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Everything posted by BuilderBagel

  1. The Good


    Shares animal gifs

    The bad


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  2. On the 12th of Harren's Folly Father Alfonso Altamirano was beheaded by the, to him, unknown and unfamiliar kidnappers of the Pontifix Maximus. As the weapon swung towards his neck he was praying, for forgiveness and mercy to be given to all the men in the room, and for justice to be delivered upon their arrival to Godani's realm. He also thought of how he could see his dear brother again in the Seven Skies, and found amusement in the irony of their similar deaths. He also thought about how his sons would be without a father and shed a tear for his favorite son, Leopold, but he also found solace in knowing he raised them to be faithful to Godani and that he could await them in the seven skies. His final words were, "I go to the Seven Skies on this day, Holy Father." After over two decades of service to the Church of Canon, Alfonso was dead at the swing of a weapon.
  3. IGN: BuilderBagel Character Name: Adrien Bishop Age: 22 Place of Residence / Street Address: Koenastriet III Position: Alderman
  4. Holy Sir Alfonso Altamirano looked over the Treatise with glee and looked at his own squire, Franklin Matthews, ( @Javert ) and exclaimed, "Look and learn, Franklin, for this Treatise is what all good and GOD fearing knights should follow and learn from."
  5. A requeest frum carl seed to thu gud peeple of Hulunur. We al luv cactos rigt? I meen I do and so do my bruturs, so I hav a simple requeest, mak cactos legul by sigung tis petitun plees.
  6. It was good rp with you, I hope to see you again some day
  7. We, the children of almighty GOD, must understand GOD is beyond our idea of a mortal being such as ourselves, he is much more powerful, wiser, and holy than any of us could ever achieve he is the standard for which we must follow. GOD exists within our souls and all that he has graciously gifted the ability to thrive and prosper under his holy guidance, for this gift we must worship GOD as he is, a guiding holy force for which we can serve to continue glorifying his name and doing so will help us become virtuous, humble and wise. Within our churches, we worship all-mighty GOD and meditate to his unending love towards us, within our homes we tend to those all GOD has graced us with. We must praise GOD for he leads our lives and gives us purpose, us, the servants of GOD should help to better the world GOD has granted us, with love, prosperity, and cooperation for this is what GOD wants, all of his children on this world to better each other with him as our shepherd guiding us, his flock. With the challenges to our faith that GOD gives us we can prove our devotion and let him see if we, the children of GOD, are worthy to continue to glorify Him in the seven skies. You should fear no heathen, heretic, or schismatic whilst GOD guides you. It is every canonist’s duty to end the divides within the Mother Church as GOD wants all his children to be united and faithful towards him, for GOD loves all, even those that slander his holy name.
  8. Monk Vineyard when??

  9. Cool guy, hopes he gets accepted

  10. 8/10, would follow again

    1. figdealer


      same tbh upvoted

  11. Felix would be sitting at home upon hearing of his father’s death, he would be shocked with grief and anger he began to repeat the same word in his room, “Why...”
  12. BuilderBagel


    From a very young age, Pedro Gonzalez was always on the move. His family was apart of an unnamed and hardly known tribe. The tribe wandered the Wildlands and Highlands for decades until an encounter with Scyflings in the North. The Scyflings defeated Pedro’s tribe in a brief skirmish and forced him to flee with his mother after his Father was killed fighting them. Pedro continued wandering with his mother for many more years until his Mother’s demise when he was around 13. A few years later, he would hear of the Demon arrival in the continent. News of this spooked Pedro, who was an avid Canonist and believed this to be a challenge from God. Therefore, he attempted to enlist in Operation Oliphaunt but was rejected by the Oren army for being too young. After this rejection from the Oren Army, he was still left wanting to do what he saw as "god's work". He made his way back out into the Wildlands where he eventually decided to find a settlement to live in, though at the moment he still wanders looking for one. He has vowed to convince the leader of a settlement to allow him to enlist and be sent against the Demon threat, but for now he still wanders the Wildlands.
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