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Status Replies posted by shiftnative

  1. Who ever gave perms of Riven to the enemy. Congratulations buddy. *sarcastic clap*

  2. Who ever gave perms of Riven to the enemy. Congratulations buddy. *sarcastic clap*

  3. Feels bad that he literally blew up Riven

  4. I can't seem to find the validation email, can somebody help me? I've check my junk folders ect, resent the email aswell, but its still not there.

  5. I can't seem to find the validation email, can somebody help me? I've check my junk folders ect, resent the email aswell, but its still not there.

  6. Remember to comment - give a diamond or vote for our planet minecraft account ! It's getting us a whole new crowd - http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/lord-of-the-craft-766094/

  7. Trying to decide from Wurm, LotRo, Dead Frontier, or mother Everquest......So much choices and so little time.....

  8. My friend who hasn't been on since August finally came back after I've spent 5 months of stalking him down. Win.

  9. I have been on the server all day. One of the best, I sha surely vote. I am a guardian! Haha!

  10. The Late Night Alrasian Military Training runs http://i.imgur.com/4LqxV.jpg

  11. Iz mah birthday... on Friday the 13th... D:

  12. What is the recomended texture pack if there is one?

  13. *Is RP'ing as Bob Ross painting beautiful scenery of Salvus (when im just taking pictures of MC with the shader mods :D ))

  14. Snooped around the Rex Palace today. All those big empty spaces give me a FIERCE desire to decorate them. Hm...maybe if I can't be a Wargoth, I'll be an interior decorator.

  15. Snooped around the Rex Palace today. All those big empty spaces give me a FIERCE desire to decorate them. Hm...maybe if I can't be a Wargoth, I'll be an interior decorator.

  16. Writing a biography for my new character as we speak, it's gonna be picture style!

  17. Hello and welcome to my profile!!

  18. Journeying to Alras!

  19. This server seem too good for me, I am so nervous! SO NERVOUS *jumps off a bridge*

  20. Tomorrow. My Birthday. \m/

  21. How long has it been since everyone migrated from Aegis? I can't find it.

  22. New, PROPER faction map in-the-works !

  23. New, PROPER faction map in-the-works !

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