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About xo31

  • Birthday 09/12/2005

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    magic begging, powergaming, and metagaming
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  1. genuine question: even after having a TA, i'm not sure how to go about asking/requesting/wanting/getting an MA or CA that I particularly want. obviously asking OOC is a big no-no, but the way some people act, it's like im meant to pretend i dont want it. what is the proper etiquette to trying to get an MA/CA that you want?

    it's quite discouraging for new players when they show up somewhere, wanting to make their character into a mage or otherwise and are called a magic beggar for the rest of their lotc experience. be friendly for the love of god. it shows that they actually took the time to look into the lore for what they thought could be fun. of course i dont mean the people who are rude and abysmal rpers, but, the friendly people who just never learned what 'magic begging' means

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    2. Carson


      I honestly think it’s dumb that it’s considered bad to show an interest in something. It helps me greatly when people do.

    3. Unwillingly


      yeah I agree with the above tbh I think it's dumb how some communities will make fun of players for showing interest in their magic. obviously begging incessantly is one thing and not every player is fit for a specific niche of RP but sometimes people will just go "hey I saw you were a siliti and I'm kind of interested in the CA, could we rp sometime?" and get flamed for it in private chats. personally I'd be thrilled if someone showed interest in naz OOCly without me having to offer it first because I've never really had that happen 


      tl;dr de-normalize making fun of players for asking for magic opportunities OOCly

    4. alexmagus


      yeah sorry you have to coordinate with ooc friends to ensure you don't get shunned from LoTC society..

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