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☾ Corvus Selune ☽


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We're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding.

- Rudyard Kipling, The Light That Failed


(Natural Hair Color)



Theme Song


~The Professor~


Corvus Selune



Dao Monks “Máquè”

Students “Professor”

Selune Tribe “Dogheart”



Snow Elf


Apparent Age
Early 20’s


Actual Age








Corvus was born under a full moon on the stillest night of the Spring season some seconds before his sister Luscinia, a surprise to all who deemed the twin’s birth a portent of changing times.

Named for the crow that is said to see and know all, to memory, he has always served to protect his sister. Raised to take the place of his father in compliance with the traditions of his wayward tribe, the snow elf has since come to despise and dislike his former tribe, their ideals, and the practices they followed, seeing them as archaic and unenlightened.

Corvus’ training to take the position his father once held consisted mostly of military tactics and training, as he was duty-bound to protect Luscinia by birthright.

Even before the day of his birth,Corvus was viewed as Lusci’s guardian first, and her sibling second. Battlefield manipulation and extremely close-quarters combat were where he excelled most.

Despite being the last of those once known as the Averan, the Wandering Lost. It is acceptable knowledge that he and his sister were separated from their tribe during the events in Skjoldier. 

It was this incursion that led to the loss of his sister’s vision. 

Since then the pair have fled across the sea and to Arcas, true to their roaming nature, until their stories finally parted in the bustle of the docks.

Corvus, despite his love and devotion to protecting his sister, is often distracted with his research in treatment for her blindness. It was in one of these states that he lost track of her, spending quite some time after that attempting to locate her.

Having previously agreed to move in the direction of the Princedom of Fenn, Corvus set off to meet his sister there, being side-tracked in Helena in search for food and shelter from a raging storm.

Reunited, he continues his protection of his sister...


Corvus and his sister, Luscinia would stay in the city of Helena for quite some time, trading in the local markets and attempting to aid the local ISA whenever possible. This, was until the third ISA Officer referred to he and/or his sister as trash, or filth, and his sister being attacked in the middle of town square in broad daylight. With the Princedom of Fenn no longer being a suitable destination, the siblings made arrangements for travel to Morsgrad.

Corvus was the first of the siblings to see the bodies hanging from the tree, but paid no mind. These things do no concern him... however... when Luscinia discovered this fact, she was mortified.

After having their respective Chi connected at the Dao Monastery, they decided that this was not a sight they wanted to see with their new eyes, and have returned to their nomadic lifestyle.




Standing just over 6’ in height, and weighing roughly 12 stones, Corvus is dressed like one would expect a scholar or alchemist to dress.

Grey robes with blue trim over black pants and boots. Vials filled with different colored liquids are in leather hoops in front of his right hip, and a satchel to carry books under his left arm.

Crystalline blue eyes always look scrutinizing, or studying, with everything he looks at, save for his sister.

When he hasn’t inked his hair black, it is near perfectly white.

Regardless of color, it is usually seen with ribbons and beads placed within braids, all put there by his sister, because he personally doesn’t care what he looks like, outside of the desire to darken his hair so that it doesn’t stand out against the moonlight.

The pupils of Corvus’ eyes carry a curious glow to them.

Like small stars in the night sky, there is a single distant glow in each pupil akin to looking at Redstone Torches at the end of very long hallways.



Corvus has no interest in things that distract him from his duty to protect his sister, or studying a cure for her condition. He refuses to believe that anybody will know how to treat her better than HE will when he learns what he needs to learn.

Negative experiences dealing with people have left him jaded, though his lack of social skill and grace have lent to aid in negative opinions about him.

Internally, he sees all lives as equal, and agrees that all people have the right to BE… but when he opens his mouth, it is usually to say something that does NOT fall in line with social norms.

He views the world as a puzzle to solve, or an equation to figure out, just to protect his sister. Nothing else seems to matter to him.


Intelligent beyond his years, due to having had his nose in books for most of his life, but has hindered his ability to communicate with people, often leading them to misunderstand him, greatly.


He is detached from many people and cultures because of this, thinking it better that Lusci be the one to interact with others, verbally.


Corvus abhors violence in every form, and prefers to take care of things quietly, and with civility.

To this end, he has taken four lives in his roughly 30 years on the planet, in order to either rapidly deescalate a situation, or to protect his sister, and has lost no sleep because of it.




“Love? My sister. Other than that, it’s just another foul word in -any- language.”





Corvus is mostly incapable of ‘hate’, as a general concept. He doesn’t really understand the purpose.

Hating others doesn’t do anything to them. In his mind, all hatred does is poison you.

He strongly dislikes ignorant people, or those that claim power without earning it.

Anybody that believes they are better than anybody else because of the family they happened to be born to.

He earned the name “Dogheart” within his tribe due to his desire to call out anybody that was acting ignorant or foolish, and felt joy from angering them in the process.



“Fear will slay you faster than any animal or weapon.”





Out of respect, or due to loss of life, people who have engaged him, or have seen him be engaged, prefer to keep things quiet. He is an ambush predator by nature, and prefers to out-think his enemies instead of relying on brute strength or allies. He studies everything and everyone, obsessively, until he can find a way through, or around.

Though more physically gifted than other elves due to his race, he has focused more on his studies, giving less attention to martial training, and more to ambush and surprise attacks directed at weak-points in his targets.

He believes he is smart enough not to need to rely very heavily on martial prowess, as most of his engagements have been over within a few seconds.





Edited by J_Wolf
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