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Status Updates posted by Apotolofo

  1. holy shit I have a lot to catch up on- its performance week gimme a minute

  2. holy shit thats a lot of replies ok give me a minute

    1. SlitheryC1


      good karma farm

  3. I was told of the wheel. 


    I was indeed, not ready for it.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _Jandy_


      I take issue with anybody who knew there was 18+ art being made of LotC characters. Anybody who was in that server presumably knew of the 18+ channel's existence (since it was the most active part of that discord anyhow).

    3. Turbo_Dog


      Alrighty then we don’t have an issue

    4. Apotolofo


      @_Jandy_I am a minor, I was a minor when I joined the server, had no knowledge that there was NSFW things going on. I had a rather rude awakening. Hope that clears things up.

  4. Also wtf is the wheel

    1. Turbo_Dog


      You are not ready for it

    2. Tav


      save yourself while you still can

  5. BANNING MINORS WILL NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. The problem isn't age, the problem is people.


    So lets say we make the server 18+. Then what? People will still sexualize characters, people will still harass others, but hey. They were legal. 


    Not to mention making the server 18+ implies that things of a sexual nature are allowed. Isn't the whole point that we don't want that to happen? Instead, it opens a flood gate of people who think it's okay. 


    Real talk, I am terrified to turn eighteen. If I am already targeted and sexualized as a teen and minor, it's only going to get worse once I am of "legal age." And that's both horrifying and revolting. 


    This isn't an LotC problem, this is a humanity problem. 


    So then you ask: How do we fix this? You can't. I saw someone say it, I think it was @mika1278, that FTB should be banned altogether. I agree. If you think that whatever happens shouldn't be emoted. . . then you probably shouldn't be doing that. 

    What happened to that post some years back about different ways to rp a child being born? They wrote this whole thing with references to the aspects as well, but it never really stuck, which is sad to me. 


    I don't know about you all, but if my characters decide to have kids, mitosis. It's just going to spawn in at age 10. No questions asked, no questions answered. 


    Anyway, that's my take on this. Toodles. 

  6. pks dropping like flies today

  7. god why is it always having to do with milk?!

  8. what are we forgetting


  10. oh god. . . milk part 2. . .

  11. "he needs some milk" has a whole other meaning now. . . (i'm sorry itdontmatta I'll stop now)

  12. Oh my god all of these statuses are cracking me up

  13. toxic gossip train. . .

    1. Tav


      riding down the tracks of misinformation..

  14. What happened to siliti? The lore page is still up and everything...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HIGH_FIRE


      Everything will be shelved fully on the 31st of May

    3. ClassyDryad
    4. Apotolofo


      oooh damn... ok thanks guys 

  15. had to change my pfp from aech to a ghost

  16. oh damn what happened here

    1. Apotolofo


      ...nevermind. found out

  17. has anyone bought the king yet? @ferrybois

  18. As the Sword of Jophieal once said: SLAY

  19. rest in peace, cookie lady, you were an icon

  20. You know shits going down when all the replies on a forum post are in spoilers. 

    1. Puglord


      think I stumbled across the one you're talking about.

    2. JoshBright


      its funny to watch


  21. Friday, tell Jarvis he is very appreciated.





      Jarvis, thank Friday.

  22. Calling all the people that had characters dating Allengator's! We are going to rp that his death is at our hands <3 (if mods permit) 

  23. To the people wondering whats going on...

    idk either pal 

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