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  1. THE BALLOT ((MC Name: Lunxeuri)) Name: Lunxeuri An’asul Vote 1: Edgars An’asul Vote 2: Edgars An’asul
  2. OOC ((MC Name: Lunxeuri )) ((Discord: Lunxeuri#9799 )) ((Timezone: GMT )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Lunxeuri An'asul Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? In order to break my ignorance and learn about the void in order to help people in need, and meet people who are passionate and knowledgeable about voidal and other forms of magic in order to learn and research. In order to achieve the peace, i wish to help the mages by joining in their ranks. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Currently none, wishing to start. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Practicus When should you be contacted for an interview? Any time that is suitable.
  3. Lair PRO MC Name: Lunxeuri Lair Name: Ruins of Maemathaar Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight/draw at least three on the map): Lair Members: Lunxeuri, SlitheryE, NeosFavGremlin (still growing) Lair Lore (supply link to an existing creature or other lore if being used as basis for this lair) (1000 words minimum): The being named Maemathaar was a human warlord that tried to gain independence and build his own rule. He enslaved many ones including many Kharajyr and killed them under his rule. His rule was spreading day by day, so he built a great castle around the forest. He ambushed defenseless Kharajyr and chained them under his castle. Until one day, the revenants of the people he killed appeared behind Maemathaar and took his head for the retribution of what he has all done. They killed attendants of the warlord that was near close to him one by one. As no one could stop the revenant’s ambush, soldiers and those who can escape deserted the castle, while the chained ones were killed by the revenant, even his former brethren. In due time, the abandoned castle was crumbled one by one yet something was sleeping inside of it. The revenants that ambushed the warlord still chose to stay in the castle, assembling many powerful phantoms along with themselves as well. Many phantoms were attracted to this ruined castle due to the phantoms that dwell inside, resulting in many phantoms beginning to haunt this place more and more every day. As more and more phantoms were coming to haunt this castle, their combined mass corrupted the land and created a scent of death in the air. The assembled phantoms later transformed the castle into a lair for their needs though in a very unorganized manner as each phantom only acted for themselves, they had no hivemind yet. They protected themselves from each other, though rarely did they contribute to each other to protect their castle. Many of the phantoms who were attracted to the ruined castle feared the revenant rulers in the castle and chose to obey and respect them, yet the revenant rulers were in a dormant state, after conquering the castle, The revenants that took the castle had already left the castle at that time, and all that left in the throne room was the skull of the Maemathaar, rotting in place maybe, that was the main reason of all chaos. Although the revenants had taken the castle for themselves long time ago, now that there were no beings that could order the lesser phantoms, it was not unseeble that the unchained phantoms that were attracted and haunting the area would go berserk, each doing what they want. This led to the assembled phantoms going to rampage around the castle devouring and crumbling the lair each day. As everything was going to ruin itself, many humans, elven, and others tried to attack with their armies on this ruined castle trying to grasp the opportunity yet they have never succeeded in being able to claim the land and expel the phantoms. Some of them were even able to reach the room of throne which was said to be the most unreachable place of the castle for a long time, yet they could not pass through the swarm of phantoms, resulting in their defeat. But even though the efforts of the armies could not succeed in making the lair of phantoms fall, they were more than enough to wear out and weaken the phantoms. While the phantoms held a strong defense against the armies to protect the home they made instinctively, they were not acting in unison and were sometimes attacking and devouring each other. The resulting impact of the attacks against them crumbled and destroyed the phantoms along with their lair slowly but surely. At some point, new phantoms stopped being attracted and coming to the lair, and gradually the ectoplasm in the air weakened surely. Taking this as an advantage, the armies of the living started launching their all-out attacks on the lair of the phantoms. Before this, they were only testing the lair’s defenses and launching mostly hit-and-run attacks to wear them out but at this weakened state of the castle’s defenses, they had decided to finally erase the problematic lair out of existence. As the new phantoms had completely stopped coming and some of the phantoms were also leaving the lair, and the throne of the phantoms were in a vacant state for a long time, the phantoms were in no place to defend themselves and the castle against the mighty armies of the living. As the armies started marching towards the lair with their armies, phantoms were beginning to flee the lair. As expected, the result was slowly going towards a complete defeat that would erase the ruined castle from the surface of the world. Most phantoms started escaping and the ectoplasm in the air slowly started to disappear. When they reached the famous throne room of the ruined castle of phantoms, they found a figure in that room sitting on the throne. Throne was vacant for few years yet now they saw something there, the revenant known as Xerx’ragaath was sitting in a dormant state. He was watching all the living, invading his room of death, sullying the realm of death with their presences. Xerx’ragaath was called by the phantoms residing there, for help against the living. He simply analyzed the enemy as the enemies did the same and tried to understand what kind of enemy he is. Even though that he stood there against the forces of living, it was a number that he couldn’t defeat by himself no matter what. So he called, the phantoms to unite under his command against the living which the remaining phantoms replied. After a long battle, the phantoms were able to drive away their attackers from their lair. From there, the revenant Xerx’ragaath took the rule of the castle and was able to make phantoms act in a unified manner for their lair. Even though at the beginning, there was only conflict, the lesser phantoms were devouring each other, while the bigger phantoms were devouring the lesser ones, one by one, and such there was no order in this ruined castle, with his rule phantoms were able to assemble an organized colony in the castle. The ruined castle was repaired by the phantoms and the phantoms began to act as the guards of the colony. Phantoms that escaped started to return as more and more phantoms started to assemble there each day, until one day the ectoplasm in the air got stronger than ever. Although it was no place that was suitable for the living, some living beings that were able to successfully conceal their presence could enter the lair without even being noticed. Phantoms were strengthening their defenses and themselves in this lair day by day. As such the lair was started to be known as Ruins of Maemathaar, known by the name of the warlord that was massacred by the revenants. Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required, give dimensions): 100x83 Including the Residential area, 48x52 for just the castle (We can take just take castle if its too big or shrinken the build) Why can this group not fulfill their roleplay niche in an existing settlement or nation? (Give a detailed answer and examples of how this has not worked in the past.): Currently, ghosts, phantoms and other similar creatures does not have a base or home city that they can roam freely without facing any consequences. If they try to show themselves in the middle of human, elven, dwarf or orc nations, they would not be accepted and would attract an unwanted attention. Walking around with a spectral body in the middle of a city of living would only get them faced with more harm instead. Most of the other settlements or nations are for beings who can conceal their true forms or living creatures. Phantoms and ghosts can't roam the cities freely and they do not have settlement or city for themselves yet. As such, there are not so many places for these creatures where they can live freely, haunt whatever they want and show their true natures. Even though cities of the living may be good places for haunting, these creatures needs a place where they can return as a unified home base. How does this lair add to the greater world around it? This lair aims to act as a base of all kinds of dead creatures, the smell of death fills the air and creatures of various kinds roam the land freely. The living needs to conceal themselves in order to enter. The lair fills the gap for the home base of these creatures in the world. It is not an area for the normal living beings yet mages trip to this lair for their necro rituals. It's the haunted castle of the ghosts and phantoms, giving these creatures a base that they can use freely in the greater world around it. It enchantifies the lore behind these creatures by adding them to the world with a base for them to act on. This lair will add upon and enchance the lore and roleplay of phantoms, and living beings will have different roles to act in this lair, giving them unique oppurtunities. In this lair, people needs to get cautious in order to protect themselves. How will its existence benefit its roleplay group and the server at-large?: This lair will offer very unique roleplay experience that we haven't been able to find before in the server yet. In this lair, every ghost and phantom will show their truest and most gruesome forms without any restriction, offering them a unique experience of rp and a place to belong that didnt exist before. The living beings will have to act very differently from their hometowns in order to protect themselves from the phantoms without being noticed, trying to conceal themselves from them while in the lair, giving them an unique experience as well. There will be places that mages uses in their necro rituals in this lair. For living beings to enter this lair, there will be hidden side entrances where phantom guards do not look at that much. Overally, this lair aims to offer very unique elements of rp targeted around ghosts and phantoms but at the same time offering every persona to experience a different type of rp from what they are used to in their cities previously. Willing to compromise on anything that isnt viewed as suitable :)
  4. Cleared his throat and skimmed over his long and long parchment made of precious leather, which he worked on preparing until morning for two days straight. Although he had prepared himself for the speech perfectly so that he had no need for his long parchment anymore, he still thought that bringing a parchment of enormous lengths would bring a good noble aesthetic for his performance and speech. So, he unbound the silk strings that were binding his long parchment as he set the first step to the stairs that leads to the lectern. As he climbed the stairs to begin his speech, a blast of wind came over to him that waved his long parchment in the air, which he held strongly for not letting it go fly away. "Greetings, precious citizens of our great Silver State, those who hold the purest blood of Mali'thill. Our great stat, as you already know, has seen many attacks and has overcome many hardships yet it is still standing strong although i believe that we should be stronger more than ever as we are currently in a war. And such, i am aiming to do my best for our state in current and every other possible situations that may arise in the future. As a member of the An'asul talonni, i have the responsibility of contributing and guiding the Silver State to it's best state it can be. From my observations, I can see that currently we are not in our best stachildren of Lariheite that we can be, but we can be easily solve our many problems with the contributions of An'asul, just like it has always been so. The war is threatening our peace, thus we will get stronger and defend our nation. To do this, we need knowledge of magical arts and war. To do this, we need to be healthy. Because of this, i am applying for Okarir’maehr and Okarir’hiylun positions, aiming for getting elected to either one of them as my responsibility. I am completely trusting to the judgement of our great citizens of the Silver State for giving their votes to the best people that can lead in their respective positions. I want to guide our great citizens to their greatest potential ever, and for doing such a thing I aim to get elected as Okarir’maehr for my first choice. I believe that i am capable of fulfilling the great responsibility of Okarir’maehr with my desire to pursuit knowledge no matter what. I am travelling the world in order to find knowledges that may bring our Silver State peace and prosperity. For Okarir'maehr, i believe a person should be curious and wanting to learn new information at all times, and also Okarir'maehr should be able to manage the Eternal Library without any problems. They also need to have certain characteristics such as absolute loyalty to the Silver State and its citizens, while deeply respecting to the concept of knowledge, our traditions and culture and the desire to pass on these pieces of knowledge of our ancestors to the next generation. I believe that i hold these characteristics, and if i can manage to get the position of Okarir’maehr, i will try my best to educate and develop the knowledge, magical skills and culture of all Mali'thill that is within our Silver State. I plan to open a school for magical arts and history that will educate all the students up to wherever they can get themselves up to. This school will make us stronger in magical arts and will develop our sense of unity as state citizens. Young citizens will be able to learn our glorious history in these schools, helping them to develop their righteous loyalties towards our state. I am also planning to increase the amount of our books in the Eternal Library by searching and getting precious books of knowledges. Overally, we will increase the importance of the knowledge in our nation and educate the citizens, which will prosper our future generations. As my second choice if it's ever needed, i am also applying for the position of Okarir’hiylun for helping our dearest citizens to be healthy as much as possible, while trying to expand our reach in terms of medical knowledge and science. I believe that Okarir'hiylun needs some certain characteristics to be able to serve our state in a perfect manner, such as absolute loyalty towards the state and its citizens, the never ending desire for the advance in the medical and scientific fields. I believe that i have these qualities to serve our state in the best way possible and i aim to prove it through action if i can be elected. I am aiming to look for the health of every children of Larihei in our state personally, and develop the facilities of our Silver Clinic and the Silver Laboratories to their maximum potential so we may treat every patient of our clinics of the state. I will aim to pursue for the deepest medical knowledges that exists, and such i aim to work alongside the Okarir'maehr in this field so we can progress in the fastest way. Our clinic and laboratory will be revamped and i will choose best of best for our doctors and scientist to work there. We will definitely evolve further in the medical and scientific fields with my guidance, and i promise to lower the death rates of our patients in the clinics to the minimum level possible. As an An'asul, i will guide our citizens for the best future. The choice for better change. Breaking barriers, building a future. Lunxeuri An'asul for a stronger Haelun'or! Thanks for your attention"
  5. Aevos


    Lunx was born in Haelun’or with his twin brother Caeli in a noble lineage of pure high elven family. From their birth, they were always together and he was always overdependent on his brother as they didn't had a mother figure. Their mother died during birth due to the cost of bringing them to this world. As twins, their family was being targeted by jealousy of other elves. During an attack to Haelun’or, they were betrayed from a rivaling noble high elven family who were jealous of their twin birth. As a result, father of them were killed during this attack because of this betrayal, also Lunx and Caeli were abducted to be sold as slaves due to their pure noble high elven lineage. As they were taken outside of their cities to a basement where various illegal substances and dangerous Shade creatures trapped could be found, they found a way to escape. Caeli reached to the nearby box of glass tubes filled with some sorts of magic after he and Lunx could drag the cage they are in by some struggle, and threw them to the guards and fainting them, just as they broke the cage, the substance that they threw formed into a cloud of dark mana and clunged on Caeli. The dark energy started corrupting him, changing his appereance and engullfing him in black clouds. His white hair turned dark and his eyes became red. Lunx watched this in horror, and then high elves came to them to rescue but they didn't rescue the corrupted Caeli, ignoring cries of Lunx as they said that wasn't a high elf. Lunx was forcibly seperated from his brother along with this event. He tried to search for his brother but coulnd't find any clues. He hated the high elves who abandoned his brother and although he held little confidence, he won't stop until meeting his brother.
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