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  • Birthday 01/11/2002

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    force pked from mods

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  1. while ur add it add a class pvp plugin too. literally simplest way to balance a magic plugin ever

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    2. monkeypoacher


      yeah they need to be smaller, there is no way around this. i can't imagine player collision would make it any better given the problem is already the server dies from too many entity position updates


      also maybe delete minecraft hunger/saturation doodoo mechanics and remove swing timers

    3. Slorbin


      @monkeypoachergood idea would be to remove hunger/saturation mechanics and swing timers if available, but to make different items interesting and not just 'everyone use axe/shield now' make each item unique. polearms? more reach. axes? keep shield break. swords? more damage. **** put warhammers with their dazing in there too. the 'rock/paper/scissors' surge pvp iron/chainmail/leather beats axes/polearms/swords is laughably stupid.

      along with this, introduce that skills system mentioned to give people slight buffs or unique attacks for sticking with their archetype. perhaps five tiers, gained not through grinding, but overtime- to match it with magic. the possibilities are endless, really. and magic could finally be balanced as a fun plugin by making casters their own class, or alchemists their own class. while ur at it make alchemy a plugin. why? Because alchemy RP is literally "i add essence from item into bottle please sign st". **** just make common core alchemy something EVERYONE can use with an app (no teacher) because it's so banal and boring it doesn't even require some ritual to activate it like literally anything else. at least massive got that shit right.

      make this shit feel more like a 'fantasy battle' than a mosh pit. LOTC has the manpower and resources to actually do this now.

      in any case, the era of 'big lotc battle' is dead. it is clear now that no server in existence, no matter what, can support these big 150v150 battles anymore. it's dead. people need to get over it. if the server wants to be half decent there needs to be a focus on smaller, cooler, cleaner, more reliable battles.

      this is not what the oldhead will want, but the oldhead is only around for one reason: to chase that high that they had back in 2014 when they were young, wanting to feel like part of a big warclaim, although it will never happen. eventually those oldheads will leave or be banned off, and the server will have nothing, as new players are not retained by this style of server.

      Edited by Slorbin
    4. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      @SlorbinWelcome to Narnia, have you met with the lion Aslan about what you may become in these lands ? The frost witch is still alive and we are waiting for our saviors. Aslan told me you were coming, are you ready for adventure ?

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