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  1. Looking back at the Almaris snapshot makes me realize how much better the map design was, even the empty areas had more varied terrain and just somehow seemed more alive. Towering forests of thick conifers, mesas, open plains, alluvial hills, great river valleys, and large chains of islands to explore made Almaris just seem so full of things to get lost and discover. I've been looking through it all day and I'm still finding interesting places I've never seen before despite playing on the map for a year.



    Aevos just doesn't really compare stylistically and just seems very milktoast. I hope we get a sort of map expansion soon - maybe another big island chain or half-continent to mess around in to add more variety for exploration's sake.

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    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Nostalgia taints your view of Almaris. Aevos also has all of the positive qualities you attribute to Almaris and the only reason Almaris feels so “full of things to get lost and discover” is because Almaris was around for two and a half years and Aevos has only been here for one.

    3. SethWolf


      Nah. This isn't nostalgia posting, Aevos genuinely does have much, much less to explore. 


      It's a very circular map that leaves little room to do things like naval exploration rp, as there's nowhere to really go save for the one or two small Islands to the south due to the map overall being sort of small. 

    4. Unwillingly


      ppl have said this about literally every single map when will it end

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