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  • Birthday 01/11/2002

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  1. while ur add it add a class pvp plugin too. literally simplest way to balance a magic plugin ever

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    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @monkeypoacher@Slorbin the real problem with LOTC PvP and warclaims at the moment is that you can literally just phase through solid shield walls b/c there's no player collision and 1.9 swing timers don't let people do enough knockback to create even loose battle lines.


      This is why every fight is a chaotic blob fight instead of total war/mount and blade shield walls and organized formations. You can theoretically try to have organized formations in battle but it wouldn't matter since enemy soldiers would just walk through the shield wall and start critting out players in the back lines.

    3. monkeypoacher


      when has a shield wall ever worked in minecraft? even if you enabled player collision minecraft knockback works so that if you stand around static hitting someone without any sprint you'll get combo'd. even if shields were buffed to completely negate all damage/knockback all it would take is one guy to flank around and knock people out of rank to be slaughtered by the blob


      there are "formations" that work in minecraft (especially if they involve movement, i.e. flanks, pincers, hit-and-runs) but the real thing that nerfs them is the sheer size of warclaims creating massive tps lag. it doesn't matter if you outmaneuver the enemy because he can jump in place and hit your shadow for 5 minutes and you get killed from across the map when the server updates


      a class plugin would at least encourage some people to stand back and shoot arrows while other players go in and tank hits or deal dps. the real problem with pvp (that isn't lag, and isn't 1.9) is that it's too simple and there are no creative ways to interact with mechanics, which means only the best people at strafe hitting or whatever even get a chance to compete


      does surge pvp even have shields?

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Whenever one side of a war loses a warclaim battle their rally size drops off dramatically. This should be evidence that warclaims aren't that fun or engaging for most players from a technical standpoint, as when it's clear their side is losing many players cease to rally for them anymore (why waste part of your weekend jump critting in a mineman mosh pit for a lost cause?).


      I have several warclaim recordings on Almaris that are nearly unusable for any kind of edited YouTube media. Constant jump critting and steak eating in a blob fight where players can barely make use of whatever PvP skills they have for 30 minutes straight does not make for good content. You cannot find any highlights in such a battle to focus on, it's just a continual grind until enough people die/disconnect for the server to stop lagging and one side to come out on top.

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