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About Slorbin

  • Birthday 01/11/2002

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  1. while ur add it add a class pvp plugin too. literally simplest way to balance a magic plugin ever

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Magic plugin coming 2015!

    3. monkeypoacher


      this would actually go raw


      people hate on 'MMO skills' or whatever but if added skills like archery, swordsmanship, parrying/dodging etc. it would allow players to specialize + do cute training pseudorp and a hard cap on either exp or scaling could prevent it from being too unfair to lower level pvpers.


      give the max level just enough scaling to reward players for actually training with their weapons and tie it to personas so you can't switch out characters to pvp -- boom your problem with war alts are solved (kinda)


      it also solves the problem that pvp currently is just a contest of who memorized the timings to left click and right click eat, it's shallow and tedious and doesn't invite most players to even bother to compete

    4. Slorbin


      i agree @monkeypoacher a lot. there are actually servers that implement mmo shit really, really really well with amazing pvp  but im not allowed to mention them here. but they're not rp servers anyway unfortunately!

      but literally a class skill system would be amazing for the server. staff is just too scared of kneejerk reactions to do anything but the most harmless unintrusive plugins (mostly plugins that already exist on other servers) or admin tools despite having 4 dedicated java team staff members

      the only thing that is keeping lotc 'unique' from any other server atm is pure age. and how long will that hold it afloat?

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