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leave me alone

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Nicknames: Roddy, Thirteen.

Age: 32.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Status: Alive.



Height: 6'2.

Weight: Fucked if I know.

Body Type: Average build.

Eyes: Right eye brown, left eye dull grey.

Hair: Short bowl cut.

Skin: Pale.

Markings/Tattoos: 48th Tattoo on the right of his neck.

Health: Fisstech addict. Otherwise healthy.

Personality: Grumpy and distasteful to those who haven't proven themselves to him. Mates to all those who have.

Inventory: Flanged mace. A few pouches of fisstech. A skin of ale. Basic field provisions.

Further Details: Sickest guy.


Life Style

Alignment: Chaotic good.

Deity: The Creator.

Religion: Creatorism.

Alliance/Nation/Home: The Holy Oren Empire.

Job/Class: Sergeant-at-Arms, 48th Regiment, Second Cohort, Imperial Army.

Title(s): N/A.

Profession(s): Soldiering, hunting.

Special Skill(s): N/A.

Flaw(s): Arsehole.



Fighting Style: Melee, sometimes Ranged.

Trained Weapon: Mace, Sword, Daggers, Knives, Crossbows, Bows

Favored Weapon: Mace and Crossbow.

Archery: Very good crossbowman.


Parents: Yes, status unknown.

Siblings: Thirteen, status unknown.

Children: None that he knows of.

Extended Family: N/A.

Pet(s): All of the footmen in the 48th.



(in progress)





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