the Jewel of Elvenesse, lies a peaceful nook where all souls wistful for expression can gather: The Vailu Valmiran College (In Elven: College of Four Arts) is an academy for all things artistic or cultural in nature. Founded by a group of Velulites, a modern collection of Mali’ker, this institute aims to spread teachings regarding creativity, expression, general artistry and craftsmanship with groundbreaking techniques. To find the College, simply take a right after the town’s main gate, walk up to the top of the stairs and take a second right. The venue may be freely used by all those artistically inclined. Tools and equipment may be borrowed for local use should one ask one of our teachers. These privileges are granted to all so long as guests are respectful to both the space and one another. The college holds an underground site with our head office and a private teaching space that may be used for exclusive lessons. These areas are only for college members. Those interested in access to both our syllabus and our private facilities should contact our Headmistress. Teaching and Learning The College regularly holds lessons and seminars hosted by various resident and guest speakers. We beckon teachings over our four Artistic Pillars: Aesthetic Arts, Sound Arts, Movement Arts, and Word Arts. From basic musical instrument lessons to etiquette lectures, any and all are welcome to listen in and participate. - These gatherings have no set schedule and may be hosted/announced at any time! - To host a lesson or seminar kindly contact our Headmistress. Additionally, our grounds offer an exclusive syllabus for those wishing to push past ordinary limits of self-expression: An unprecedented magical methodology that utilizes an artist’s own innate potential. These lessons are exclusive to enrolled students and those interested in applying should contact our Headmistress. Gatherings and Our Community Besides teaching, the Vailu Valmiran College also utilizes its main space to host various get-togethers, competitions and events. To know more about when these gatherings will be taking place, check your local notice boards, or join our mailing list. [Join our College Discord!] Apply To join our college you need simply send us a form. [ ! ] Set to the side, close by this missive, you'd find various forms for applications! [Apply to be a Student!] [Apply to be a Teacher!] For further inquiries send a letter to our Headmistress Inny Yuln’aher. (( IGN:tgrt / Discord:tgrt#5309 ))
  21. [!] A very pleased tutor waggles her finger to the echoing tune. Inny is heard singing "Bang yer drum! Ring yer bells!" to herself over the next week.
  22. [!] A fine 'ker sips her drink calmly, humming to herself when spotting the missive "Spirits. Waystone just keeps getting better!" [!] A not-so-fine Valah spits out her drink in panic "Okay. Okay, he's lost it." She counts how many arrows are left in her quiver.
  23. Lair PRO MC Name: tgrt Lair Name: Vailu Valmir College, or Velu College Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): First option and preferred choice: x:-2217 z:1142 Second option: x:-2379 z:-438 Third and last option: x:-600 z:-120 Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum): College Lore: . VAILU VALMIR . The Vailu Valmir College (In Elven: College of Four Arts) or “Velu College” is a fairly recently established academy for all things artistic or cultural in nature. Founded by a group of Velulites, a modern collection of Mali’ker, this institute aims to spread teachings regarding creativity, expression, general artistry and craftsmanship with groundbreaking techniques. A place for all types of trials and errors: There is no right nor wrong, only art. It is common to hear the odd “Avalmiran’sae!” here and there either as encouraging words or ironically. Roughly translated as “The wandering arts expand!”, meaning all things can be artistic and whatever you just did certainly extended the list. Forged for the imaginative, the College makes use of newly developed arcane studies and spearheads the expansion of Bardmancy in an attempt to understand what can be done when combining art and magic. “Past these ordinary limits of self-revelation we can profoundly intertwine. Thoroughly comprehend one another. Why are we here if not to be seen? Heard? Felt, and understood?” - Inny Yuln’aher, College Headmaster Bardmancy Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208560-magic-lore-bardmancy/ Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required): Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’): A bard college, independent and completely unaffiliated with any nation where anyone can visit and learn, is the main reason for requiring a lair. We wish to be able to spread magic without fear of getting randomly booted out of a city because of our teacher characters’ race, creeds, and ideology. The college is a place of free expression of the self, and all are welcome to come and learn, enjoy, and enlighten themselves from the cultures of others, whether they be students or not. What does this lair add to the greater world around them?: The college would serve as a unique place for teaching and learning not only the arts but many different cultures as well. Once settled, it would serve as one of many hubs for all different types of people.
  24. A lonesome Rabbit comes out of hiding as word reached her. She clutches a scar, sighs, and prepares for a trip.
  25. A Bardmancer Summoning Emotions onto their sculpture. -- o O --- O o -- Description Bardmancy is a flashier type of magic under the Housemagery umbrella that is focused on enhancing artistic expression. Just like Housemagery, this magic is non-voidal, non-deity and requires no pacts. It’s just simple wholesome mana usage. You do not need to learn Housemagery to learn Bardmancy! It is a single slot magic per every two Mastery types taken; this means that to learn all four Masteries, you will need to use two magic slots. Should you only take one Mastery, this still takes up only one magic slot. Bardmancy accommodates most forms of art and uses an artist’s ‘performance’ as its catalyst. While what is considered an artform can be subjective, a list of what Bardmancy affects can be found under ‘Affected Arts’ over in the Bardmancy guide so lines are clearly defined. Arts are divided into 4 types: Aesthetic, Movement, Sound and Word. Spells are divided into Basic, Advanced and Master types. There is no casting limit for all except Master spells, though casting too many spells before rest can cause some unwanted side effects. Bardmancy spells are separated into Practical and Performance spells. Practical spells have permanent effects, whereas Performance spells effects end when the Bardmancer stops the spell. To clarify further on magic slots, Bardmancy is a subtype, much like Culimancy, but due to its expansive nature Bardmancy always takes up one spell slot for every two Art Types. When making your MA you must include your chosen Art Types in the title. For example, a good title will read [Bardmancy A+M] [MA] [IGN]. In this example A stands for Aesthetic, and M stands for Movement. Even if you only take one Art Type, Bardmancy will still take up one magic slot. Much like Housemagery, Bardmancy does not require a TA to teach and can be freely self-taught via ST-signed self-teach books. Naturally it is far easier to learn under a tutor than from a book, as multiple tutors can teach multiple things to keep the magic open, easy to understand, and fluid. General Redlines: ♫ Bardmancy cannot physically wound anyone. No killing people with art magic. ♫ Due to having a combat spell per Art Type, Bardmancy takes up one magic slot per two Art Types. ♫ Self-teaching books for Bardmancy must be ST-signed. ♫ Creatures with lesser souls, such as Musin, can learn Bardmancy. ♫ Bardmancy does not automatically grant artistic skill. ♫ Fun is strictly mandatory. You must have fun. Tier Levels and Development Tasks Spell Slots We all have our limits, and Bardmancers are no exception. This magic uses a very simple Spell Slot system that grows alongside the caster. Frazzle The show must go on! Bardmancers are tenacious performers, and may push their limits even further at a cost. That’s where Frazzle comes in. SPELL LIST ‘Basic’ Spells (T2) Visual Trick (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Cast] Turning to the child he beamed A quick brush twist midair Into free, delightful wings Gleefully expressive. Sharpen Tools (Non-Combat) [1 Emote: Connection + Cast] By focusing on a tool, a Bardmancer may shift it into its best possible shape for artistic creation. Manipulate Art (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] When Performing or Practicing, a Bardmancer may bend expression into unlikely shapes. This can be used to playfully alter sounds, colours, and forms depending on the Bardmancer’s performance. Entwinement (T3) Instrument Entwinement (Non-Combat) [3 Emotes: 1 Connection +1 Channelling + 1 Cast] A lyre old, snapped and spent Tossed into the air, distorting on descent The bard simply simpered when it bent Reattached and played a tune as they went. Instrument Entwinement is a Practical spell that imbues extraordinary traits into an artistic tool when a Bardmancer binds to it with a Mana Seal. Any tool works; it could be your brush, your quill, your dancing shoes, a favourite pendant while singing, or your giant piano that is totally needed and definitely wasn’t bought impulsively. Instrumancy Spells (Non-Combat) Instrumancy Spells can only be cast using an Entwined Tool. They can imbue visual and audible patterns into surfaces, materials, and even movement performances. These spells have open-ended emote counts, meaning you can continue the spell for as long as you like or until interrupted. -- Aesthetic Instrumancy -- (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] With a Aesthetic-based Entwined Tool, the Bardmancer is able to impart pretty aesthetics onto their creations by creating a Mana Seal, locking mana into the object. This is a Practical spell. -- Movement Instrumancy -- (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] With a Movement-Based Entwined Tool, the Bardmancer is able to imbue their movements with their aura, manipulating it around them to create both sound and visual effects. This is a Performance spell. -- Sound Instrumancy -- (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] With a Sound-Based Entwined Tool, the Bardmancer is able to imbue a light material (such as paper, thin cloth, or a thin metal sheet) with mana, bringing it temporarily to life to perform scenes. Premade small creations (such as wood, metal, or stone) no larger than 1ft in height and width may also be manipulated, though as stated previously, these would be unable to leave the ground if too heavy. This is a Performance spell. -- Word Instrumancy -- (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] With a Word-Based Entwined Tool, the Bardmancer is able to use a Mana Seal to store stories, songs, poems, or anything in written language onto an object or wall. Anything written as a threat or designed to be harmful cannot be stored in a Mana Seal. This is a Practical spell. -- Shared Arts -- (Non-Combat) [2 Emotes Minimum: 1 Connection + At Least 1 Cast] Much like the Helping Hands ability from Housemagery a Bardmancer may link their mana to another Bardmancer through physical contact, usually by connecting hands. This can be used to share ideas and synchronise performances, and if one of the Bardmancers is T5 they may tutor others with it. -- Bestow Souvenir -- (Non-Combat) [4 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Cast + 1 Channeling + 1 Completion] Bestow Souvenir is a practical spell that allows Bardmancers to help others imbue their own instrument with a trait listed in Bardmancy’s “Instrument Entwinement” section. ‘Advanced’ Spells (T4) Summon Emotions (Non-Combat) [3 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Channelling + 1 Cast] With his most recent lesson finished, Boh’lokz the uruk had a message for the world. He waltzed into crowded Providence, pointed to a watching man, and began his dance. With pocket sand in his grasp he began to move, arms reaching towards the sky before gracefully descending to the ground in an elegant pose. He stretched his arms outwards before bringing them together suddenly in a clap, the pocket sand bursting out into a delicate cloud around him. The onlookers saw it- heard it- got it. Volume… Length… Mass. The man frowned. “... What did you just say about my mother?” Create Amphitheatre (Non-Combat) [3 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Channelling + 1 Cast] A Bardmancer may create a single personal sanctuary, a place where any may Practice and Perform for all. This is a Practical spell. Emotion Wisps (Technically Combat, but only if your idea of combat is very strange) Hou-Zi attempting to trap an Emotion Wisp Emotion Wisps are the embodiment of expression, manifesting after a long performance by one or more Bardmancers. Capture The Moment (Non-Combat) [1 Emote: 1 Connection + Cast] A skilled Bardmancer may trap an Emotion Wisp into an object to then bind themselves to it. Binding to a Wisp (Non-Combat) [5 Emotes: 4 Connection to Wisp + 1 Binding] “Hey, remember the time you were bound to a Sadness Wisp for a week and you made like 30 songs about how you messed up a cookie recipe?” “... Look, it really got to me at the time.” Mastery Specializations (T5) Mastery Types The Lifelike Creation of a fallen war hero playing with kids in a town’s square. At Tier 5, a Bardmancer reaches their full potential and can choose a Mastery Type depending on what kind of art they prefer to perform. Master Bardmancers learn two Mastery Spells, one combat and another non-combat, that can only be cast once every 12 IRL hours each. This is to ensure each spell is a once-a-day thing while not stifling those who go to bed and immediately jump back on the server. -- Aesthetic Mastery -- This Mastery encompasses all artforms that focus on visual display, colour, and shape arrangements. Included artforms are sculpting, painting, drawing, makeup artistry, tattoo artistry, ceramics, model-making and decorative object (including non-combat weapon) creation. Lifelike Creation (Non-Combat) [3 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Channelling + 1 Cast] The epitome of Aesthetic Bardmancy: Being able to create something so beautiful it mimics life itself. Shape of Beguilement (Combat) [4 Emotes: 1 Connection + 2 Channeling + 1 Cast] -- Movement Mastery -- This Mastery encompasses all artforms within the Movement Art Type, focusing on someone’s movements, their shape, and how they use them for expression. This includes dancing, theatre, opera (crossover with Sound), street magicians, non-verbal communications, gymnastics and martial arts (not in combat). Tether Dance (Non-Combat) [Varying Emote Count] Much like binding to a tool at Tier 3, Movement Master Bardmancers may choose a separate set of performance instruments to bind themselves to and control their movements. Tilting Movement (Combat) [4 Emotes: 1 Connection + 2 Channeling + 1 Cast] -- Sound Mastery -- This Mastery encompasses all artforms that focus on sound arrangement, sound rhythm and melody. Instruments, singing, opera (crossover with Movement) and spoken poetry are all included within this mastery. Self Made Band (Non-Combat) [3 Emotes: 1 Connection + 1 Channeling + 1 Cast] Much like binding to a tool at T3, a Sound Master Bardmancer may expand their sonority by tethering themselves to different musical instruments without needing to use ‘Instrument Entwinement’. A Bardmancer may bind to up to 3 instruments at once this way, letting them go over the ‘Instrument Entwinement’ cap. This is a Performance spell. It can only be cast once every 12 hours. Discordant Noise (Combat) [4 Emotes: 1 Connection + 2 Channeling + 1 Cast] -- Word Mastery -- This Mastery encompasses all artforms within the Word Art Type. It is based around word flow, sound, and arrangement in writing or speaking. This includes poems, plays, songs, fiction books, non-fiction books, folktales, epics, ballads and pretty much anything that’s written. Enthralling Story (Non-Combat) [Varying Emote Count] The most refined form of storytelling: Absorbing your audience into tales as they manifest into an incredibly realistic experience during a Performance. It can only be cast once every 12 hours. Shouted Word of Ludicrous Volume (Combat) [4 Emotes: 1 Connection + 2 Channeling + 1 Cast] -- o O --- O o -- Purpose (OOC) A true labour of love from a mix of people written over a very long time... Yep, we’ve got Bardmancy suited to people of all artistic trades! We have done this in the hopes that the magic will suit a far wider range of people than bards alone, and bring a little touch of harmless beauty to crafting, a fun purpose to forum post signs, and an extra boost of excitement to bard roleplay. ♡ Whether you’re a fabulous dancer, the shy painter type, or 5 goblins with maracas, Bardmancy offers that extra oomph you need to make yourself that grand experience. Your own magical event. Thanks, Credits and Changelog (OOC) Firstly, an immense thanks to Leonie (MagicMonke) who co-wrote Bardmancy with me. They’ve shown an overflowing amount of passion for this project and they’ve carried this piece with their god-tier writing, creative thinking, and their unconditional niceness. A special thanks to Tdubs for the OG rendition of Bardmancy this was based off of and for inspiring me to keep the torch lit. A huge thanks to all the people who gave pieces of ideas and concepts: Phoenix, Jay, Gallic, Chip, Titanium, Monkey and so so many more. You know who you are. Thank you for being there! Thanks to Bbr for being a nuisance. Thanks Spoon, I guess. And thanks to all the proofreaders who helped mold this into an understandable and polished thing: Bethinwonderland bubbles RoyalPeasant Zadie Olandyr/Monke/Commie Qizu Frott All art in the file is made by me, tgrt! (Leonie says to buy some!) That 's it. You’ve made it to the end. Thank you for reading! – Reference Links! Housemagery Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192017-%E2%9C%93-magic-lore-housemagery-featuring-soupmancy/ – Changelog: ( 01/01/22 ) Lore Posted ( 01/03/22 ) Formatting Fix ( 26/01/22 ) Pending Fixes Fixed
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