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The College Of War And Weaponry

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*Flyers are in the major cites of Anthos they state if read


"People of Anthos for years people have been trying to learn swordsmanship, history of anthos, bowman sip and all other forms of war and weaponry. We at The College Of War and Weaponry bring you these ancient arts and skills through classes ranging everywhere from the art of war to hidden secrets of war! 


We promise the best and finest education of war and weaponry we do many activities here and as we do not focus so much on the second hand learning experience we take it first hand with reenactments of battles such as the battle of snowy hill we reenact every year!


We want you to learn about the history of war to be more experienced for it as sometimes men do not deserve death we here at the college teach basic Ideals for war. After years we are finally opening the college up to the public for these are difficult times we live in and we want our soldiers to be the best and well trained Here is what happens at the college on a daily basis


-Art of war Ideals

-Training weapon of choice

-History lesson on chosen battle


-secrets of war class


You may also board at the school!


It is free to join


The school we be open soon we are located in VaerHaven


we hope to see you there!


The Flyer is signed- College of War and Weaponry ((my IG name is: aquaticsunnymoss if you want to join send me a pm on the forums, IG or on this thread!

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