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About xo31

  • Birthday 09/12/2005

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    magic begging, powergaming, and metagaming
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  1. genuine question: even after having a TA, i'm not sure how to go about asking/requesting/wanting/getting an MA or CA that I particularly want. obviously asking OOC is a big no-no, but the way some people act, it's like im meant to pretend i dont want it. what is the proper etiquette to trying to get an MA/CA that you want?

    it's quite discouraging for new players when they show up somewhere, wanting to make their character into a mage or otherwise and are called a magic beggar for the rest of their lotc experience. be friendly for the love of god. it shows that they actually took the time to look into the lore for what they thought could be fun. of course i dont mean the people who are rude and abysmal rpers, but, the friendly people who just never learned what 'magic begging' means

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    2. xo31


      @Samler @Carson im also wondering what the proper actions are on the other side- lets say i want to learn a specific type of magic, n' i know people ooc who have it. i dont want to ooc contact em cause i dont wanna be THAT GUY, but, how do i let them know im interested?

    3. Carson


      honestly it depends. I have to know someone on a basic sort of level to trust them for something powerful, but that doesn't need to be months of process. it's a good question, one I'm kind of struggling with myself because I've been in your position before.


      to be honest, for ME, idc if someone contacts me to express interest. generally I'll say "yeah come meet my character and see how it goes," and if they become good friends/trusted then I will most likely teach them. as for you, come roll with [redacted] in [redacted] and I'll see what I can do. that being said, I'm kind of full on students at the moment but I would be happy to vouch for you to someone else if things go well :)


      there was someone who was incessantly begging me for magic, and no, I don't consider expressing interest to be begging. but this guy, who I won't name because he's also a meta gamer, would say "whyyyyy won't you teach me xyz" after I said he would have to go through the proper RP mediums.

    4. Samler


      Honestly, I just straight up asked ICly for all of my magics.

      "Hey Ev, I have seen you do water magic, mind teaching me so I can better fight against the fire lich?"

      "That transmutation magic seems neat. Mind teaching me Usamea? I will share with you the knowledge of water evocation if you are likewise interested. Don't want water? I see."

      "Hey Nikko, seems very cool with your whole summoning animals. I think I can do a lot of good for my people if you taught me, like imagine me creating an enchantment to summon an oxe to carry stuff, will make life so much easier. I will even teach you water evo- You don't want water evocation? I should had known."

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