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Status Replies posted by Minuvas

  1. Kind of hate how long magics take to learn - it kind of de-incentivises mages being any race that don't have ridiculously long lifespans, or forcing them to find some way to extend their lifespan (Tawkin, Machine Spirits etc). Also I am very impatient sooo. . . take this how you will.

    1. Minuvas


      As a human mage RPer....I feel like the 130+ weeks of living as a magic user is fairly generous. The Elves obviously carry this sense of I've been practicing magic forever deal...but I've come to appreciate that when your character can actually die, you don't take their death/consequences as harshly...versus a character you've played for 5 years whose horded all the Pokemon cards. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Группа крови - на рукаве,
    Мой порядковый номер - на рукаве,
    Пожелай мне удачи в бою, пожелай мне:
    Не остаться в этой траве,
    Не остаться в этой траве.
    Пожелай мне удачи, пожелай мне удачи!

    1. Minuvas


      Группа маежи лучше чем крови, конечно

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. yam need коммунизм :serene:

  4. Staff please fix the mobile forum interface, I can’t color my letters

  5. Players in Europe! How difficult is it to play LOTC when you’re so far ahead of the core time zone base? What do you do to accommodate it?


    also, besides Urguan, what settlements or events are the most likely to align with someone in GMT with a somewhat reasonable sleep schedule? Thanks!

    1. Minuvas


      Its difficult. You find a core group of RPers and you have to RP "through them" to the rest of the time zones. It was incredibly difficult as a settlement leader, I had to distinctly appeal to GMT players or those who played in GMT timezones.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm 4 rep away from 60 on my imp elf post I have never wanted anything more

    1. Minuvas


      *Looks sweatily at the upvote button*

  7. Looking for more Imperial Elves for our rp group in Oren. Wives, Husband's, Daughters, Sons. All types of elves.


    DM me! 

    1. Minuvas


      Sure. Will be indoctrinated to be loyalist though

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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