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The Faciants- Asulon's Traveling Circus


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*as you walk by in the Cloud Temple you see a small sign posted on one of the walls. The sign says, “The Faciants are looking for actors, engineers, bards, and all other forms of entertainers!” Not knowing what that is, but are intrigued anyway, you look closer onto a small piece of parchment, decorated with strange calligraphy and symbols.*

The Faciants

Not too long ago, a man by the name of Valador stood in a small tent in a field, telling a story. He did this each night, as soon as the sun set, a fire was lit and all the children gathered around Valador to listen to his stories. He told stories of the Heroes of Olde, the Lenblades, adventurous bear-fighting Halflings, and of ancient beasts waiting to awaken. There were many children who came every night to hear his stories but one especially interested child was Galliex, Valador’s son. Galliex had a very active imagination, it was almost a gift. Galliex thought about the stories as if they were sung and acted out by a group of people. He pictured himself, standing on a stage, telling a story, surrounded by dancers dressed in amazingly decorated costumes, bards singing playing their lutes to the story, and tricksters shooting sparks and strange beams of light out of their hands. This imagination grew and grew, until one day, Valador left him to find his family. Valador was part of a family that his stories told about. Galliex waited every day until the day his childhood ended for Valador to return and tell the stories of his travels. Valador never returned, and upon the ill news of his death, Galliex was more determined than ever to achieve his dream of becoming the storyteller and taking his fathers place. He wanted to become just like Valador, but in Galliex's own image of glory and splendor. But to do that, he had to have a team with him. He tried to talk his other family members to join in and help him, but they all rejected the "foolish" life of a storyteller. So he started the Faciants, a traveling acting group that would entertain and enlighten the masses.

The Faciants are recruiting people to become an entertainer! We are also taking jobs to perform around Asulon! Send a bird to Galliex Lenblade with an application attached.

Entertainer Application

((MC NAME)):

Roleplay name:



Some basic information about you((backstory))

What can you do to help us?:

What would you like to be?:

Show Contract

((MC NAME)):

Roleplay name:

Where would you like this to be?

Would you like to show any particular story?(if not we will make one up to preform):

Do you have a designated area for performances? If so, where?:

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