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Everything posted by Setsuko_

  1. Ah yes, now whenever an ST Event creature pops up I can mag-dump it with slayersteel 5.56, as GOD intended.
  2. IGN: Setsuko Skin: Rose Wine Amount: $6
  3. From in the desert, Alexander du Casse frowns as the rich political landscape of Sutica's vassals is completely glossed over
  4. As he worked on one of the ships, Cillian O'Rourke read the missive that was handed to him by one of the ships mates. "Disappointments to their name and their country." he whispered to himself. Folding the missive and stowing it away, he glances back up to the deck. "Oi! Keep tight and heave to, I want 'er ready to make sail within a moment's notice!" he barks out, watching the sailors begin to scurry around the deck. He frowns as he takes his place next to the helm, an uneasy feeling crawling up his back.
  5. Cillian O'Rourke stands over the body of his brother in law as he drapes the white sheet over his face. His gaze is dull, his face void of emotion. He leans on the wall next to the bed, producing an Oracle Cigarette and sliding it between his lips. As he lights a match and touches it to the cigarette, his eye rests on George's body. He remains silent as he just looks to the body, taking a few puffs. As both a doctor in training and a soldier, he'd become used to death. Still, looking to a member of his own family brought him to silence. The usually cheery O'Rourke would be silent this day.
  6. I would love to see muskets, since they don't actually break RP anymore then forcing some poor soul to swallow a fireball is. It evens the playing ground a little in my honest opinion, since mages are basically gods among men. +1
  7. ORIGIN Cillian O'Rourke, already a prominent sailor and ship builder, began to toil with an idea shortly after he finished construction of the HIMS Ambition. This idea, a ship that could sail underwater drove him as he sketched night after night. Benny, his living doll made for him as a gift, would bring him blueprint sheet after blueprint sheet as he worked. Each design he made had fatal flaws, each and every time he scrapped the sketch for a new one. Prototypes he built were either too heavy or had no way of actually sustaining a living crew. A year and a half is what it took Cillian to finally produce a small prototype that worked. Fearing it's failure, Cillian decided to risk his life in order to pilot the prototype, later named the 'HIMS Prayer'. While still only being an experiment and not designed for prolonged use, it stabilized and it's functions began to reciprocate their design as it fell beneath the waves, only to reappear seven feet south in mere minutes. Thus, the first submersible vessel was born... DESCRIPTION The submersible vessel is, as the name suggests, a seafaring vessel designed to submerge beneath the waters and navigate. Being an intricate machine, various factors attribute to it's function and any of these failing will lead to a cascade of malfunctions. As such, each different mechanism has been cataloged below. Lightweight Body The body of the submersible must remain relatively light. The ones now in use are metal sheets covering wooden frames, with horse glue and leather strips used to seal the seams. The more the submersible weights, or the more crew on a submersible, the larger both the submersion tank and air tank must be in order to support the vessel's continued operation Submersion Tank A tank filled with air is used to control the submersion of the vessel. To submerge, a valve is opened, allowing water to fill the tank. This forces the weight of the vessel to increase, causing it to sink. The depth is controlled by the ratio of water to air. Once the vessel is back above the water, a syringe like plug can be pushed to force the water out of the tank, and another valve opened to allow the tank to be filled with air once again. Air Tank Another tank, usually found on the top of the vessel, is used to store air for the crew of the vessel. The air in the tank is fed through tubes leading into the vessel. Due to current technology however, this makes the air source very finite. A valve can be opened on the outside to allow the tank to be filled again with air. No matter the size of the tank itself, the submersible must surface to refill before the carbon dioxide breathed by the crew renders the air toxic. Propellers The key propulsion system of a submersible is a propeller mechanism. Pedals operated by a crew member spin a central axel, which in turn causes the outside propellers to spin and force the submersible forward. The propellers are affixed to the outside rear of the submersible, as far below the waterline as possible to allow for movement while surfaced. To raise the sub and surface, pedal operated propellers can also be found on the bottom of the vessel. Navigation Due to not being able to actually sea while submerged, the captain or navigator of the vessel must rely on tools such as the compass to navigate effectively. Since this requires a large amount of skill and documentation to actually keep track of where you are and what is near, a skilled navigator is recommended. A localized map of landmasses and other structures is also necessary to both keep track of current positioning and avoid collisions CAPABILITIES The submersible's main feature is the ability to sink beneath the waves and still move. This can be used to discretely run reconnaissance against or for a target, move a number of persons relevant to the aforementioned capabilities without detection. This trait can also be used to circumvent certain naval defenses or even just as a civilian diving expeditionary tool if a mechanism to allow the release of a passenger is fitted into the machine while also keeping the delicate balance of the vessel's other mechanisms. The submersible cannot, however, be fitted with cannonry or like armaments. A mounted piece of archery equipment, such as a miniature ballista or large crossbow may be affixed to the submersible's interior, for use when surfaced. However this cannot reach normal ballista, or even half ballista size as the weight needs to be a as minimal as possible. REDLINES The submersible technology can only be built by someone who has gained the knowledge in RP from a valid source. Submersibles cannot be used to get somewhere you cannot reasonably get, i.e. the middle of a lake from the ocean or vice versa. Submersibles are extremely fragile. One cannonball or ballista bolt will destroy the whole thing. Arrows fired by hand can cause scratching and eventually pierce the hull, causing leaks. Submersibles cannot remain underwater for extended periods. You cannot make a home under the sea unless there is a pipe going to the surface to resupply oxygen constantly. Gunpowder or explosion based equipment, such as cannons, are absolutely a no go. Not to mention the fact that air is valuable and firing stuff inside of a closed container is generally regarded as a bad idea, the idea of a cannon popping out of the water to nail someone unaware seems all around unfair. PURPOSE (OOC) I decided to make this in part for selfish reasons, if I am being honest. I love the idea of early submarine tech reaching the server. True, it won't be uber useful in warclaims or full scale assaults, however I do feel like it offers something unique to LoTC. I am seeing more and more interest in naval RP as it slowly regains a footing in the server, and I have also seen new and interesting tech reach the waves (such as dwarven steamtech). I do believe that adding this to the server will bring excitement to the genre of RP it serves and also serve to boost interest in naval roleplay. Do I intend to make a living on this? Nah, I literally will just sit my happy butt in the seat and teach some people how to make it. This does not mean I can't see why some would be hesitant about it. Can it add an aura or perception of modernity to the server that some don't want? Of course it can. So can steamships or even cannons. This doesn't need to be something that everyone embraces, and me personally if someone says they don't want to fight against it or sail with it I have no problem turning the other way and leaving them to the RP they want to have. All and all, the OOC purpose of this machine/tech is to spice up the game, if only a little. At the end of the day that's all it is, a game. What would be wrong with adding a little excitement now and again! :D
  8. Elias' brow raised as he watched his nephew Alexander come bursting from his tent. As the man made a b-line for the armory Elias stood and called to him. Alexander looked over, his eyes holding an emotion Elias couldn't quite pin down. "The Song has been sung, Uncle." Elias stood for a moment, confused. Then blood ran cold as the meaning dawned on him. Alexander, although having left the church's Holy Knights, still believed in GOD and protecting the flock. Alexander started walking again for the armory, adjusting his shirt. "What will you do?" Elias called out "Serve, one way or another." Alexander disappeared without another word before returning with a bundled package. The tunic that lay on the outside was an unfamiliar pattern of black and green...
  9. Setsuko_


    Ames was born in New Riza, to a highlander couple. His father was a merchant, who owned two ships he used to move cargo. Instead of gaining any conventional learning, Ames followed his father wherever he went, including long voyages to deliver goods. It was on the seas that he learned his basic studies as well as naval studies. By the time he was ten years old he served as his father’s second mate, joining the family trade early. Ames served on the seas for his father for another ten years after, gaining a reputation as a ‘reveler’ along the way. By the time he was twenty years old he had sailed most of the southern seas, delivering shipments and trading as well as attending parties and enjoying a life of debauchery. Ames’ parents, the only living relatives he knew of, died of old age when he was twenty four. His father, knowing their time had been near and content with the life he had led, signed the two ships off to his son. He left him a note pleading him to give up the life of the party in pursuit of becoming a better man. Ames had been at sea when they passed, arriving three weeks later to hear the news. It rattled him, but he recovered. At first he ignored his father’s plea, continuing with his choices. He took complete control on trade however, managing to do legitimate business while partying. On Ames’ twenty fifth birthday, he wrecked his ship during a large party he was throwing on board. Three people died while the rest were pulled from the wreckage by passing merchants. Ames himself suffered a cracked skull, giving him the affliction of chronic migraines. The incident, and how close to death he had been, did change something within Ames. After his six week recovery, he gave up on parties and random encounters with strangers. Due to his newfound and permanent disability, he did decided to drown out the pain in his head with alcohol and anything else that could numb it. He left New Riza, permanently, stating that there was nothing left for him there. He took his second ship, a schooner named the ‘Redempció’, and sailed off in search of a new life. He drifted for almost four years, until he landed in Helena. On his 30th birthday, he decided that Helena would be his new home. He resolved to stop running from his past and instead focus on changing his future. His time since the wreckage has seen him intoxicated almost ever hour of the day. Due to this, he can handle a larger amount of drink without showing too much of his intoxication but once he goes over his limit it is almost laughable. He experiments with other substances and is willing to try anything. It has been noted that even though he can never be seen sober, he can do business quite well when he needs to, and is a top notch sailor (since a lot of sailing doesn’t require overly quick reflexes on his part.)
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