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About Laeonathan

  • Birthday May 3

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    Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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    Raziel Amethil
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  1. How come people who always hate on staff are often the same people who never contribute to the server themselves?

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    2. Telanir


      Thanks @monkeypoacher for having a convo and giving me a moment to share my perspective. I think It's a little bit backwards—I actually haven't ran the staff directly in a very long time, more than 3 years (even while 'chairman'). And I think its ironic that I have a reputation of making people depend on staff, since that would be directly contrary to road to 500 (concept still lives on).


      I've spent and still do—the majority of my time and resources trying to reduce the amount of nonsense the staff has to do, and bureaucracy. Yes, I write some documents and papers and you see my community guidelines and all—but mainly what I do these days is tech work and admin coaching. Yeah…admin coaching. Admin is notorious for people picking up a lot of really bad habits and not knowing what to do with their first leadership position so it usually devolves into madness and they end up inundating their team with paperwork and infraction systems because that feels like the easiest way to control a mob of volunteers (it isn't). I don't really share this with anyone but admins, but these are the principles I've been pushing maybe since early 2020, hope you don't die of cringe lol


      People who don't talk to me directly don't usually know this, but I'm generally out telling staff members to prioritize irl and fiercely protect their free time. I put an absolutely unhealthy amount of time into this server every year, sometimes upwards of 16 hours a day on coding work because people underestimate how challenging it is—I know what it's like to have an unhealthy relationships with this server and what it does to you. Staff are absolutely made to put in way too much work on irrelevant things and especially things the players are better at moderating as a community full-stop.


      Despite all of that I am one person. And still, ironic that I am seen as somebody that overworks people—maybe myself yes but I never once told anybody their mineman volunteer experience should be a chore rather than a fun way to contribute to something they love.

    3. Salvo


      You're the #1 reason why the server is so filled with bureaucracy, or rather your chairman corpo lingo bullshit attitude is


      Step down and/or focus on coding, let someone else grab your position or scrap it altogether if you don't have the will or the time to do it. Also, no one has ever criticized you for tech work or coding and you know that

    4. Telanir


      Salvo I'm virtually positive I didn't do anything to hurt you, you don't have to come out on every telanir related thread and harp on the mythical bureaucratic autocracy-enamoured despot


      I am not anywhere near "the #1 reason". I do this for fun and wish people didn't try to treat it like a business (despite having made that mistake mysel early on)

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